Chapter 6: Hostage Taker

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I was in the hell hole of that Costco for so long that I started to enjoy the action that was happening more and more, even if I hated killing people at first. Now, I was basically forced to stay at base, and just...wait. Wait until Tenebri finally reveals himself. I was getting bored of waiting. At the crack of dawn, I exited my little base to go and scavenge for food and water. At this point, I knew there was some food close to me, but the water was all the way down the store at the back. So I decided to get the water first, just to get it out of the way so I can quickly get some food afterwards. On my quest to the water, I saw some guys scoping out the place. They seemed to be new to this costco, and already took out the guards blocking off the water. As I approached them, they both suddenly pointed their guns at me. "Who are you and what are you doing here?!" They yelled, getting some spit in my face. Thankfully, I can't even feel my damn face anymore. "Magus, and I'm another survivor at this Costco, I've been here longer than you, so I should be the one asking the que-" "Shush!" They put the gun right on my head, wanting me to shut up. "So this is the game we're gonna play, huh? I just want some damn water, you know." At this point I was getting frustrated with them, feeling like I was about to snap at any moment. "Nope! All this water is for us, none for you. Got it?" "Yeah yeah alright you guys I get i-" "Didn't I say that you should shut up? Just nod your freaky hole face and we're good, yeah? You piece of shit."

Hearing that made my goddamn BLOOD BOIL. I grabbed the first guy's arm and slammed him into the ground, then ran up behind the other guy and snatched his gun from his own hand, put him in a chokehold and pressed the gun against his head. "Owwww my fucking entire body hurts...HEY! You let go of my brother or I will do some despicable things to you." The guy said, in which I could clearly see he was pissed off that I have his brother at gunpoint, like any sane human being would be. "P-Please man, I don't wanna die. Let me go...please! I'M BEGGING YOU!" The man was crying, getting some of his dirty tears on my legs. "Yeah...yeah alright, I'll let you go man. But first, what's your name?" "R-Ravage-" I immediately blew his brains out. Right in front of his brother. "NOOOOOO!!!! WHY MAN, WHY?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU'RE SCUM, YOU HEAR ME?! SCUM!" "Oh yeah, what's your name?" "JEREMY. IT'S JEREMY YOU PIECE OF SH-" I then shot him in between his eyes. I just wanted to take out some trash. "Hah, Ravage. What a stupid name..." I picked up a 30 pack of water bottles, and proceeded to make it back to my base. While on the way, I also stocked up on some food as well.

While sitting down in my base eating some expired chips, I saw the ranger jump down from the shelves, landing in front of my base. "What's wrong with you?" He said, with a disgusted look on his face. "What?" I replied, since I was a little confused somehow. "You just...killed both of them? In cold blood? You said you were gonna let that man go, then immediately shot him. Boy, what the hell is wrong with you?" "They were scumbags, you know. They were just gonna hoard the water for themselves!" "That does not justify your actions, Magus. I'm ashamed, truly, I am. At first I thought maybe you were a good person, helping me out and killing ACTUAL scum and all that, but nope! I guess I'm just an idiot! You're a piece of shit, Magus. That guy calling you that before you actually did what you did is shocking, it seems like he can smell scum from a mile away!" "Watch. Your. Tone." "Or what, huh? Will the great magician Magus KILL ME? You don't have the balls to do it, and frankly you're too WEAK to do it!" "..." "That's what I thought. Bye." And just like that, he disappeared into the wind. Frankly, I was appalled that he just said that all to me. I went from liking this guy, loving him as a true brother honestly, I mean...he saved my life! But now? I hate his fucking guts. I'm not sure if we're ever gonna be doing this plan together. At that moment I thought that maybe...maybe I could do it by myself.

Soon enough, Tenebri will come. And when he comes, he's dead. Everyone in this hell hole but me is dying. No one will live.

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