How You Met

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Josh: Work had been killing you recently. It was busy so you were working longer hours which meant more money however it also meant you were more tired and barely had a life outside of work. Thankfully today was one of your days off and usually that would mean spending the day in the house just to catch up on TV shows and other things you have missed during the many hours you were working however, you needed to do some shopping and that meant leaving the house. You waited until around midday to actually leave because most people should be at work and kids would be in school so hopefully it would be quieter and you could get home faster. Plus you didn't want to get out of bed early so midday would have to do.

Whilst out you decided to go to one of the local cafes and buy a drink. Why not treat yourself? You took the drink to go considering you just didn't want to take a seat in the cafe as it was relatively busy. Plus you just wanted to get home. As soon as you got outside somebody who was holding a camera and talking to it walked into you pouring your drink all down you too. It was a mess. The guy looked horrified and instantly put his camera away whilst, who you were guessing were his mates, continued to walk on when the guy who bumped into you told them to.

"I'm so sorry," the guy immediately said as you stood there in absolute shock. Before you could even say anything though he began speaking once again.

"Come with me, I'll buy you a new drink and top," the guy said pulling you along to one of the clothes shops. Idiotically you followed him. What if he was a murderer of some sort? You thought of that yet still didn't stop following him.

"Please pick anyone you want and I'll pay. And don't say I don't have to I ruined it,"

"I'm Josh by the way," The guy finally introduced himself as you were looking at the cheap tops. You weren't going to spend all of his money.

"Y/N," You replied thinking it would be a bit rude if you didn't give him your name.

The two of you spent a little time in the clothes shops and you finally picked out a cheap but nice looking top which this 'Josh' could buy for you. Whilst searching for it though the two of you make a bit of conversation about various things and you actually liked hearing him talk. Once the top has been brought and put on instead of the stained one he took you to a cafe where he also brought you a drink the conversation not dying down at all. He was easy to talk to and conversation just flew even if you didn't always know what to say and felt a little awkward.

"Thanks for this you didn't have to," you told him once he got you another one of those drinks and you both had sat down at the table to drink them. The two of you carried on the conversation that you were having before you decided that it was time for you to go but before you could he slipped you a piece of paper.

"Here is my number. If you want to clean that top I'll pay for it or if you can't clean it and want another one I'll pay. Or maybe if you just want to meet up without me spilling your drink all over you just call," Josh told you and you agreed before you both went your separate ways. You already knew that you were going to message him at some point you just had to find out what you were going to say.

Simon: One of your friends lived in another country so you decided to go and visit them there for a few days considering it had been a while. It would be nice to see them again and have a little holiday with it too. Whilst there you and your friend decided to go out to the city centre to explore, do some shopping and grab something to eat too just for something to do. When you were out a couple of guys walked up to you both and asked, in English, if you knew where a certain place was. You had no idea however your friend did and as they were explaining it to the guys you couldn't help but allow your eyes to trail over them both and they were both good looking especially the taller blond guy. You struggled to keep your eyes off of him.

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