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"Hey Aidan..." he hums to let (y/n) know that he was listening, looking up to see how sleepy she looked as they both lay together on his bed. She was curled around him being the big spoon, nuzzling the top of his head as he snuggled into her arms in response.

Oh, how he loved it when she squeezed him closer to her chest like he was her own personal pillow, smiling sleepily in her arms with her arm around his waist while he scrolled through her phone. They both were just watching TikTok's, him chuckling at how her FYP was mainly videos of him as Five, Loki, POV's and food Tok. He had warned her about the danger of having an account but she didn't really see an issue so he didn't push her.

"Halloween is coming up..."

"Yeah...?" His voice muffles against her arms as she wrapped them around him, his heart jumping erratically from her affection.

"I was wondering if we could do something..."

"Like what baby?" He entwines his fingers with hers, kissing her knuckles.

"I mean... like I want to experience what Halloween is like here. Australia doesn't do anything." This made the brunette shoot up awake in surprise.

"Wait actually!?"

"Yeah... I've never done anything for Halloween before."

"Trick or treating!?"


"Halloween party!?"


"At least dressing up!?"

"Not even that."

"Did you at least give out chocolate!?"

"We bought some but no one comes by the house to take them so no."

"You've never experienced a proper Halloween before!?"

"No... I want to though..."

"(Y/n), I don't know if we can but I will definitely ask Steve and Jeff to give us a few days off for Halloween." He frowned, not sure if he could fulfil this wish for his love but he was damned sure he was going to try.

"If you can't, that's ok. We don't have to." She smiles at him, opening her arms again for him to cuddle with her like he had asked to do hours ago and he happily complies. He dives for her arms and snuggles against her happily but his mind was running with ideas on how to give the love of his life her first perfect Halloween.


"Happy Halloween!"

"Thanks (y/n)!"

The girl smiles shyly as she passed the crew little goodie bags that she had made, running up to another group to give them some bags of chocolate and sweets too. Aidan peeks over to see (y/n), smiling widely at how adorable she was catching up to random staff and cast members to give them some chocolate bags.

"Oh, you're so fucking cute!" Robert squeals, squishing her in a tight hug and she hugs him back, the others doing the same as well. Tom picked her up to give her a hug, Ritu and Emmy squishing her between them, David hi-fiving her while Elliot and Justin pat her head.

"But you're a day early kid." David says while Justin and Elliot exchange chocolates for the ones they want.

"Well, we all have the next few days off so I wasn't sure I was going to see you again."

"Did you spend last night making these!? There's like over a hundred people!" Emmy gasps.

"Oh! Aidan and his mum helped me!" The cast smirk and turn to look at the boy who quickly looks away, Steve chuckling as he looks down at the boy.

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