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"Y/N"! Ur group of friends said "shut up!" The man said and slapped u, tears were forming into ur eyes as u held on ur cheeks then ur lips to see it bleed "u dont want to give me ur phone number!? Fine then this is what happens if u dont give me ur phone number!" He grabs ur hair and u were crying a mess  then he starts to punch u "Y/N!" ur members said the group of boys grabs ur friends hair and beats them ,
He punched u until u fainted suddenly when ur friends are getting beaten up a group of boys grabs  their collar and its Enhypen Sunghoon,Jay,Jake grabs their collar and beats them the other boys who was beating up Lisa, Yuna , and Ryujin saw them and fought with them meanwhile with the girls Yunjin, Chaewon, Jennie , Yuna , Ryujin and Lisa were trying to find Y/N and saw Y/N unconscious and Heeseung fighting with the guy who beated up Y/N

Heeseungs Pov
Me and the member were walking but saw Y/N with a guy i was kinda jealous but i didnt mind and we watched them, after that we were gonna walk away , but we heard a scream and we all turned around and saw the girl getting beaten up and Y/N getting beaten up then fainted we were frozen in our spot but then we realised that the girls were also gonna faint, sunghoon,jay and jake ran up to the guys who beated up Yuna, Lisa and Ryujin while the maknaes ran over to the girls while i was running to the guy who was abt to punch Y/N, i grabbed his collar and slammed him onto the floor i was punching the guy and after i felt satisfied i grabbed Y/N and held her unconscious body onto mine i put my leg onto the guys chest and pressed it the guy coughed trying to gasp for air "if u dare to touch Y/N! U are dead" i said he gripped onto my leg and said "aren't u her enemy?" He smirked "i may be her enemy but i still care for her" pressing it harder then let go "understand?" I said while glaring at him "y-yes..!" He said "good" i turned back to the others and saw the other members look terrified "wae?" I said "nothing" jake said i carried Y/N in a bridal style "lets go" i said the other members were holding the girls to walk as we arrived to our dorms which is the boys dorm we snucked them secretly the members brought the girls to the guest rooms but it didn't have much space so i brought Y/N to my room the members were treating the girls in one room as i brought Y/N to my room, i layed her on the bed and i cleaned up her wounds and put oil and just treat her and stuff "i cant believe i finally met u im sorry i didnt tell u" i grab the blanket and put it over her and i layed on the couch beside my bed and slept

Y/Ns Pov
I woke up in an unfamiliar room i looked around and saw Heeseung i then looked at my wounds and saw them got treated so i guess Heeseung already treated them 'i wonder wheres the other member' i sat up and was abt to stood up but Heeseung said something and it got me startled "if ur trying to find ur members theyre in the guest room" " abt ur members? "Theyre sleeping in their rooms ofc" "ok..then thanks ig for saving me and the other members" "my pleasure" "why are u sleeping on the couch? Just sleep here ill sleep on the couch" "its fine u can sleep there" "nono ur sleeping here" i grabbed Heeseungs arm and he fell on the bed as i was abt to stand up he grabbed my wrist which made me layed back on the bed which make me face him "if im sleeping here ur gonna sleep here" "its fi-" "no its my room and ur gonna sleep here" "fine" i said but then he cuddled me and said "im sorry for not telling u that i moved out can we pls get back to how we were..?" He looked at me with his bambi eyes "ugh why do u have to be so cute and ok we can go back to how we were" i said and cuddled him back "yey" he said i chuckled 'cute' then we fell asleep while cuddling

Its morning and the sunlight hit my face which made me turn around and saw Heeseung snuggling onto me i chuckled he wrapped my waist with his hand and pulled me closer "lets sleep for a few more minutes im still tired" i giggled "ok" and we both fell asleep again

Heeseungs pov
I woke up with Y/N beside me im just admiring her face features then i remembered the members and the other Black Cats member i got up slowly to go and check on them, i open the guest room and the girls are still sleeping and i check on the members and i saw Sunghoon, Jungwon, Sunoo and Niki  still sleeping then i close the door. I went to the kitchen and saw Jake and Jay cooking "hm-? Oh morning hyung" Jake said "morning" i replied to him "theyre still sleeping?" Jay asked me "yea" i said, i go and sit onto the stool as i was waiting the food to be done , the maknaes and Sunghoon came out "oh? The girls still sleeping?" Sunghoon asked "yep" Jay replied "Morning hyungs" the maknaes said, "morning" me, Jake and Jay said. After a few minutes the guest room door went wide open, and we heard "YAH! KIM CHAEWON COME BACK HERE" Ryujin said "AAAAA!" Chaewon screamed , then we saw Chaewon running away from Ryujin, Ryujin trying to chase Chaewon,  Jennie and Yunjin holding back Ryujin then Yuna and Lisa stopping Ryujin. Me and the boys were shock "what. just. happened.?" Sunghoon said "CHAEWON TOOK MY LIPGLOSS" Ryujin replied "CHAEWON WHERES HER LIPGLOSS?" Yuna said "I-IN MY MAKEUP B-BAG!" After Chaewon said that Ryujin came rushing in the guest room "found it?" Lisa said "YEP FOUND IT!" Ryujin said then all of them went to the kitchen "eh? Wheres Y/N?" Jennie said "still sleeping" i replied to her "sleepyhead" Yunjin said after she said that Y/N came out of the room "did. u. just. call. me. a. sleepyhead..?" looking cute but scary while glaring at her, Yunjin slowly turned around and said "N-no..? Heheh..?" Yunjin said "Ok!" Y/N said while smiling

Its been a few months Y/N has been here, the Black Cats were just walking when they heard some ppl say "Yo i heard that Y/N was using Heeseung for fame" a person said "ikr, Heeseung deserves it after bullying almost everyone here" the Black Cats heard and look at eachother "Is it true Y/N?" Chaewon said "No! It's technically false rumour!" Y/N said "i believe Y/N cus shes happy with Heeseung and theres no way shes using him for fame beside , they were childhood friends" Yunjin said "oh wait yeah they were childhood friend" Yuna said "ok so if thats a false rumour , we should stop it before it gets to Heeseung" Jennie said "but how?" Lisa asked "maybe only Y/N and Heeseung can stop it?" Chaewon said "Ok so in order to stop this false rumour we need Y/N and Heeseung to stop them"Ryujin  said "Ok so Y/N?" Yuna said "yeah?" I replied "We need u to go to Heeseung to stop this and prove that u two have been friends since when u guys were kids" Yuna said "ok!" I replied then we all went to find Heeseung, as we were finding him we saw Heeseung with Enhypen. We all went to them "Yeorobu-!" Ryujin said "Ugh what do you want?!" Jay said "Look the rumour is fal-"lisa got cutted off bye Jungwon saying "I can't believe that u would use hyung for fame" "Its fake alrig-?!" I said but then i got slapped by Heeseung "shut up u bitch" Heeseung said "Heeseung!" all of my members said "Fine! If u dont want to believe us u figure it out ur own way! I hate u Lee Heeseung!!" I said and pushed him then stormed off "Tch" Heeseung said "Y/N!" Black cats came running to me"if he doesn't believe us then let that rumour be! I dont care!" I said "if thats it then we'll let it spread" Chaewon said "come on we have to practice for the dance practice" they went to the empty room

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