Rosey Special Day

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Today was Chi Chi's birthday and she's now opening all her presents. Everyone got her new things like outfits, Cooking items, Etc... Finally she was opening my and Frieza's presents. (We made it together) She opened it and saw shells made into a heart. (We got them from Kami house and gather enough to make it and yes we trained sometimes so we could see what Roshi can teach and show us but anyway)

 (We got them from Kami house and gather enough to make it and yes we trained sometimes so we could see what Roshi can teach and show us but anyway)

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Chi Chi: "Oh! Thanks, You two. I think I'll hang it on one of our doors."

Rosey: "You're welcome, Chi Chi."

Frieza just smiled.

Later, The party just continued with games and music and all while I went outside to get some fresh air. I was laying on the ground, Watching the night skies.

???: "Hey, Auntie."

I looked above me and saw Gohan.

Rosey: "Hey, Gohan. What are you doing out here?"

Gohan: "I was looking for you."

Rosey: "Oh, Well, I needed some fresh air. Wanna sit beside me?"

He nodded and lay beside me.

We watch the night sky, Seeing the stars twinkle. We stayed in silence until Gohan asked something that I wish he didn't ask me about.

Gohan: "When's your birthday, Auntie?"

...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Oh boy, What do I do...?

Rosey: "Ah... Why do you ask?"

Gohan: "Because you must already miss a few birthdays since all that happened so you must have another coming up soon, Right?"


Rosey: "Yeah but why does that matter? I don't need a birthday."

Gohan: "But, Auntie, Having a birthday is a lot of fun and to celebrate getting older."

Rosey: "I'm still going to turn older if or if not I have a birthday so it's fine."

Gohan: "It's not fine! You have to have one!"

Rosey: "Gohan, I don't and never want to again-"

I cover my mouth. I say too much again.

Gohan: "Never... Again? What do you mean 'never again'?

Rosey: "I-... Um... Ah..."

I sat up and sigh. I have to tell him.

Rosey: "Because... Because... I... I'll..."

Gohan waited for my answer.

Rosey: "I'll... Just wasted everyone's day or time for what plans they have. So I won't let them waste it all on me."

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Silences for three seconds.

Gohan: "Are you serious, Auntie? It's not a waste for anyone to celebrate a birthday and your's. Plus, Everyone has to returned the favor to you after all you done-"


Gohan flinches and I cover my mouth again.

Rosey: "N-no... Gohan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm so sorry... But, Look, I know having a birthday is something we all do but for me I just see it as a waste to everyone because they celebrate with their loved ones and closest friends but me, I'm still new to them and they're new to me. Do you... Get what I mean?"

He nodded.

Rosey: "I know you care a lot for me but please understand that this is what I want, Okay?"

He nodded again.

Rosey: "Good. Now let's go back inside. Your mother must be wondering where we are."

I carried him in my arms and we went back inside.

Gohan POV:

I can't believe Auntie thinks that her birthday is a waste for everyone and she thinks we're not that close to her. I don't care what she thinks or if she doesn't want a birthday, She's going to have one. But how can I-

An idea pops into my head.

I know what to do and it's going to be great.

A week and half later...

Rosey POV:

Today is... Nothing but a normal day and I don't want to do anything today. Like at all. I really don't feel like it so I'm just going to sleep until the next day. Before I got into bed, Frieza came into my room.

Frieza: "Rosey! Chi Chi just called and she said she needed us to come for an emergency!"

Rosey: "What!? What happened!?"

Frieza: "Something happened while they were in the forest and they need help now."

Rosey: "Let's not waste anymore time then."

I raised two fingers to my forehead as Frieza held my shoulder and we instant transmission. We appeared in the middle of a forest.

Rosey: "Weird... We shouldn't be here-"


Something went by me and took Frieza away from me.

Rosey: "HEY!!!"

???: "Don't move or try anything."

A voice said behind me, I couldn't make out who though.

???: "If you do, then your friends are not going to have a good time with us. Now, Put your hands up."

I put my hands up. I didn't want anything bad to happen to them or Frieza.

???: "Good. Now we're going to blindfold you and take you to your friends."

I stood there and let them blindfold me then they led me to wherever we're going. I soon knew I was almost there because I heard some shuffling and laughter.

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