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Yoongi slept for a few more minutes, enjoying the king size bed that was full of Hoseok's scent

he finally got up yawning and stretching his little body

he has work at 8pm and it's so early now so he has many free hours to spend

he wondered what is that important thing that Hoseok has to do

his stomach made a sound, announcing that he's hungry

he made his way to the kitchen, ate and washed the few dishes he used, since he knows that Hoseok hates when his house is messy

after a few minutes he thought about the brown haired boy again, and wanted to call him, he wonders if he's doing great and if maybe he needs him

he grabbed his phone and tapped on "sunshine" number


hoseok's phone rang while he was still worrying about his performance on that competition

"your phone is ringing hyung"
said Jimin who was comforting him that he can do it

"oh shit, who's calling ? Yoongi ?"

"hello.." he heard from his phone

"hello pretty, how are you doing ?"
Hoseok sat down after he heard his yoongs's calming voice

"i am fine, how about you ? you told me you had something important to do, is everything going good ?"

"oh... i don't know ..."
Hoseok said hesitating wether he should tell him or not

it was such a serious and important thing for Hoseok, he practiced for months and months, and now he has to do his best

don't blame him, it's his dream

"what is it Hoseok, tell me, can i help you with it ?" he spoke with a worried tone

"i'm a bit nervous, i think you can help me with yes"
the reason he didn't tell Yoongi about it before, is because he was afraid if he may lose and disappoint him

he wasn't sure of himself like every time
he was all nervous and worried since it was his first performance

and if front of five judges

"oh i'd love to, give me the address, i will be there as soon as possible"

"are you sure you can come ? won't i distract you from doing something ? are you free?"
the older said, thinking that maybe Yoongi will be busy doing something

Yoongi smiled
"even if i was busy, i will make time for you, that's why we're together Hoseok"

«oh, i'm brave ...» he thought

"oh.. thank you Yoongs, i will send you the address in a message, it's not far from where you live"

"okay, i'm coming in a few minutes then, don't thank me"

"alright, see you"


Hoseok put his phone down and he looked a bit relaxed after that call

Jimin was eyeing him with a smirk on his face

"what ? why are you looking at me like this ?"
Hoseok turned to face him, raising his eyebrows


"huh ? what's that ?"

"your relationship, you care a lot about each other, i could hear him talk through the phone"

Hoseok chuckled and blush a little bit

Jimin saw that and giggled clapping
"wow, didn't know that he was warm and caring, he looks cold, pfft i envy you, you have someone that loves and care a lot about you"

he pout and crossed his arms

Hoseok saw that and hit him on his arm

"yaa, what do you mean ? everyone has crush on you, can't you see that ?"

"stop saying nonsense, no one knows me"

"don't pout, i'm sure that you'll find the perfect person that will love you the way you are Jimin, you're amazing actually"

he smiled showing his cute dimples, looking at the ceiling, forgetting the performance that will be in an hour

"pfft, you're in love, but thanks"

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