Chapter 5

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I feel my composure melt away as I close the door behind me and enter my study. Before I can stop it, my knees go weak and I land on the floor with a harsh thud. Pain shoots up my legs into my spine, but I don't care. My entire being is consumed with agony.

Meadow drifts to mind. Her brilliant smile lives in my memory. A choked sob escapes my lips.

I remember the nights she used to cower in fear inside my closet while my father went on a murderous rampage through the castle. Even when she was terrified, she gave me more courage than I ever had. A debt I can never repay. Heavens know I tried. I vowed that the castle would be safe for her. That the kingdom would be safe for her. I put so much effort into stabilizing the realm when the real threat still lived in the castle.

My mind flashes to the Room of Scales. Meadow's personal guard. He had sold her location to that man. He walked away and left her that night. Now his blood coats my crown. Ironic. In the end, the crown couldn't save her. I grip one of the silver spikes and rip it off my head. It clanges loudly when I toss it away. 

Hot tears stream down my cheeks and land on the oak floor. A sob wracks through my body. I feel myself fall forward and place an arm on the floor before my head can hit the ground. My dark hair surrounds me in shadow. All light is gone. She's gone. A wail falls past my lips and the anger inside me boils. I bring my arm up and slam it back down against the floor. The wood splinters upward into my hand.

"AHHHH!" the sound echoes around the room. It only fuels my hate.

I reach out and find the leg of my desk nearby. I grip it hard, long silver claws extending into the wood. It shatters under the pressure of my grip. The desk tips off balance and the books and papers I had on it fall to the floor. Rage consumes me. I rear my body up, flipping the table in the process. My foot finds its underbelly and lays blow after blow. The only sounds I can hear are my harsh pants and the satisfying groans of the wood as I continually beat into it. I didn't even realize when the door squeaks open. Nor did I hear the footsteps approaching.

A slender hand grabs at my arm. Flinching, I go to swing a hit at whoever interrupted my destructive rampage. My body freezes, fist still reeled back, when I see Riven. She looks at me sadly. Her steely gray eyes take in my disheveled appearance. No doubt she realizes the blood coating my clothes. A frown slowly forms at the corners of her mouth.

"Riven," it's breathless and broken. My chest heaves up and down as I lower my fist.

"Dris," her voice is soft and empathetic. I engulf her in a hug. My tears wet her shoulder as I sob into her neck.

Riven shifts her shoulder. Suddenly, her arm is around my back, stroking me softly. I feel numb.

"I miss her, too," she whispers in my ear. A guttural growl resonates from my chest.

We stand like that for a few minutes, each consoling the other in our shared grief. 

"Iridis," she pulls back, her gray orbs searching my eyes. I step back and wipe my eyes. "I came to tell you I heard from Colt." 

I snap my head up and listen intently. 

"Here," she reaches inside a pocket hidden in the feathers of her dress. "He sent me a note." She hands me the folded parchment. I take it and unfold it as I step closer to a candle on the window sill. I hold it up to the light. 

'Aradia confirmed your suspicions. The vial of blood you supplied is laced with black magic. Most likely cast by witches in the East. I will stay in Saltcrest until I hear back.' 

I crumple the note. 

"What did it say?" Riven asks me. Just as I am about to answer her, there is a sharp knock on the door. We share a glance and then she turns. She steps over pieces of my broken desk to unlock the door. Ezra comes in. There is sweat on his brow and a black bloodied towel in his hands. I raise my eyebrow at the substance and wipe my face on my sleeve.

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