Chapter 10 : Warm

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In the dead of night, Zarek's eyes snapped open. He immediately sat up and observing their makeshift campsite, his heart racing with a sudden sense of dread. His eyes fell upon Elara's empty bedroll, and a cold sweat broke out across his forehead.

Panic rising in his chest, Zarek scrambled to his feet, frantically searching the surrounding area for any sign of Elara. He called out her name into the darkness, his voice hoarse with fear. But all he heard in response was the eerie silence of the night.

Zarek's mind raced as he contemplated the worst-case scenarios. Had the assassins found them? Had Elara been taken? His thoughts were interrupted by a rustling in the bushes nearby. Without hesitation, Zarek dashed towards the sound, determined to find Elara and keep her safe.

As Zarek searched frantically for Elara, his heart pounding in his chest, his mind raced with all sorts of worst-case scenarios. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he caught sight of her silhouette on the cliff's edge, staring up at the starry sky. He breathed a sigh of relief and made his way towards her, careful not to startle her.

Elara's expression was one of profound sadness, and Zarek's heart ached at the sight of her. He knew that she had been through a lot and that the weight of her sister's betrayal was heavy on her shoulders. Without a word, he sat down beside her, gazing up at the stars as well.

After a few minutes of silence, Elara spoke softly, "Zarek, do you ever think that this world could be a better place if cursed beings like me did not exist? Everyone could live in harmony then."

Zarek turned to face her, a look of concern etched on his face. "Elara, why you said like that?

Her voice trembled with emotion as she continued, "Because everything has happened because of me. I was cursed, and now I am the reason for the chaos and destruction around us. And the worst part is my younger sister. I couldn't save her from the darkness that consumed her, she joined The Black Order Assassins. She started killing humans, and I couldn't stop her. I am a failure," Elara's eyes welled up with tears, and she buried her face in her hands.

Zarek's heart ached for Elara as he watched her struggle with her emotions. He gently hugging her and said, "Elara, you are not responsible for the actions of others. You are doing the best you can with the circumstances you w ere given. And as for your sister, you can still help her. It's not too late."

Elara looked up at Zarek, her eyes red from crying. "How?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"We are all cursed in our own way, Elara," he whispered into her ear. "It's what we do with our curses that truly matters."

He felt Elara's grip on him tighten, and he knew she was listening. "You are doing the best you can with what you have been given. And as for your sister, we will find a way to help her, together. You are not alone in this."

Zarek continued to hold Elara, feeling her soft breaths against his chest. The moonlight cast a gentle glow on the two of them as they stood there, lost in thought.

"You know," Zarek began, his voice low and contemplative. "Sometimes, the very thing that we see as our curse can also be our greatest strength. It's all a matter of perspective."

"Your curse has given you powers that no one else has. You can see things others can't, and you can use that to help people. You have a unique perspective that can make a difference."

Elara pulled back slightly, looking at him with wonder. "I never thought of it that way," she said softly.

Zarek smiled down at her, his eyes filled with warmth. "That's why I'm here, to remind you of the good in you, even when you can't see it yourself."

Elara's gaze softened, and Zarek could see a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Thank you, Zarek," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "You always know the right things to say."

Zarek smiled softly, feeling his heart fill with warmth. "I will always be here for you, Elara," he said, his eyes locked with hers. "Through the good times and the bad, through the light and the dark. You are not alone, and you never will be."

As they sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, they watched the stars twinkle in the sky above them. For a moment, everything seemed still and quiet, and Zarek knew that this was where he belonged - with Elara, by his side.

Elara looked up at Zarek, her tear-streaked face revealing a mix of gratitude and sadness. "You're right," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've been so consumed by my own guilt that I forgot that everyone has their own struggles."

Zarek gently wiped away her tears and pulled her closer. "It's okay to feel guilty, Elara," he said. "But it's also important to remember that you are not defined by your curse. You are so much more than that."

Elara nodded, taking comfort in Zarek's words. "Thank you for being here," she said, leaning into his embrace. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Zarek smiled, his heart full of love and admiration for Elara. "You'll never have to find out," he said, holding her close. "I'll always be here for you."

In that moment, Elara felt a deep connection to Zarek, a feeling that went beyond mere friendship. As they sat on the cliff together, watching the stars twinkle above them, she knew that her heart had found its home. And she knew that, no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, as one.

As Zarek and Elara pulled away from their embrace, they noticed Khai and Samael approaching them. Khai's eyes darted towards Elara, noticing the tear stains on her cheeks. "Is everything alright?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

Zarek filled them in on what had happened, and Khai and Samael listened intently. After a moment of silence, Samael spoke up. "We will help you find a way to save your sister, Elara. We won't give up on her."

Elara looked at each of them in turn, feeling the weight of their support. In that moment, she knew she wasn't alone in her struggles. She took a deep breath and nodded, a sense of determination settling in her heart.

"Thank you," she whispered, grateful for the companionship.

As they settled back at the campfire, Khai turned to Elara and asked, "Elara, could you please bring your ancient book here? I would like to show it to Samael and discuss our next journey."

Elara nodded and retrieved the book from her bag. She passed it to Khai, who began to flip through the pages, pointing out various landmarks and routes they could take.

Samael leaned in, his eyes saw the pages with interest. "This is incredible," he said, "I had no idea such a book even existed."

Elara's smile gave away her relief from the heavy burden of her thoughts. "I met an old wise man," she said. "He told me that this book, could help and guide me in order to break my curse."

Samael ask her "who is this old wise man? "

Elara's smile remained as she spoke, her eyes filled with gratitude as she remembered the old wise man's teachings. "I don't know his name," she said, "He never introduced himself. He simply appeared before me one day and taught me the ways of wind and light magic."

Samael's curiosity was piqued. "And you trust him?" he asked.

Elara nodded. "With my life," she said. "He has never led me astray."

Elara's eyes lit up as she spoke about the ancient book, "Our next journey is to Thalassia, The Water City, and the artifact we seek is located there," she said.

Samael listened intently, his mind already working on the logistics of the journey. "But how will we find the artifact once we get there?" he asked.

Elara furrowed her brow in thought. "I believe we have to meet the goddess Thalassia first," she said. "According to the book, she holds the key to finding the artifact."

Khai nodded in agreement, "That makes sense. The goddess Thalassia is known to be the guardian of the seas and all that lies within them. It's likely that she has knowledge of the artifact's location."

The four of them sat in silence, contemplating the upcoming journey and what it might entail. But they were determined to find the artifact and break Elara's curse once and for all.

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