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Two girls walked side by side through the quiet streets in the dead of night, their steps echoing softly in the darkness. One of them, Eun, appeared to be composed, while the other, Yn, leaned on her for support. The atmosphere was heavy with an unspoken tension.

One's voice broke the silence, tinged with frustration, "You should quit drinking like this, Yn. You're really getting on my nerves now."

Yn, trying to defend herself and regain her composure, replied, "I didn't want to do that, Eun unnie. The boys forced me."

Eun looked back at Yn with a mix of disbelief and exasperation. She had been through this countless times, fetching Yn from the bar, only to find her either extremely drunk or surprisingly sober, with the same excuses offered each time.

But Eun couldn't give up on this girl. Yn was not just her roommate; she was her childhood friend and neighbor, and even more complicated than that, a one-sided love. Eun had loved Yn since their childhood. Yn had been her protector, her savior, and her living angel. Whenever trouble came her way, Yn was there to rescue her.

Their bond had deepened when Eun's parents had to separate from her due to educational matters. Yn had stepped in, becoming her guardian angel, looking after her, ensuring her safety, and caring for her in ways that were more than just friendship. Their affection for each other sometimes led them to share intimate moments, and Eun saw Yn as more than just a friend, envisioning her as a perfect boyfriend.

Eun wanted to hold on to these feelings forever, cherishing the dream of a lifetime spent with Yn. As they continued to walk, Eun took a deep breath, her emotions bottled up.

Yn noticed the sadness in Eun's face and felt remorse for causing her pain. She stopped and stood in front of Eun, gently cupping her face and asked, "Unnie, are you upset with me?"

Eun sighed, her concern evident, "Why do you keep doing this, Yn? You know I don't like it when you drink like that. Why don't you realize that it's harmful for you?"

Yn looked down, her voice filled with regret, "I'm sorry, unnie. I try to avoid it. But every weekend, because of having a one-day vacation, the boys at my bar don't let me."

Eun sighed once more and offered a solution, "Then you should maintain your distance from them. Or do you want me to talk to them?"

Yn, worried about the potential consequences, quickly replied, "No, no! You don't have to. I'll talk to them and tell them that my friend doesn't like me getting drunk."

Eun managed a gentle smile, masking her deeper feelings. She knew that Yn saw her as just a good friend, not realizing the depth of Eun's affection, and that was the most painful part of it all. Nevertheless, she softly said, "Good. You better say that then."

Yn smiled softly in response, touched by Eun's understanding, "Ok. Thanks for understanding me, unnie."

Eun affectionately ruffled Yn's hair and sweetly replied, "You're always welcome, my cutie pie."

Yn's heart swelled with happiness, and she suggested, "Okay, let's proceed to our home?"

Eun happily agreed, taking Yn's hand, and they continued their journey, their connection, and complex emotions interwoven in the silent night.


In a cozy corner of a dimly lit cafe, four friends gathered to catch up and enjoy a drink. The atmosphere was filled with chatter and laughter, but their focus soon turned to an upcoming event that had piqued their interest.

Excitement bubbled in the voice of Girl 1 as she leaned forward and exclaimed, "Girl! Did you hear that the new batches at our university are arriving soon?"

Girl 2, who seemed to be in her own world, calmly sipped on her wine and responded with a hint of boredom, "Yeah, I heard."

Girl 3 leaned in closer, her eyes gleaming with anticipation, and chimed in, "Come on, girl. Aren't you excited too to welcome them?"

However, Girl 2's disinterest was evident as she replied, "Not at all."

Girl 4 couldn't contain her mischievous enthusiasm and added, "But we are, girl. It'll be so much fun to have a little fun with the newcomers."

Girl 3 nodded eagerly, echoing the sentiment, "Me too."

Girl 1, the instigator, couldn't resist a sly grin as she gently tapped Girl 2's shoulder, taunting, "Girl, we know you must be planning something. It might be something even worse than what we're thinking!" Her eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Girl 2 responded with an evil smirk, embracing the challenge, "Guess you've got me, right then!"

Their shared laughter filled the air, creating an aura of mischief and camaraderie.

Girl 3, her excitement undiminished, exclaimed, "Damn, guys! It's going to be even more fun!"

In unison, Girl 1 and Girl 4 chimed in, "Yes!"

With their enthusiasm growing, Girl 1 proposed a toast, raising her glass with a cheerful grin, "So let's cheers to that!"

The four friends raised their glasses, toasting to the upcoming mischief and adventure that awaited them, their laughter and clinking glasses filling the cafe with the promise of exciting times ahead.

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