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"𝐌𝐈𝐘𝐔𝐔 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐈 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐉𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐖 𝐘𝐎𝐔'𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃, 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍." Hiro yelled, their dad gave him a stern look because of his language, "sorry dad." "OH MY GOD MIYU SLOW DOWN!" their dad yelled while Miyu was half smiling half scared to death. 

*17 minutes earlier*

"Okay Miyu all you have to do is press the brake when you want to slow down and stop, and press this one when you want to-" Dave was saying before he got interrupted. "Sorry for interrupting you dad, but I already have my driving permit, so I know how to drive, I Just kinda want you here incase I forget when we go on the freeway." Miyu said. "Okay so you got this just drive like normal." he took a deep breath in and out. "Okay, Hiro buckle your seat belt." Miyu looked back in the rear view mirror seeing he didn't have it done. "Jeez you sound like mom" Hiro scoffed. "Shut up and buckle up" Miyu said unintentionally rhyming. 

Miyu pulled out of the drive way carefully making sure she didn't go too fast. She successfully pulled out but before she started driving she put on her Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo playlist. 'Cruel Summer' started playing and Miyu squealed "Turn this crap off please" Hiro said. "My car my rules bitch! DEVILS ROLL THE DICE ANGELS ROLL THEIR EYES WHAT DOESNT KILL ME MAKES ME WANT YOU MORE AND ITS NER THE SHAPE OF YOU BODY ITS BLUE THE FEELINGS IVE GOT AND ITS OOH OH OAH AH ITS A CRUEL SUMMER" Miyu yelled while her dad was trying to say, "Miyu watch your language" but he couldn't be heard because of her screaming. 

She started driving to the nearest free way entrance, "You ready Miyu?" her dad asked. "Yeah sure why not? I mean, sorry for cursing dad but fuck it am I right" Miyu said focusing on trying to go onto the freeway. 'getaway car' started playing and Miyu got excited. She started humming to the song still focusing on the road. "shitshitshitshit, dad I'm scared" miyu said starting to transfer lanes. "Its fine Miyu just focus and keep up with everyone else." he said calmly. "I was screaming go go go, but with three of us honey its a side show" she started singing drumming on the handle, still keeping a steady pace. "Hey dad I'm getting the handle of this, do we wanna go somewhere, like a starbuck or ooooh boba, like in a couple of exits." miyu said thinking about how much she loves boba. "Yeah there's one coming up soon, ill just type it into your phone really quick." he grabbed the phone from the holder. "kk!"

'how you get the girl' started and Miyu squealed it was probably one of her favorite songs form 1989. "And that's how it works, that's how you get the girl" Miyu was dancing to the song in her seat swaying side to side, still keeping eyes on the road. "AND THEN YOU SAY I WANT YOU FOR WORSE OR FOR BETTER I WOULD WAIT FOREVER AND EVER BROKE YOUR HEART ILL PUT IT BACK TOGETHER I WOULD WAIT FOREVER AND EVER. AND THATS HOW IT WORKS THATS HOW YOU GET THE GIRL" Miyu sung getting confident enough to let go of one hand and doing some hand movements that match the lyrics. She sang the rest of the song while dancing and doing some hand movements.

'good 4 u' played. Miyu was getting more confident by the second and the more amped up her songs were the more amped up she was. She had been an olivia stan since day 1, she once saw her on tv in an old navy commercial but didn't really care much about that, until she saw her in an American girl doll movie. Ever since Miyu has loved Olivia. Miyu switched lanes going into one that was going at a faster speed until she was going pretty fast for her first time on the freeway. "GOOD FOR U U LOOK HAPPY AND HEALTHY NOT ME IF U EVER CARED TO ASK GOOD FOR U YOURE DOING GREAT OUT THEIR WITHOUT ME BABY GOD I WISH THAT I COULD DO THAT IVE LOST MY MIND IVE SPENT THE NIGHT CRYING ON THE FLOOR OF MY BATHROOM, BUT UR SO UNAFFECTED I REALLY DONT GET IT BUT I GUESS GOOD 4 U" Miyu yelled at the top of her lungs increasingly speeding up. "Miyu slow down your going to fast" her dad said slightly holding the door for support. 

