good flight?trevor
Any flight heading toward you is a good flightteagan
babe you suck at flyingtrevor
It was pretty solid actually
When's your flight board?teagan
an hourish
getting a bagel rntrevor
Chocolate chip?teagan
awwww you know me so welltrevor
About to deboard call ya in a minuteteagan
<3* * * * *
Technically, I lied to him. No. I definitely lied. No technically about it. Trevor is under the impression I get to the airport like two and a half hours after he does. That Spence was picking him up and taking him to our parents' and I would just Uber home. That was the plan I told him. He was going with it.
That's not the real plan. The real plan is Spence is picking both of us up and I've actually been at the airport for nearly an hour. Waiting for Trevor. I'd wait days if I had to. Oh, I am so not surviving the next few days. I can feel it. Tilly thinks I'm done for too. Mira tried to show some support but I could tell she doesn't quite believe I'll make it past this trip without spilling my guts.
I don't know if I want to do it here. What if we end up in a terrible breakup and then I have to be reminded of it every time I come home or go to a family party? Especially this particular one. It's an institution. I don't want it to be ruined because I couldn't keep it to myself that I want Trevor to myself.
Speak of the devil, my phone starts ringing. I click accept and rush to switch the audio to my phone instead of my headphones. "Hello?"
"Hi," he says. "Pretty sure I had like every single baby in existence on that flight and none of them were very happy."
"Well, I'm sure you felt right at home," I say. My leg starts bouncing because—oh my god—I get to hear his voice in person for the first time in what's felt like fucking forever. "Where are you?"
"Headed to where your brother told me to go," he answers.
I take in a deep breath in an attempt to settle my excitement. "That's a good idea."
"It— I'm gonna call you back," he rushes out. I don't even get a word in before he hangs up.
Slowly, I pull my phone away from my ear. And I stare at it. As if that will solve my confusion. What the hell? He was the one who decided to call me. And he just hung up? I've been sitting on the same bench by the baggage claim for over an hour. Then he hangs up on me?
"Is that spot taken?"
Immediately, I jump up and grab him. That's really what it has to be described as. It's not quite a hug. It's probably one of the tightest hugs I've given and that is saying something. My arms wrap around his neck and his snake around my waist, somehow hugging me just as tight.
Trevor laughs and even lifts me off the ground slightly in this grab of a hug of ours. "This doesn't answer my question, Tennessee."
"Only spot you get is in my arms so shut up," I mumble back.
"Not complaining."
I sigh. "Fuck. Sunny will."
"Fuck him," he says. But his hold on me does drop. Mine dropped a few seconds after. "He'll be a bit annoying if we take too long."
"He'll be an asshole," I correct.
We don't move though. We stand there and smile at each other like idiots. Our bags are practically prime for stealing because we aren't paying attention to them whatsoever. My heart nearly explodes as Z reaches over and puts a hand on the side of my face, swiping his thumb back and forth on my cheek a few times.
I put a hand over the top of his and say, "You want to kiss me so bad."
"Always, baby."
And he proves it. He takes a step closer and leans in and kisses me and it's exactly what I needed. I'm glad we got it out of the way so quickly. I'd be bouncing off the walls like a kid who didn't get it's ADHD medicine for the day. Instead, I'll be good for a few hours.
His phone starts ringing and I already know it's going to be Sunny. What an asshole.
* * * * *
"You guys grew up here?" Trevor questions.
"Uh, yep," I answer.
He looks at me, back to the house, and then back to me again. "Uh, yep? That's all you have to say? This is like..."
"It was built in like the early 1900s," I say. 'Cause it's what I always say. I never know how to respond to people complimenting the place. It's just... home to me. Even if it is a clear show of how much my parents make to be able to afford it.
"It's like the stereotypical San Francisco house."
"You're thinking of the Painted Ladies so yes kind of but also no it's not really."
"Can you guys hurry up?" Spence says, waiting at the front door. "Seriously, come on. It's not a whole thing to get out of a car and into a house."
We both roll our eyes. It's the natural reaction to Sunny to be fair. But we get to the door anyways. Despite being the guest here, Trevor is the one carrying my bags because he refused to let me do it myself. People that say chivalry is dead have never met Trevor Zegras. Although, the fact that we fucked without legitimately being together may contradict that. And on the first technical date? Yikes.
"Mom!" Spencer shouts, motioning to Trevor to drop the bags there in the foyer. "Parents, we're home!"
"Oh, god," Trevor whispers as we slip our shoes off. "Oh, god. I'm about to meet your dad."
Without thinking, I grab his face and turn him toward me. "Listen, Zegras. Tim is not to be intimidated by. He'll love you. If he doesn't, who cares? You're Trevor fucking Zegras."
I pat his cheek a few times. When he stands up, he stands up taller than I've ever seen him. Huh. I should be a motivational speaker.
Sunny huffs and nods to us as a signal to follow him without our parents' answering him. We walk single file. This is my home too? Why am I in the back? Whatever. Right as we walk into the kitchen, I hit Trevor on the ass gently but it makes him jump and yelp a little.
"What the fuck?" Spencer asks.
"Teagan Ellery, I saw that," Mom scolds. She's frosting a cake. Not just any cake. The chocolate cake of everyone's dreams.
I drop my jaw in false dramatics. "Saw what?"
"You must be Trevor," she says instead of dignifying me with a response.
"Your house is amazing." Trevor's voice is filled to the brim with charisma. He's a pro.
Mom beams while wiping her hands off on a dish towel. Hug time. I expect to be first but no. She hugs Z first. Before she pulls me into a hug, I catch a glimpse of Trevor smiling at me smugly. He knows I expected to be first. I hate him. The hate melts away a little when Mom squeezes me a bit tighter than she did him.
"Have you guys had dinner?" Mom asks. "I could whip something up."
I pull out of the hug and immediately walk to the kitchen island with the cake. "I will have this entire cake for dinner."
"No, you won't," she says.
"Mama Bear, it's calling my name," I argue.
My strategy of calling her Mama Bear almost works. She hesitates for a second before taking that dish towel and whipping it at me. I barely dodge out of the way and around the island for safety. Trevor and Spencer look like absolute angels sitting patiently on the stools. They've never looked so angelic in their lives. How am I losing this not actually there competition?
"Can't believe you wouldn't want to let me at least try some," Trevor says. "It's my first time."
I take the empty stool between them. "You never forget your first time."
"Teagan Ellery," Mom snaps.
"She has a point," Spencer says.
"See! And Sunny has very few first times."
He punches me in the arm. Hard. "Was that a virgin joke?"
"Where's Dad?" I mumble as I rub my arm in an attempt to soothe the pain. Massive pain.
Mom sighs, focused on the cake. "Asleep already. He only got home from Boston this morning at like four and had to go to work still."
"I wasted a pep talk."
"I'll keep it for tomorrow," Trevor assures me. I could kiss him. No, no. I swore I could last at least a few hours before needing another. He winks as if he's reading my mind about how much I want to kiss him.