grunting, I open my eyes from sleeping because mindy was shoving me.
I rub my eyes, exhausted.
Mindy is wearing a birthday tiara that chad forced her to wear, apparently he is wearing the same thing.
I whine covering the blankets over my eyes.
She pulls the blankets off of my bed.
"come on, we're all gonna go to lunch in like an hour get up... and if you WANT... you can invite mace." mindy hesitates.
I roll my eyes and then I also roll to off of my bed to get up.
I signal her to get out so i can change, she smiles brightly.
she shuts the door behind her so i can continue to scavenge through my closet.
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We finally get a table at the restaurant we were at.
Mace sits next to me on the booth and puts his arm around me.
I give him a slight smile while chad mad dogs him.
He mumbles under his breath , complaining about how his birthday is going so far.
Everyone sits down, like I said, mace sits by me on one side but, sam sits next to me on the other.
The waitress comes over and gets our orders.
Mindy orders orange juice.
Chad orders sparkling water .
Mace orders a bud light since he is of age.
Sam orders an orange juice and her boyfriend does the same thing.
Tara gets a sparkling water as well.
and I get a sprite.
We all chit chat about random stuff, like... soccer and clothing, and just some drama going on in tara's college.
"Guys remember when we had a fashion show and all of us dressed in eachothers clothes?" mindy jokes around
we all laugh
"YES AND WHEN MY SIST-" I say before rudely interuppted by mace.
He shoves me as i'm saying something wrong.
[oh... right.]
"m-my friend anika, BUT do you remember when she wore mindys shirt as pants and stretched it out"
they all laugh.
then sam looks at me with concern.
"you don't have to lie" she whispers into my ear.
I give her a slight smile.
then the waitress comes with our drinks and asks us if we are ready to order.
everyone says for me to go first so I do.
"can I have the mississippi burger please?" I ask politely.
The waitress nods and starts marking it down, before Mace stops her.
"uhm.. she was just joking she would like the... ranch salad with extra tomatoes." he utters.
She looks at me .
I gulp then nod to agree.
"let her order what she wants dude." Chad interuppts.
He starts moving closer to mace , sits they are sitting across from each other.
Tara calmly tells everyone to stop while mindy holds chad back.
mindy nods at chad slowly, signaling there is no point.
everyone else orders.
meanwhile mace ordered the mississippi burger!
Sooner or later our food comes and it all smells delicious , especially the burger.
[I think he ordered that JUST to annoy me.]
I finish up my salad quickly while the others still eat.
"are you still hungry ?" sam asks, showing her pieces of bread to me , basically asking if i want one.
I nod and go to grab one but mace stops me.
he puts his hand on the bread basket, pointing in back down to the table.
"she's good, she doesn't need anymore more carbs right?" he chuckles , patting my stomach.
sam looks at me with concern.
everyone seems to be getting pissed at mace , well, so am i.
He looks at everyone for validation of his joke, no one laughed.
The rest of the lunch is kind of awkward .
Sooner or later, we all leave.
We all make it home .
Sams boyfriend goes back to his own place until the party, and so does mace.
I sit on the couch , getting very sleepy.
I see everyone setting up for the birthday party with decorations, the theme was just... blue.
I forgot that it was mindy and chads birthday so i shake off my tiredness and I go change into blue.
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The house gets crowded really fast, I never noticed how mindy and chad had THAT many friends.
I get a little... who's kidding, A LOT tipsy as I drank one to many drinks.
as i'm wobbling to find someone comforting , I run into ... mace.
Mace talks to me in a weird tone ...
"come on angel, let's go to ur room." he comforts
I give him an exaggerated smile but I shake my head, no.
when i do that he looks at me furious so he practically DRAGS me.
"OW-" I try to yell but his hand slightly covers my mouth.
Plus, the music is too loud for anyone to notice i yelled.
Mace pulls me into my room and shuts and locks my door.
"Hi angel" Mace says
I giggle
"Maceee... I wanna go back to the partyy!"
"no... come play with me" he replies, sounding serious.
I laugh.
"you sound so cringey." I say
He doesn't respond
He starts to move his hands around my body, leading to my downward area.
I push his hands off of me in a weak way.
"Mace stop" I say, thinking he's joking around.
But then he doesn't stop.
He keeps on moving his hands around my downward area even more.
"Mace stop" I say, being even more serious.
I push his hands more aggressively but he stills does it.
I felt to tipsy to push his hands off even more.
"STOP!!" I yell.
He clenches on my jaw, creating pain.
"just shut the fuck up and enjoy me !!" He replies whispering.
They hit mace with a large candle stick in the head, creating him to faint.I finally recognize the face as, ethan.
"ethan!" I gasp.
I run up to him and give him a giant kiss on the mouth .
I reach out of the kiss and smile at him.
I hold his face.
"I might've killed ur... boyfriend... and u treat me like this? I really do love you" He utters to me
"oh.. right." I say as I turn to mace on the ground.
I run my hands through my hair, with a stressed look on my face.
Ethan seems to be staring at Mace's body with like a victorious look on his face.
"Hey jennifer you oka-" ... SAM SAYS AS SHE WALKS IN!
She sees ethan by me , mace on the ground and then ME.. with the most stressed look on my face (because of mace of course.)
I notice she walked in 2 seconds later at i look at her flabbergasted.
"you always have to shoot them in the head." she mumbles
"TARA GUN!!!" Sam yells
2 seconds later a crowd is by the door and tara throws the gun to sam.
I stay standing there flabbergasted but then i realise... SHES GONNA SHOOT ETHAN.
she loads the gun...
"NO!" I yell, running in front of ethan.
"NO !!"