[Volume 1, Chapter 13.5] Neo's Assignment Adventure

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Instead of going to forever fall with Ruby. Neo was forced to go with a special team to "defend" an important mining operation from a large horde of grimm that was moving their way.

Neo: AAAAAhhhh why do I have to be here when I could be spending time with my precious Ruby.

???: Clingy much.

Neo: Take that back and you might keep you jaw.

???: Relax kiddo the name's Qrow, Qrow Branwen.

Neo: As in Ruby's Uncle Qrow Branwen

Qrow: Wait you were talking about Ruby Rose.

Neo: Yes.

Qrow: Wait a minute are you Neo, Ruby's definitely not girl friend.  

Neo: Yes.

???: Can both of you just keep quiet and focus on the mission.

Neo: Who is that? 

Qrow: Winter Schn---


Qrow: Seems someone might hate Schnees almost as much as me.

Winter: I don't even know who you are lit----


Winter: Your height begs to differ.

Neo: I might not be allowed to kill Weiss, but nobody said I can't kill you.

Winter: Try that and you will never see your precious Ruby ever again.

Neo: You cannot stop me.

VEGA (out loud): Miss Neo she has a ninety seven percent chance of stopping you.

Winter: Listen to your AI.

Neo: VEGA add in the Argent Amp to your calculation.

Winter: Argent Amp?

VEGA: Including Argent Amp in calculation..... Miss Neo she has a zero percent chance of stopping you.

Neo: See.

Winter: I will defy those odds. 

Qrow: No you probably won't. 

Neo, Winter and Qrow finally arrive by the mine.

Winter: Neo, Qrow with me, the other squad will cover the other side. 

Qrow: Shouldn't there be a fourth member on our side?

Winter: There is, he will be joining us there.

Neo: I wonder who this is? 

They reach the area. 

???: Hmmm if it isn't miss blood transplant.

Winter: What?

Qrow: Ooooh did you not know how Neo got here powers? 

Winter: What powers? 

Qrow: Wow you are really out of the loop.

Neo: Hello Mr Arc.

Jeremy: Kid call me Jeremy.

Neo: Your son is a disappointment. 

Qrow: WOW was not expecting that.

Jeremy: Agreed, he is a disappointment.

Qrow: Or that

A few thousand grimm show up. 

Qrow: OOOKay then Kid new plan ru---- 

Qrow is cut off by a giant man in green armour rushing through.


Qrow: WHAT!!

Winter: WHOO!! 

Jeremy: I don't care.

Slayer: Die 

The Slayer pulls out the BFG 9000 and fires it wiping out the horde before leaving.

Qrow: Are we redundant?

Winter: Yes, definitely yes. 

Jeremy: Next time just don't call me.

Neo, Qrow and Winter get back on the bullhead.

Qrow: Your Father is....


Qrow: I was gonna say strong but you could use those words

Winter: I must somehow get him into the Atlas military.

Neo: Never gonna happen.

Winter: Why?

Neo: He hates being ordered around. 

Qrow: Fair

The scene cuts to black.


This was meant to be a little short that explains why Neo was not in the last chapter and lets her meet Winter and Qrow earlier in the series.

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