𝚂𝚎𝚡 𝙴𝚍𝚞𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗?

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Y/n's POV:

" I left my tux at home... "
Brand says looking through his suitcase.
The 3 of us were chilling in Brand's room, talking about the wedding and stuff.
" You're kidding? "
I laughed, sitting up from the bed.
Finn was pretty focused on watching a tv show?
Anyways, I helped Brand look through his suitcase to be sure. And he did in fact leave it at home..
" You idiot! "
I laughed, falling onto the floor.
" What am I gonna do!?! "
Brand practically almost shouts.
" I'm just gonna say it. I'm not surprised.. "
Finn joins in, laughing.
Brand starts panicking even more.

Which just made it more hilarious,
if imma be honest...

" Okay, I-I'm sure you can rent a tux here?
Right, Finn? "
I chuckled, tuning my head to Finn.
" Yeah, I guess so. "
Finn answered, not taking his eyes off the tv.
" What is he even watching? "
Brand complained as I shrugged my shoulders.
" And why are they speaking British? "
Brand adds as I sit up from the floor to sit next to Finn on the bed to get a better view of the tv.
" It's Sex Education. I'm technically re-watching it. "
Finn replies wrapping an arm around me.
" Sex Education? "
Brand questions, standing up to look at the tv.
" Y/n, I think you'd like it.
It's one of my favorite tv shows."
Finn turns his head, smiling at me.
" Cause it's about sex? "
I jokingly asked, seeing my best friend
laugh along.
" Well yes, that's one reason. But I think
you and I can relate to it. "
He explains looking back at the tv,
seeing Brand's smile drop.
Suddenly we see a pretty blonde girl and boy
with a goat?
Assuming they were boyfriend and girlfriend?
What is this show?
" Why, is it cause they have a step-sibling love shit going on there too? "
Brand asks, rolling his eyes.
" I'll give it a shot. "
I nodded as I got more comfortable on the bed.
" Okay, you guys are spending WAAAYYYY too much time together, it's unfair. "
Brand whines as sits on floor, resting his head
on the foot of the bed.

I zoned out of the show for a second and remembered what Finn said to me a few days ago when he was drunk.
My mind wanders off to that moment sometimes..
For the past 3 days I have...
" I love you, Y/n. "
Kept repeating in my head...
Wondering if I should bring it up to Finn, or ask him about it?
If he meant it or not?
I don't know...

Anyways, Finn and I have gotten to know
each other a lot more.
Talking about what we want in the future,
our plans during college...
Though we haven't talked about where this relationship was going which worried me.
But I just wanna have this vacation,
our parents wedding on and about.
Just for now, atleast..

~ Few Moments Later ~

We continue watching the show for abit?
And I start to like and understand it a little more.
Finn was right :))
We were about to play another episode when Brand-
" Can we pleeeasseee watch something else
besides seeing people have sex 24/7?
I've seen enough of that from you guys! "
Brand complains, standing up from the floor.
" I could use a break from seeing people have sex? "
I add looking to Finn.
" Is that so? "
He shrugged his shoulders.
" Why don't we go and find a suit for me, ey? "
Brand suggests, trying to hype us up.
It actually wasn't a bad idea,
I do in fact have to buy some shoes, well, heels and a few other stuff
for my attire for the wedding.
And I'm preeetttyy sure Finn had some things
to buy too.
We looked at each other, knowing
it was a yes!
" Alright, let's go. "
Finn smiled, standing up from the bed.

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We found a place and headed into the entrance.
And let me tell you, everything was super formal
in this store.
I got my shoes and got a bracelet that would add an accent to both the dress and shoes.

We then watch and help Brand find the right suit
for him to wear.
Some of em were too big, too small,
but we eventually found the right one for him.
It took awhile tho?
" Hurry up man, Y/n and I got things to buy ourselves too? "
Finn whines, the both of us sat in front of the dressing room, waiting for Brand to finish change into another one.
" Okay, how does this one look? "
He comes out, flashing the black tux he chose.
" This one actually looks good. "
I nod my head, and he actually
looked good in it.
Finn and I judged him as we sat right outside the changing room.
" GREAT! Okay, I'll choose this one. "
Brand excitingly goes back in the changing room.
" What do you need to buy? "
Finn asks me, his pale veiny hand caressing
my inner thigh.
" Some heels, and so- some other things. "
I said, unsure of what other stuff to buy,
trying to not get distracted.
" Y- you? "
I ask back.
" Birth control and Flavored condoms. "
Finn answers nonchalantly, a smirk slowly starts forming on his face.
" Finn! "
I slightly push his chest as he laughed.
" Really, that's what I'm buying.
Besides you told me you were running out,
so why not buy some now. "
He bit his lip, and that's when we heard
the door open.
Aaaahhh shit...
Forgetting Brand could hear us...

