Short stories of anything I feel like writing. Updates probably won't be frequent but I hope you enjoy nonetheless! Mostly Metallica, with some GNR and others as well.
[I don't own any of the already existing characters or real peo...
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James You make a list of everything thing you need to get done while he watches you and procrastinates. You eventually have to talk him through what to do.
Kirk He is very good a getting his homework done, he takes half as much time as you do and almost always ends up doing the rest of yours for you.
Lars You have a lot of trouble with homework, so Lars does it for you. You feel bad because he never does his own but he says he needs to keep up with his bad boy reputation.
Jason You never have homework because you always get it done in class. You make sure to make Jason snacks and encourage him while he spends his Friday nights doing his homework.
Axl Axl never does homework. You try and get him to do it but he always answers with, "I'll do it later." He has a never ending amount of missing assignments and you have none.
Slash Slash does his homework in school, he tries to help you with subjects you're not good at but you almost always end up snapping at him for being too overbearing.
Duff He leaves his homework until the morning it is due and you usually have to make a fake copy of yours so he doesn't get in trouble. Though teachers have started to get suspicious about the similar handwriting.
Izzy Izzy likes to do his homework alone in his quiet bedroom, you like to just not do yours. He scolds you for it but you won't change your mind.
Steven He is very forgetful and does his homework, but forgets it in the strangest places. You always have to cover for him and he owes you a lot for that.