Pepper and Maddie walk Into the headquarters of her fathers company with a bunch of agents surrounding them. Tony had found out about his former partner's theatrics and had requested his assistant to get his daughter out of the house and to safety as soon as possible. However before they could escape to their New York pent house Tony had requested they stop by the lab and grab something important for him. They enter a dark room in order for Pepper to retrieve a valuable piece of technology and asks the girl to stay by her side holding onto her hand as they wait for the agents. A large glowing light catches the young girls eyes and she mindlessly leaves the woman's side walking over to the mysterious light, as she inches closer she is able to make out an iron man suit like her dad's as It moves and approaches her quickly, but this one Is way bigger and bulkier than the one they had built. Pepper runs over to the girl and snatches her hand before dragging her Into the main lobby trying to get away from the suit. They make it out to the front of the building and Pepper gets a call and starts talking to Tony on the phone
"tony obadiah has gone insane"
"you and Maddie need to get out of there right now" he warns as he flies to their location, Pepper grabs her hand again and they start to flee the scene when the ground begins to crack and cave in below their feet. Pepper backs them up and they watch in horror as Obadiah comes out of the ground and stands In front of them in his suit looking terrifying. Pepper pushes Maddie behind her and he backhands the woman into the wall knocking her out. Maddie screams in terror as he approaches, she closes her eyes out of fear when he familiar sound of the suit she had helped build appears, her eyes shoot open and she watches as her dad draws the man away. She instantly runs over to Pepper trying to wake her but she's out cold, she then bends down and picks up her phone from the ground and hold onto It. Suddenly her dad's voice comes through the speaker "Potts"
"no dad Its me pepper passed out. Are you ok?"
"yeah but I'm almost out of power I gotta get out of this thing" he says, he doesn't respond for a minute, but then suddenly he whispers
"dad" She whimpers
"this Isn't working i'm gonna have to overload the reactor over the roof"
"you're gonna do it go to the central console and open up all the circuits and I'll let you know when to hit the master bypass button"
"ok" she says taking a deep breath before running over to the doors which were blown up by the man himself, she walks carefully over the glass shards and up the steps to where the main panel of the arc reactor sits
"ok I'm here" she informs her father who was fighting for his life on the roof just above her, she starts opening up the circuits and setting up the reactor. After pressing the buttons and turning it to full power mode the reactor is ready for blast
"Its ready dad get off the roof" she says holding the phone tightly, she looks up to the roof as her father doesn't respond and screams as glass shatters and falls down on top of her, she ducks and covers her head with her hands, once the rain stops she looks up and spots her dad hanging from the roof with his helmet gone.
"Maddie time to hit the button" dad yells
"you told me not too"
"just do It"
"you'll die!" she yells back crying
"push It!" she takes a deep breath and push the button before sprinting out of the building as fast as she can and over to Pepper. There Is a huge explosion and a beam of light that goes to the sky causing it to turn blue before disappearing completely. Maddie covers her head along with Pepper's, refusing to move until she feels a cold hand on her shoulder. She looks up with tears running down her face to see her father knelling down in front of her, his hair was messy and there was several cuts aligning his face but he was ok. The girl shoots herself into his arms and lets out all of her emotions, Tony Stark holds her tightly caressing her hair as he falls to the ground with her. They were finally safe.
Maddie Stark walks Into the conference with her dad hand In hand, he brings her up on the stage with him. Apparently this was necessary for his image, people suspected he was the superhero which had been caught on camera. He was meant to go in and shoot down the rumors with his written speech given to him by Rhodey, however knowing her father she figured he would have another plan. As he answers questions he is his normal sassy self and doesn't refrain from clapping back. As the session nears he calls on a male reporter sitting in the front "are we really supposed to believe that it wasn't you?" he asks
"ok Its crazy to say that I'm a super hero" Dad says
"I never said you were a super hero"
"well good that would be outlandish and fantastic I'm just not the hero type with this laundry list of defects..." Dad says, she looks up to him and sees Rhodey whispering something In his ear out of the corner of her eye, Tony holds up his notecards before sighing and setting them down staring at the cameras with a deadly serious look on his fact
"truth Is, I am Iron man"

Tony Stark's Daughter
Fanfictioncredits : ponyosmom35 on ao3 Maddie Stark is the only child of Tony Stark and like him she is a genius, she has been raised alongside the Avengers who have given her a family and shown her control. When the most important people in her life turn ag...