Chapter 30

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"IT'S HALLOWEEN BITCHES!!!!" Lynn screamed as she walked into our apartment

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"IT'S HALLOWEEN BITCHES!!!!" Lynn screamed as she walked into our apartment.

"How have we not being filed for a noise complaint from our neighbours yet." Dylan said as he got up and walked into the kitchen while I tickled giggling Francesca.

Oliver rushed over when he saw her and I placed Fran on the floor and she crawled over to the little play area that is set up in the corner were we can all keep a close eye out on both of them.

"Honestly I have no clue. Especially with the amount of loud sexual inter course that goes on here." Lynn said. "But that's beside the point. We're going to a Halloween party. And we're making it a competition of duo outfits but you can't choose who you are dating.

"I'm with Isabelle."
"I'm with Scarlett." Both me and Isabelle said straight away as soon as the words came out of her mouth.

Eventually everyone was paired up and we started planning our outfits for this party but me and Isabelle already knew what we were doing so we just straight away went shopping for the stuff we needed.

"I still think Athena and Freya need to start dating and like soon. Even Ezra and Sawyer are together now." Isabelle said as we reached the bus stop and waited for the bus to show up.

"They're taking their time. It will happen when it happens. But they would be extremely perfect for each other. Just got to hope Athena can deal with Lynn's playful flirting to Freya." I laughed and she laughed as well as the bus showed up and we got on the bus.

When we were back at the apartment no one was here so I'm guessing they all went out shopping for their stuff and me and Isabelle went to her room to start setting up our clothes.

When we heard the door of the apartment open we knew it was close the time we had to start getting ready but we didn't want to risk anyone seeing our amazing costume. So I went into her bathroom and changed into the outfit as she got changed in her room. I put my clothes in my bag until it was time to go and I could quickly put them in my room before we left.

"Bitchhhhhhhhh we look hot." Lucas said as he walked into Isabelle's room.

"Oh yes we do." Isabelle said and we laughed and walked out of her room.

I threw my bag into my room and we went into the living room were everyone was there waiting for us. Even Francesca and Oliver were wearing matching Halloween costumes.

"Right here's the game plan. Were taking these two out trick or treating because its still early and a few hours before the party. Then Scarlett's great grandma and grandad are in town and said they would look after the kids for us here as long as she can sleep in the guest bedroom." Lynn said and we all nodded.

"Sounds like a good plan." Sawyer said and we all went to the door and started the plan.

Scarlett and Isabelle costume

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Scarlett and Isabelle costume

It wasn't long until we were heading back to the apartment and my grandparents were stood outside the appartment building.

Me, Isabelle and Lucas walked further behind the group as Lynn was in front either being the only one that knew where we were going or she was highly excited to get drunk.

"What we thinking. Lynn gonna end up having sex with a random person?" Isabelle asked me and Lucas. 

"You never know with Lynn. She's a wildcard that one." Lucas said as he threw his arm around both mine and Isabelle's shoulder.

"Oh dang it I can't drink tonight." Isabelle whined as she seemed to come to some realization.

"How come? You always drink at parties we go to." I said and Lucas looked just as confused as me.

"Baby what's up?" Lucas asked as he moved his hand down to Isabelle's waist.

"I'm pregnant. I found out a week ago. You two are kinda the only ones that know." Isabelle said and Lucas instantly had a huge smile on his face.

He picked her up and spun her around smiling like crazy while she giggled and I just smiled at the both of them.

"You do realise you gotta tell Dylan right." I said and she nodded.

"I was going to tell him tonight. I was gonna tell him and Lucas at the same time but that didn't work out." She laughed as Lucas put her down and the group turned around and looked to see what was going on.

"You three all right?" Harry asked as he came over to us and wrapped his arms around me Tori following close behind him.

"Yea everything's fine. Just happy about something." I said and cuddled into his arms as we kept walking to this party.

He smiled at me and kissed my forehead as Tori took my hand and also placed a light kiss on it.

"You three are fucking adorable. I still can't believe your married." Lucas said and we smiled at him.

"That's a point when's your honeymoon you got married a month ago but you haven't had a chance to go on your honeymoon yet." Sadie asked us.

"Where leaving later on tonight. Which is why we'll be leaving early. And we're taking Francesca with us." Harry said and the other nodded.

"Ok. We can say our goodbyes before they leave for a month later. For now let's go party." Lynn said and walked into the house that music was blasting from.

The whole night me, Dylan, Lucas, Harry and Tori didn't touch a single drink but were still dancing about like a whole bunch of crazy people.

It was soon time for me, Harry and Tori to head back to the apartment and we said our goodbyes to the others while Isabelle, Dylan decided to walk back to the apartment with us.

We grabbed our suitcases and Tori picked up a smiling and giggling Tori out of my Grandads arms. We said our byes for now and then Dylan drove us to the airport.

We got through secruity easily and in 5 minutes it was time for us to board the plane.

"Maldives here we come." Tori laughed out as she put Fran down into the car seat that we brought with us. And Harry sat in the row beside us.

And the flight began and before we knew it we were in Maldives ready to have our first holiday as a family.

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