Maki couldn't believe it. Why? Why were you so goddammit stupid? Why did you kill Tenko, knowing that you'd get caught? How could you leave her?
Nobody knew, but Maki was hopelessly in love with you, but never really had the courage to confess to you, just in case you weren't into women.
But now, she'd never get to find out, because you had been executed.
And like hell was she going to let these worthless pricks get away with voting for you.
"Tsumugi. We need to talk." Maki stated, turning and leaving without checking to see if she was being followed by Tsumugi.
When they got to a place where they wouldn't be overheard, Maki spoke.
"I'm not one for politics, so I'll skip to the point. I know you're the mastermind."
Tsumugi gasped, before she smirked. "So what? What are you going to do with that information? Tell the others?"
Now it was Maki's turn to smile.
"No. I want your help with something."
"Oh?~" Tsumugi asked, a brow raised.
"I want you to cosplay as me, while I commit a murder." It was a decent plan.
"And why would I want to do that? You can't just ask me that without me wanting something in return."
Fair point, Maki supposed, but she already had a plan for this.
"You want dispair, right? I'll give you dispair when they realize I played them for a damn fool. Think about how wonderful that'd be. And with you dressed up as me, there's no reason for them to suspect me as the culprit."
With bated breath, Maki watched as Tsumugi thought it over before shrugging.
"Sure, why not."
And with that, Maki's plan was set in motion.
"A body has been discovered. Well, two of them, but whatever. Get to investigating."
Maki tuned him out, instead focusing on what the others were doing, and making sure they got all the information she'd left behind to point them to the wrong culprit.
Loose metal: check.
Rubber to hold that metal together: check
One person with no alibi: check
Cause of death: check"The culprit is you, Iruma Mui! You used your own invention to kill Shinguji after you caught him murdering Yonaga."
"N-no, that's not what happened at all!" she tried, but was ignored as everyone placed their votes.
Finally. It was about damn time.
"Aaaaand the verdict is..... incorrect! The culprit was actually Harukawa Maki! She and the mastermind worked together to kill off Shinguji and frame Iruma."
Shuichi looked heartbroken as he stared at Maki. "But how? We saw you..."
"Oh, that was me!" Tsumugi spoke, and all eyes turned to her. "I'm the one who helped her, which as you can guess from what Monokuma said, makes me the mastermind."
"Nyeh? But why?" Himiko looked so depressed, and from where she was standing Maki could see the excited face Tsumugi was wearing. She looked like she was having a very satisfying orgasm.
"You bastards voted off the person I loved. I saw fit to have you killed for that. Goodbye, fuckstains."
"With all the goodbyes out of the way, it's punishment time!"
As they were all dragged away, Maki felt no remorse.
After all, now they knew how you had felt.
544 words

Yandere Danganronpa x Reader Oneshots
FanfictionA collection of oneshots where you can request your favorite characters become creepily obsessed with you.