chpater 4. college

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I was welcomed with a cold breeze

"wow "I exclaimed, my new life
has just begun today I said to myself .

I started arranging my stuff in my

wardrobe ,i spread my bed sheets and made my bed well.

I rushed to take my bath and in no time I was ready, I sat down on my bed, the

three other girls walked in, having

conversations between Themself I was like

so soon like they were acting like they

have known each other for years .

Hi I'm Ivan,
I'm Joan
I'm susan, the girl introduced

themselves , and I'm Jessie I ,said, the girls reminds me of Lola, Kate and

Joyce my highschool year friends,


Susan :ok guys let get to know our selves more ,
I'm susan aspiring for nursing, I'm

seventeen year old, well if  you  ask why I choose

chris-college for nursing, my dad

sees it as one of the best school in

town cos my elder brother graduated as

engineering here.

Joan :ok you guys already know my

name I'm sixteen year old aspiring for

med and surgery, I didn't choose

Chris-college my dad did becos he

didn't want me to be far from home .

and I'm Ivan, "oh my gosh " this girl sounds like the crazy one just by her attitude

I'm aspiring for law, reason why I wanna

read law to sever justice to the injustice

and I'm eighteen years old, "OK that was

impressive"  I said to myself .

I'm Jessie and aspiring for

paediatrician and turning sixteen   this year

Joan :why paediatrician, ? I mean there are other many science courses,

Jessie :i choose this course because of  Ned death

Who is Ned ? (joan Ivan Susan)

he was my little brother

Joan : "was " I mean is he dead, ?

Yes ,he died when is was three yrs

of convulsions ( genetic defects )

Joan : genetic?

yes and that why I choose this course

I went to help some many children out

there , both ss children (sickle cell

anemia) and those   battling with other

Diseases  to live a normal life,  I know  that

there are some that don't have cure  but

they can till live a normal life as far  the

medication  is taken

OK that was a very sad story (joan)


Yeah but all in the past, I'm happy today of who I have become and what I am to be in the future.

My first day in class, the school is actually

a big  one to say with flowers surounded everywhere .

Everyone went to their. Various classes cos we

aren't going for the same courses, so I have    more new friends to meet. **********************

I walked to my calss,

Okayyyy  my  first time  in a class   crowded 
I feel  kinda of  awkward  like  in my  senior year in class  we are just thirsty  or twenty  in a class  but the crowd here  is huge 

I went in to look for  seat , I sat down looking around  at the  new environment  ,I noticed
this boy  staring  at me ,I felt bad cos I didn't know what the  look was for, I mean didn't do anything  bad I only looked for  seat and sat down, the look reminds me of my mom,  when  ever she angry at me  she always give me  this  look like I gonna kill you ,  oh gosh  I couldn't look back 

I just took out my handout  to read.

Minutes later a young good  looking man walked in he should be in his  thirtys  entered the class
Good day  sir (class)  
Good day  to  you all. I welcome you all  freshers and I  hope you  know  why  you here for and I  wish you  all success  

Thank you  sir  ( calss)  

he started  teaching and I  enjoyed it  the  way  he explained, the class was quite  I guess we all enjoyed his teaching 

the  class  was over, everyone rushing out  to their  various places

Waiting under the  guava  tree, I  took  out my phone  to call  my roomie I called Joan and  she  is  done  with  class  so I decided to go  meet  her

I felt a tap at my back . I turned to  see  who it was  and behold it was the  boy who was  staring at me in class
excuse me  I'm Kelvin , you?
I'm Jessie

Jessie nice to meet you  (Kelvin) 
Nice to meet you  too I said to  him we  talked for a while  about  schools and  friends. I'm sorry I  have to  meet my friend she is alone,
OK can I  have  you  contact 
Sure  I gave him my phone number  and  let.


Seriously  we spoke about an hour ago and  you  told me you are done with class, what took you so long to come back.

I'm sorry I was with a friend

Joan  :  a friend ?

Yes a friend

fine  let's eat

Joan  already prepared noodles for lunch

she  sever the  food,  we started  eating.

Jessie how  was your first day in class

It was  cul.
yours, ?    Joan  :eeeeeem if you ask me  I will  say  boring

boring why?  I ask

don't  really know I guess it becos it's my  time and I don't have any one I know  unlike you, you made  friends  today

so  tell me more about your new  friend
which  friend?

the one you were talking with that made you come home late

Oh eeeemm his name is Kevin and his  my fellow coursemate we  didn't talk much  just about  our senior year and a  little about  family 

Joan:  wait weewee, you already have a boyfriend at your first day

boy friend, I don't get it we are just friends

Joan :  don't be shy to  tell me  more   about

your boyfriend  don't worry I'm gonna tell you about mine

excuse me I don't know what you are  talking about okay  let just eat

Joan, :stop  pretending like you don't   know it okay you are  just  shy to talk about it

we  heard someone knocking at the door  I

went to  see who it  was

Ivan : hiiiii guys 
welcome   how was first day  it was cool
we didn't learn  that  much,  today was all about  introduction

Were is Susan I ask 

Joan  I don't know,  she  supposed to be

back by  now I  mean  classes are over 

Can you  give  her a  call I ask

Joan : she  said  she on her way  so don't worry about her she  not a baby
the day was almost over I decided to  get some rest .

Please if you really  enjoyed this  four  part please vote for me pretty please 🙏😥

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