twenty eight

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good flight?

Any flight heading toward you is a good flight

babe you suck at flying

It was pretty solid actually
When's your flight board?

an hourish
getting a bagel rn

Chocolate chip?

awwww you know me so well

About to deboard call ya in a minute


* * * * *

Technically, I lied to him. No. I definitely lied. No technically about it. Trevor is under the impression I get to the airport like two and a half hours after he does. That Spence was picking him up and taking him to our parents' and I would just Uber home. That was the plan I told him. He was going with it.

That's not the real plan. The real plan is Spence is picking both of us up and I've actually been at the airport for nearly an hour. Waiting for Trevor. I'd wait days if I had to. Oh, I am so not surviving the next few days. I can feel it. Tilly thinks I'm done for too. Mira tried to show some support but I could tell she doesn't quite believe I'll make it past this trip without spilling my guts.

I don't know if I want to do it here. What if we end up in a terrible breakup and then I have to be reminded of it every time I come home or go to a family party? Especially this particular one. It's an institution. I don't want it to be ruined because I couldn't keep it to myself that I want Trevor to myself.

Speak of the devil, my phone starts ringing. I click accept and rush to switch the audio to my phone instead of my headphones. "Hello?"

"Hi," he says. "Pretty sure I had like every single baby in existence on that flight and none of them were very happy."

"Well, I'm sure you felt right at home," I say. My leg starts bouncing because—oh my god—I get to hear his voice in person for the first time in what's felt like fucking forever. "Where are you?"

"Headed to where your brother told me to go," he answers.

I take in a deep breath in an attempt to settle my excitement. "That's a good idea."

"It— I'm gonna call you back," he rushes out. I don't even get a word in before he hangs up.

Slowly, I pull my phone away from my ear. And I stare at it. As if that will solve my confusion. What the hell? He was the one who decided to call me. And he just hung up? I've been sitting on the same bench by the baggage claim for over an hour. Then he hangs up on me?

"Is that spot taken?"

Immediately, I jump up and grab him. That's really what it has to be described as. It's not quite a hug. It's probably one of the tightest hugs I've given and that is saying something. My arms wrap around his neck and his snake around my waist, somehow hugging me just as tight.

Trevor laughs and even lifts me off the ground slightly in this grab of a hug of ours. "This doesn't answer my question, Tennessee."

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