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Hazel's Pov:
"Yes mom" I rolled my eyes looking out the window of the plane "Are you sure you want to move down there with your brother?" She asked again I sighed deeply "It's something I want to do mother, I can't take it anymore up there with Josh an with you and dad spending time together it's just better if I leave" she sighed deeply the flight attendant leaned over to me "I'm sorry dear we are gonna be landing soon I'm gonna need you to say good bye and call back when we land okay? Please and thank you" I nodded my head.

"Hey ma, I'll call you when I get settled in bye I love you" we exchanged our goodbyes and did as I was asked. I buckled my self in I was a tad nervous on what Danny was going to say about this whole thing it was a nervous thing to do I didn't warn him I was coming or anything I thought it be a nice surprise or not.


I thanked the taxi service handing him some money "Keep the change" he thanked me and drove off I laughed walking over to the Camaro. I placed my bag's on the trunk I remember Grace telling me what car to find in the parking lot can't believe he got something like this just like dad did mom was mad about that. I leaned against the side of his car waiting for him

Danny's Pov-

"Hey ready for lunch?" Steve asked I stood up grabbing my phone and stuff shoving it into places it belongs "Yup let's go" we walked out the room down the stairs "Where do you want to go?" I asked him he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't care you pick" we walked out the front doors of the HQ. "Oh how about Chinese?" I asked he shook his head "Umm Danno why is there a woman leaning against your car?" I looked over "What wom- Hazel?" She smiled I shook my head walking up to her pulling her into a hug.

"What the hell, what are you doing here?" I asked her she shrugged her shoulders "I can't take it anymore staying back in jersey I can't miss my brother??  It may also be mom and dad's shit but Grace makes it sound so
great living here so I don't see what the issue is with me here" she  sighed deeply looking over at Steve. "Hi I'm Hazel Danny's older sister" she held her hand out towards Steve he shook her hand. "Nice to meet you I'm Steve" she looked over at me I mentally groaned "Ohh your the guy that annoys my brother" Steve laughed I mentally groaned she smiled at him "Well by the sounds of it yes I'm that guy" I shook my head "Hazel when did you get here? Where are you staying?" I asked her she shrugged her shoulders "I actually just landed about a hour ago and no where yet I haven't found a place to live" I gazed at her I wanted to kill her but I couldn't because it's against the law. "Why didn't you call me and talk to me?" I asked her she shook her head

"Awe come on Danno what's the fun in that? Why can't I just pop in and say surprise I'm moving here?" She waved her hands I sighed deeply unlocked the car and unlocking the trunk "Here put your stuff in here" Danny said walking to his door "Your not going to help?" She asked me I looked over at her "I'll help you" Steve rushed to her side helping her with her bag's Steve sat in the back for the first time allowing my sister to have the front seat. "Wow this is a change" i laughed starting the car up

"Where are you boys off too?" She asked us I pulled up to a red light "Breakfast before work want to come?" Steve asked she nodded her head

Hazel's Pov:
I sat across from Steve and Danny once my food hit the table my stomach growled loudly danny looked at me weird "Your that hungry?" He asked I nodded my head. I wasn't allowed to eat a lot it was small portions not a-lot and it was what ever he picked to eat because I would get fat and he didn't like fat girls. "When was the last time you ate? You look like you lost a lot of weight? I'm not trying to be mean" I nodded my head I know he's not trying to be mean at all by any means but I wasn't gonna tell him the truth but I wasn't going to lie either. He is my brother after all but it's just not the right time nor place for this to happen.

"Umm yesterday" I started to chow down quickly it tasted so good I haven't had these before and they are definitely delicious. My new addition is waffles.  "So where is Josh?" Danny asked I froze in place for a moment I hesitated for a moment before I spoke. "Umm he's on a business trip" I lied I slowly started to eat again "So he's not moving in with you?" He asked I shook my head "Oh no no we umm broke up a while ago" I lied again I mean I did break up with him just by running away he don't know that danny moved out here. "I'm sorry to hear that" Steve said danny laughed "I'm happy to hear that, I hated that guy so much you know he had the audacity to raise his voice and hand towards her" Danny said pointing to me I looked down eating my food steve sat there staring at me. It was like he knew and that kinda made my skin crawl.

"Hey you go show her the house I'll meet you guys later I got some things I got to take care of" Steve climbed out the booth leaving quickly "Yeah thanks for paying" Danny waved the check I sat there scraping my plate shoving the last bit of food in my mouth "Alright let's go, my place is perfect" we got out the booth heading to his house

Hand cuffed ~ Steve McGarrettWhere stories live. Discover now