"And good for you, it's like you never even met me remember when you swore to God I was the only person who ever got you well, screw that and screw you you will never have to hurt the way you know that I do" she was preoccupied singing to here her father increasingly starting to panic. She sang the chorus with all her might even though shed never been in a relationship she could feel it on a deep level for some reason. "Maybe I'm too emotional But your apathy is like a wound in salt Maybe I'm too emotional Or maybe you never cared at all Maybe I'm too emotional Your apathy is like a wound in salt Maybe I'm too emotional Or maybe you never cared at all" she was drumming her steering wheel to the beat. "Miyu seriously SLOW DO-" Hiro was interrupted by her yelling "LIKE A DAMN SOCIOPATH IVE LOST MY MIND IVE SPENT THE NIGHT CRYING ON THE FLOOR OF MY BATHROOM BUT YOURE SO UNAFFECTED I REALLY DONT GET IT BUT I GUESS GOOD FOR YOOUUUUUU" Miyu yelled so loud people outside could probably hear. 

"MIYU IM SO SERIOUS TURN DOWN THE MUSIC SO YOU CAN SLOW DOWN!!!" her dad was yelling at her and she drove unbothered. "MIYUU PLEASE I WAS JUST JOKING ABOUT THE STAYING ALIVE PART BUT NOW YOU'RE ACTUALLY MAKING ME SCARED, SLOW THE FUCK DOWN." Hiro yelled, their dad gave him a stern look because of his language, "sorry dad." "OH MY GOD MIYU SLOW DOWN!" their dad yelled while Miyu was half smiling half scared to death. The song ended, "whew, that was fun" miyu said out of breath starting to switch lanes getting closer to the exit. "No! NO it wasn't fun Miyu WE COULDVE DIED!!" Hiro yelled. "Oh relax it wasn't that bad." Miyu said. She saw cops and thought nothing of it, until she realized they were trailing her. She pulled over, what the hell were they gonna do, she had her permit. "Dad? do you know what this is about?" Miyu asked nervous. She paused the next song that was playing and rolled down her window. 

"Hello mister officer!" Miyu said trying to be cheery. "Ms. how old are you?" the cop said with a stern face. "Uhm Im 15 but I have my permit." miyu looked over to her dad and he just shrugged his shoulders. "Im sorry but what is this about?" her dad asked leaning onto the cup holder to get closer to the window. "Sorry sir but we got reports of a possible drunk driver, with this exact license plate and description." the cop said looking at Miyu. "Oh my gosh, no I would never do alcohol or drugs, I'm a sober 15 year old, Im sorry but can I ask why I was reported as a drunk driver?" miyu said trying to clear up the situation. "Well people heard blaring music and screaming coming from this car and it was going at a pretty high speed." the cop said. Hiro snickered and the cop looked back to see where the sound came from, "Is there a problem son?" Hiro looked up, "NO, no its just that my sister, well this is her first time on the freeway and she was really excited about this one song that played so she was just yelling to it that's all, no substances in this car or in our bodies whatsoever." 

"Well thank you for clearing that up" he looked at Miyu and she smiled sheepishly, embarrassed of her actions. "Young lady just be careful next time, ill give you a past because it was your first time, just don't go off doing crazy stuff like that again okay?" he questioned. "Yeah but can I still scream to my favorite songs and go at a regular speed?" MIyu asked. "The officer laughed, "As long as its not to insane of course, also if you just have this closed," he said tapping the glass roof frame that was opened. "you'll be good, that was probably the main reason so many people could hear you."  "Okay thanks officer Ill watch out next time." Miyu said. "Have a nice day" the cop said as he walked back to his car.

"Jeez Miyu you could have gotten a ticket, or arrested." Hiro said. "Yeah don't do that again." her dad said with a very stern face. "Dont worry I wont." Miyu said with a cheeky smile. "Anyways lets go get boba!" she exclaimed starting the car and the music again.

this was a short filler chapter, but its making up for the late update. its a little silly willy, but at least this time this copper wasn't racist. MASONS (prob) COMING IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!!! she wont act like this when he gets her though. also was I the only one who didn't know mason did BALLET like if him and mo ever met they could totally bond over loving dance. i will totally write that into here.
anyways byeeee my loves ilysm

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