Part nineteen

978 42 2

It would be amazing if something could happen which you wanted for so long...Did ever people think that what would a person feel when he couldn’t hear or talk???What would be so devastating when you used to be a normal person but sudden an incident made all change???

Jungguk always used to think if he could at least hear then that would be good for everyone whoever wanted to communicate with him....He always felt sad when he had seen his uncle who tried hard to talk with him by sign language...If he could hear then it would be at least little easy for his uncle to talk with him....When his uncle started his treatment for hearing the doctors told them there was a cure for that...They were so happy to hear that....The treatment was started....Jungguk's hearing was starting to give a hope...But suddenly it stopped...Because the treatment was so expensive and Shin had not enough money to continue that...At first he thought he would manage and that's why he started the treatment..But reality was different....
He apologized to Jungguk so many times for stopping the treatment..But Jungguk never blamed him....Jungguk was also sad because he had a hope to hear again...But it went nothing....But he never blamed his uncle for that...He was so greatful to his uncle for doing everything for him......

When Jungguk saw the sign of Shin he became silent in his mind....He didn’t know he should feel happy or sad...But one thing sure he didn’t want this chance to miss...He didn't wanna lose the hope again...He really badly wanted to hear...His heart wanted that...He didn’t wanna regret for his past doing for which he couldn’t hear.... He was already regretting for that past doing....But he wanted to hear badly....
He didn’t realise when his tears were started to fall....He realized that when Shin wiped his tears...Jungguk started to sob loudly...If this chance would successful then he could hear...He could everyone's talk...He could hear everything....Shin hugged Jungguk and patted his back..

Seokjin was also crying when he saw the younger's state....Namjoon was feeling proud that he took a great decision....The sudden burst of Jungguk hearing news was only happened for Namjoon....
In the morning when he got the deal and that deal was really important so Namjoon was so happy...Namjoon credited Shin also because he helped him so much....For that Namjoom gave a big amount check to Shin for his work...Shin was so surprised...He didn’t wanna take that but Namjoon told him that was for his hard work....Shin sobbed so much because he thought he could do the treatment of Jungguk.....Finally his nephew could hear....
Namjoon did a really good job.....

On the other hand,Taehyung was frozen....He was sure he heard right...He heard right that Jungguk could hear.....




This thought of Taehyung was roaming again and again...Taehyung was feeling excited....He was so happy for Jungguk...He would help Jungguk when the treatment would start....He decided on his mind.....He was so happy and overwhelmed that he didn’t see anything around he hugged Jungguk tightly.....

Jungguk stopped his crying and that's when Taehyung hugged him suddenly and he felt something on his stomach....Like butterflies....He hesitantly hold Taehyung's back....Taehyung felt that and smiled....Jungguk liked his hug that mean....

Shin was surprised....He didn’t expect Jungguk to hug back Taehyung.....When he told Jungguk to be friend with Taehyung Jungguk said 'no'....But now the show was different...But Shin felt happy and proud for Taehyung...He knew if Jungguk was close with someone that mean he trusted that person....He understood Jungghk trusted Taehyung and Taehyung earned it very well.....

Taehyung broke the hug and gave Jungguk his boxy smile....Jungguk was happy to experience this when he was with Taehyung....He could listen Taehyung's voice finally which he wanted to hear nowadays....

Shin and Jungguk had dinner with the Kim and went to the cottage after thanking Namjoon...Jungguk also thanked him for giving this big chance....

When Jungguk and Shin was sitting at Jungguk's room after shower Jungguk wanted to tell something...He was hesitated how to say....Shin saw the expression of Jungguk....He understood Jungguk wanted to say something...He hold Jungguk's hand....Gave a tight hold and smiled....Then he signed to Jungguk...

"Tell me what you wanna say..."

Jungguk looked at him....His uncle understood him so well..He signed...

"I just want to ask you something..."

Shin signed him to say what he wanna ask...

"I want a phone..." Jungguk signed and looked at the reaction of Shin....

Shin smiled and gave a thumbs up....

Jungguk smiled.....He was so greatful to have Shin as his uncle......

At someon's office a boy came and said

"Sir the boy is with his uncle in Seoul...I am trying to find their address soon..."

The addressed man "Sir" nodded and gestured the boy to leave.....

"So Shin got you first...." The unknown person said....

To be continue~~

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To be continue~~

(Hehehe...You all thought the unknown person left...But he didn’t......I can't let him to leave😌

Anyway comment more and say did you like or not🥺)

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