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Sorry it took so long to update. I kind of lost my username and I finally remembered it! So here's to chapter two! Enjoy!




"Bryce, won't you please come out of the closet?"

I shuffled deeper into the coats and crossed my arms. "No."

"And why not?"

I pulled my knees to my chest and took a deep breath. "James said my hair wasn't pretty."

I heard my mother heave and lean against the door. "Since when do you care about what boys think of you?"

I pouted. "I don't know..."

"Well then could you please come out? Your guests are waiting on you to open your presents."

I crawled out from under the clothes. By the tone of her voice I could tell she was getting ticked off and that I had gone a little too far. I stood up, brushed the dust off my dress, and adjusted the cheap party hat adorning my head. I opened the door expecting to see my mother's face and all I saw was her lifeless body on the floor.


I shot up clutching the stiff sheets around me breathing heavily. I ferociously wiped the tears off my cheeks and stood up, preparing myself for what I was about to do that day.

I reached for the emergency kit. I opened it grabbing the first aid kit, the dried snacks, the water bottle, and the thermal underwear and stuffed it into a back-pack I'd found. When my Dad was preparing for what he called, "Fin", I shrugged it off. I thought it was just some crazy, old man obsession he had but now, I am thankful. If it weren't for him I'd be upstairs most likely dead, like- like them.

I stopped packing and decided that I had to see them.

I stood up and put on the boots that Dad had picked out specifically for me. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and brushed the flyaways away from my face. I unlocked the doors and pushed them up crawling out into the open.

I looked around at what used to be our green lawn and saw a barren wasteland. Our swingseat was nothing but a pile of wood, our grass was nothing but brown straw, and the trees were splinters in the wind. I looked over at our neighbor's houses and not a thing was moving. It was eerie. I felt so alone.

I heard a crash inside the house and jolted back to my senses. I crouched down under the kitchen window and stole a peek. I looked through and saw the refridgerator door open and a body rummaging through it. My eyes widened at the person who stood up.


Tears of joy were streaming down my face as I barreled inside. He stayed where he was just sniffing a leftover plate of sloppy joes. I slowed, my eyebrows furrowing.


He turned slowly shuffling to the sink, then he dumped the food.

"Dad?" I took a brave step closer.

He stopped and looked out the window.

"I feel strange."

I closed my eyes in relief and ran towards him. "It's okay, I'm here. Are you alright?"

I grabbed his shoulders and rubbed them in a comforting motion waiting for his reply. He turned towards me.

I froze.

"Dad- your eyes."

He looked at me with a blank stare. "What's wrong with my eyes Eva?"

"Eva? Dad, I'm Bryce. Eva is mom." I couldn't comprehend what was going on.

"Eva stop playing." He looked mad. I backed away but he advanced forward.

"Dad you're scaring me. Why are your eyes red?"

"My eyes aren't red. Now Eva, why didn't you pick up my hamburger meat last night?"

"What? Dad! It's me, Bryce!"

"Who's Bryce!?" He yelled grabbing me by the shoulders.

"I'm your daughter Dad!"



I quickly moved away from him. He wasn't talking anymore. Or moving. He dropped his arms by his side. His knees buckled underneath him and he fell to the ground.

I was torn between helping him and fear. Was he going to yell at me again?


His head whipped back and he let out a bloodcurdling scream.

I ran away.

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