" Why- I- Y/n- She-? "
Brand stuttered, trying to form
a sentence.
" Hey Brand. "
Finn saluted him, acting as if we weren't talking about buying plan b pills AND flavored condoms, might I just add...
" You guys aren't using protection!?!? "
He shouts, his voice being heard
in the whole store.
" What the fu-! "
I almost stood up
from the seat, knowing people heard him yell...
" What? I'm just being a good boyfriend here. "
Finn says casually, and he actually is.
" But you're not using protection! "
He whisper-shouts.
" Brand, we're buying some now.
So, it's fine. "
I answered, slumping against the wall, I look to the side seeing Finn have his eyes locked on me.
At this point, Brand was going ballistic...
" Brand- "
" Dude, be thankful we're using them now. "
Finn interrupts me, standing from the small couch.
Then putting his arm around Brand's shoulders
as they both casually walked to
the check out counter.
What did I just witness?
I laughed to myself, thought about it for a minute then followed them.
Brand got his suit and I asked,
" Ya sure that's the right suit? "
" Yup, I'm sure. "
He nods, with his lips sealed tight.
" If ya say so, knowing the wedding it tomorrow.
I don't want you going back here last minute
to change it. "
I reminded him, since knowing Brand, it is something he would do.
" Yes, yes Y/n. "
He mumbled annoyed and afterwards
he was just silent the whole walk to the pharmacy.
Oh I could just see Finn quietly laughing
on the side.

We go in the drug store and em head to
"the" isle.
" Why- why am I coming along with you guys? "
Brand questions himself as he scratches his head.
" So Y/n, which flavor do you prefer? "
Finn nonchalantly asks me, seeing
Brands eyes go WIDE.
" OKAY- "
" Brand, he's just- "
I tried calming him down so he wouldn't
make another scene...
"Fine. Fine! I won't say anything.
Anymore... "
We could tell he was grossed out.
Finn and I carried on talking about which flavor
was the best.
" Well yeah, but I think this one
would taste better. And It'll be
sweeter for you too. "
" My fucking god- I- okay,
I'm just gonna wait for you guys outside. "
Brand interrupts us, shaking his head and
we see him walk out the door.
" You are unbelievable. "
I laughed, looking at other options.
" What? It's funny! "
He laughs picking one up.
" Does it really taste better? I mean I'm fine
if we don't buy any. "
I mentioned and Finn just smirked.
" Trust me, it'll be better. "
He says handing me a classic strawberry one.
" This one okay?? "
He asks and I nodded, not long after we
headed to the counter.
" It tastes fine, you know? "
" Really? "
" Yeah Finn. Thank the fucking lord
you're hygienic . "
I laughed, seeing we were next in line.

The girl who was at the desk gave me looks,
and well, she looked like she
was a teenager?
Our age maybe?
But the moment she saw Finn, her facial features
had changed.
Bitch please-
" Is this all you're buying? "
She asked, smiling at Finn.
" Oh shit, it's the wrong size. "
Finn spoke grabbing it back from the table
but was stopped-
" Oh that's fine, I can get
a different one behind the counter.
Uh what size, sir? "
She looked directly at Finn.

She's giving him the fuck me eyes...

" It's uh- "
" An XL please. "
I interrupted Finn, seeing her smile disappear.
She got the right one and scanned it and as she was about to put them in the bag,
" Oh and could we add some Plan B pills too?
Just a tray would do. Thanks. "
I smiled, seeing her sigh and go to the back.
I got some more money out from my
wallet to pay,
" Woah, woah, woah. I'm paying for this, Y/n. "
He stops my hand pulling out the money.
" Finn, no. It's fine. "
I laughed insisting I'd pay. And just as he was about to say something, the girl went out and told us the amount.
Finn gave her HIS money and
finally we left that god awful drug store.
" I told you I was gonna pay for it. "
I said grabbing the bag from his hands.
" You can always repay me in a different method? "
He smirks, taking my hand in his as we
walked out the door.

" I suggest you guys hide that. "
Brand says tagging along behind us.
" You're right. Here, Why don't you hide it
for us, hm? "
Finn says taking the paper bag from me,
tossing it to Brand.
" Fuck no! "
Brand freaks out, defensively avoided it,
stepping back
causing both Finn and I to laugh.

I pick the bag up, realizing we bought 2 boxes,
and an extra tray of the pills.

Full on package babyyyy.


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