32. Who she actually is...

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Just then her bio date of this world was shown.
Gina Rossini, born name Gina Costa.
Twenty three years old.
Husband Luigi Rossini. When died he was twenty three as well.
She was stunned. In the other wold she was actually twenty eight.
"Are you sure I'm twenty three? Why is time difference so large?" She was stunned.
*Timeline is same, you were just born here five years later then in your original world.*
All she could do is to accept it.
*Oldest son Luca Rossini, eight years old. His was born eight years ago in February 11th. Early in morning. Your parents were alive at that time and gifted him two large silver coins before leaving to Alca country where your mother was from.*
Her mother was orphan and her father's family died when there was tsunami. Actually she was half Chinese half Italian mixture, but didn't speak neither language.
Out of curiosity she learned some and was proud of it. His family disowned him for not following family rules and as she was girl, they never visited so she was not sure what was going on there.
Later she went on her own to visit and met the family, but they just greeted her and let her go back as they didn't want even to be related to her.
For goodness sake she was not even born out if wedlock as her parents even married in church but it was still not enough for her grandpa's family to accept it.
Her grandma never spoke about her maternal family so it was impossible to find out where she actually came from.
After their deaths when she was child she cried for days as they died one after other. They really loved each other and had only her father.
*Second son Marco Rossini. Age six. Born six years ago on June 18th.
You met your husband after your grandparents died as child and since then your two were inseparable and married after you were old enough.*
If her oldest son had eight and she is now twenty three.
Did that woman she got child with fifteen?
What... The... Heck!?
These ancient people are really procreative.
*Your mother-in-law has only two sons. She had five children but two daughters married and died from new kind of pneumonia while one of sons died while she was pregnant. Gianni Rossini is actually older then your brother, but your mother-in-law has slowly problem with her mind as huge tumor grew in her brain. Approximate time before death is two weeks. She will just fall asleep and die peacefully. Don't stress about it. Better then staying longer alive with pain.*
He scanned her expression as saw literally painful expression on her face.
Gina thought about it.
That woman lived like his for long time and finally bound ends together.
"What is going on with that house in fisherman village?" She was curious.
*House was actually on your name and legally he can't touch it as soon your mother-in-law dies. She knows she will die. Some humans can feel end of their days. So she tried exchanging that peaceful village for you and children instead of that house as she felt he won't greed for it after living here for years. And he will inherit lots of money and two more houses in city she is renting so house in village far from city won't be indeed interested to him or his family.*
How intresting...

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