#6 Hell Police Department.

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The police department of Hell is a picturesque and peculiar place. Built at the beginning of the last century, it was remodeled a few years ago along with other buildings in the town. It has a clock tower illuminated by large spotlights, which makes it quite striking. The clock marks eleven forty, twenty minutes before midnight.

"Hmm! This is starting to become a routine. Where the hell is everyone? And Dad?" Kara has quite a temper, she's starting to get angry with everything. She's not the first to receive a good left hook when some fool gets too smart.

"It does seem to be becoming a routine. At the moment, there doesn't seem to be anyone at the entrance." Sarah Bright, the officer who handles calls and organizes patrol notifications, is usually at the entrance. "Let's go look back at the offices to see if Dad's in his office."

"Come on, idiot, we're taking too long!" While pushing Killian to go ahead, she takes refuge behind him, looks through the semi-hidden side, and whispers to Killian, "It sounds like voices."

Killian lowers his tone to whisper as well. "Damn, I don't know if I'm more scared it's Dad or some fucking thing."

"Haha, don't make me laugh, fool. I don't think it's the best time..."

They arrive at Frank's office door, where they hear a conversation.

"Well, let's go in, Kara."

"Damn, I'm so nervous, I'm going to faint."

Killian opens the door, but Frank isn't there either. What they hear is the old radio he has in his office. Frank has always liked listening to debates, games, and especially music. "Old rockers never die," he always says when he hears an old school song.

At that moment, what Killian and Kara are hearing is a local radio program where Steve McConaughey broadcasts events of interest to the citizens of Hell, although to be honest, ninety percent of them are rumors.

"Broadcasting from H.R, Hell's Radio, it's eleven forty-six at night. We have received a call from Mrs. Kotton, who reports a loud noise at Mike's Diner. We hope Mike and Sally are okay. We hope our Chief of Police, Frank Summers, is dealing with what happened. We have another call from Mrs. River, who tells us there are problems with the light in the city of Hell. Has Mayor Rogers paid the electricity bill? We will continue to keep you informed, but for now, here's a song by The Phantoms that seems to be perfect for a night like this. The song is called 'Into The Darkness,' enjoy it."

While Kara and Killian finish listening to the radio program, they look at each other, wondering where Dad is now.

When the song ends, it's midnight. The light repeats the usual pattern of light, darkness, light, darkness, light, darkness, and strange noises begin to be heard in front of the police station.

"Damn, Killi, this time it looks like we're screwed. If it's those things, there has to be more than one. There's too much noise."

"Look on Dad's desk, there has to be a gun."

"Bingo!" Kara shouts. Killian checks that it's loaded, removes the safety, and gives it to her.

"You still remember what Dad taught us, right?"

"Who do you think you're talking to, idiot? I shoot better than you, and you know it!"

Killian knocks over one of the shelves next to the door just as something or someone seems to be trying to enter.

He stands next to his sister behind the desk and says, "If what's coming in isn't Dad or someone we know, shoot and let me know when you need to change the magazine. I'll cover you with the shotgun, and you do the same with me as Dad taught us. I love you, tough girl."

"And I love you too!"

The light goes out, leaving everything in darkness again. Kara turns on the flashlight she took from Mike's Diner and places it on the table, pointing it at the entrance.

A loud bang shakes the door, moving the shelf, but it's still closed.

"A couple more times, and they'll get in!"

"Don't worry, idiot, we'll give them what they deserve!"


Endless Darkness.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon