a world inside the Storage Container (1)

6 1 2

Mention of sex and alcohol

The world had been destroyed. By it's very own inhabitants, humans. Their war and hatred had culminated in the launch of nuclear bombs all over America.

Both innocent and guilty lives were lost that day. But some lived on. Some mutilated and rotted by the radiation and some hidden away underground. Those lucky few to be led underground were safely tucked away in Vaults. The Vaults were secure below-ground bunkers made by Black-Mesa.

One of those who were kept underground was a man named Gordon Freeman, a 43 year old scientist who lived in Vault 37. He had originally married a woman named Willow Campbell, however they had a falling out and eventually divorced. Willow took their 4 year old son, Joshua, with her when she left. Gordon despised her for that.

He cared about his kid deeply and wanted to be better home for him. But willow would not be budged
Eventually he gave up the court situation, because let's just say the Vault lawyers were..... Less then enough

That was part of the reason why he desperately wanted to leave, to get out of the hole in the ground that he called home. Also for the reason that the Vault he resided in was slowly but surely running out of supplies while it decayed. He had always wanted to leave but he knew that it was far too dangerous out in the wasteland, so he remained inside.

Until today.

[-Gordon's POV-]

I ran as fast as I could. Sweating rapidly as I ran from the thing behind me. I hadn't even seen it but I knew it was desperately trying to kill me. As I continued sprinting. my legs slowed down, along with everything else.. it all seemed to be in slow motion.. It felt as if they were surely turning into concrete. With the last strength I had I jumped and spun mid-air. Turning to look at the thing behind me, all I saw was a blinding light.

The light I had seen consumed my vision as I squinted at the florescent light that hung above my bed, also hearing my alarm beep, I sat up quickly. I wiped the coating of sweat off my forehead and smacked the button on the alarm before reaching for my glasses on the metal nightstand. I put them on and squinted a bit before looking around the room.

It was like a small containment box, only except the walls were decorated with posters. A few motivational ones. Others were Black-Mesa logos and mottos. With a framed one being a graduate certificate, and few others awards.

I may have been a theoretical physicist. But I still got mocked for being slightly timid. It's not that I was shy or weak, I was just quiet. And whenever I did speak I was always pissed off after hours of being bothered. So I was either shy, quiet, weak or rude, pissed off and angry.

I slid my feet onto the floor, yawning loudly and stretching my arms upwards as I stood up and scratched the back of my head. I walked over to the small closet built into the wall and grabbed a tank top from the bottom of the closet, putting it on before taking a Vault-jumpsuit off one of the hangers and taking a minute to get into that.

I hated the uniforms, they weren't even uniforms. Just annoyingly constricting suits. They were orange with a yellow ring around the neck that had a line going directly down the torso that merged into another yellow ring, this time around the waist. And as someone with an annoyingly feminine waist, it just made it all the more noticeable.

After getting those on, I slid on a pair of basic black shoes and walked over to the dresser, where I kept all the junk that didn't fit in boxes. I leaned into the edge of the dresser and examined my face in the mirror.

I had slightly tan skin with light freckles, dark-brown semi-long and messy hair, and a scruffy goatee that I was constantly told to shave. Along with warm hazel eyes and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. I sighed at my reflection while grabbing an orange hair scrunchie from atop the dresser and tying my hair back into a low ponytail.

I smiled briefly at my reflection, regretting it immediately and rolling my eyes before heading towards the door. I grabbed a lab coat and quickly slipped it on before grabbing my satchel that was by the door and heading out of the room and down the catwalk that hung above the endless underground void.

I looked down at the blackness, shuddering at the massive fall. Needless to say it would kill anyone instantly. I continued onwards while distracting myself with he thought of what I would have for lunch and the clanking of my feet against the metal of the platform.

Eventually I got to a small train station with a few people sitting in the seats. A teenager with pale skin and light blonde hair in curls along with disturbingly black eyes and an almost doll-like appearance. Another person was a girl who looked about the same age, who had ginger hair and light freckles as she rambled on incoherent nonsense to the doll-girl.

Another person that sat in the corner of the room was the overseer, a tall and lanky man. With black short hair. He look to be in his 60's or 50's. Instead of the normal vault uniform, he wore a black suit and a orange tie with the Black-Mesa logo. He had dark circles around his eyes and an exhausted look. I didn't know much about him, not even his name. Everyone just called him G-man or Overseer.

I waved slightly at him
"Uh- morning sir-"

He turned to me, his stern look softening a bit and he smiled faintly, waving.

I then turned to face 2 sets of sliding doors that led to little box-cars attached to railways. A monitor that hung over the doors beeped and the face of a robot appeared. I didn't know it's name but all I knew was that it was borrowed from another science company.

The robot spoke in a robotic voice
"Goodmorning Apetu- Black mesa. Today is October 13, it is now 7:32pm. The temperature is currently..."
The voice went silent, seemingly an error
"My apologies, the temperature is currently uncharitable, as the lower engineers have all died due to deadly neurotoxins.. so I doubt they'll fix that anytime soon."

I wondered why the fuck we had deadly neurotoxins in the lower generator rooms. Shrugging to myself as the doors to the box-cars slid open

The voice spoke again
"All people wishing to board car A3 please enter. Car A3 will transport you over the schooling rooms and to the science center, before taking a calm journey over our deadly acid pit and leading you to the vault doors."

I stepped through the doorway and onto the metallic floor of the car as I felt it shift lightly under my weight. I grabbed onto a handle dangling from the bars that ran along the roof and looked out the window as the door slowly slid shut. I glanced back into the car for a split second and noticed that the Overseer was in there with me now.

"Goodmorning, Mr Freeman."

I'm surprised he even knew my name
"Yeah uh- goodmorning to you too Mr uhhhh...."



"My name, its G-man."

"So the rumours are true then huh."
I directed that more at myself

"Yes, yes indeed they are."

The man had a weird vibe to him. Just something a little off-putting with his seemingly genuine smile. I smiled back nervously, before going back to looking out the window.

I gazed at the passing glass-rooms. Filled with all sorts of things.. like daycares and offices. Exploding water valves and game devs learning how to count to three. Along with a girl testing out some portal device.

There were also towers upon towers of similar storage boxes (aka living quarters) that all were attached to rows apon rows of catwalks, people running and walking amoung them like a colony of ants transporting a sugar cube.

The vault appeared to be full. Bursting with people, new children being born, people graduating. But that was all coming to an end as the supplies ran out.

And the reason for so many kids? Well.
As the vault had been running out, and even before that. People were stressed with all the bombs. I mean their literal country was being obliterated. Which means they turned to drinking. Drinking means drunk. A bunch of fucking high, drunk and stressed adults. That led to a BUNCH of one-time hook-ups.

and apparently no-one in vault 37 gives a shit about sex-ed.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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