20 years ago, the kaiju were destroyed and the Breach was closed.
Now the world is, mostly, at peace. There's still villains out there who use their quirks for evil, but the pro heroes and hero course students keep them at bay.
But now the kaiju ha...
Our story begins with the voice of Izuku narrating.
"Over 30 years ago... alien life entered our world. Gigantic monsters named 'Kaiju' entered this dimension through a portal in the Pacific Ocean, known as 'The Breach.' Even all the worlds' heroes with their quirks weren't enough to stop them. There was only one solution. In order to fight monsters... we created monsters of our own; the Jaeger Program was born. The world's governments came together and built giant robots called 'Jaegers' to fight the kaiju. Eventually, the jaeger pilots were able to close the Breach and keep any more kaiju from emerging. A lot of good people sacrificed their lives to make sure the Breach stayed close. 20 years later... it was all for nothing"
It then cut to the UA highschool where we see students having a normal day. They were currently in the middle of a lesson when suddenly All Might burst into the classroom.
"You all need to see this!" he said before pulling out a projector device that showed a holographic screen of a news report.
It showed a giant monster going on a rampage through Tokyo.
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"It can't be..." Momo said.
"It's a goddamn kaiju..." muttered Bakugo.
"But... I thought the Breach was closed decades ago!" Kaminari said.
Izuku sat there in silence.
'The Breach reopened. Grandpa and so many others sacrificed their lives to make sure it stayed close! Were their sacrifices seriously for nothing?!' he said in his head angrily.
After a few minutes, a gigantic orange and blue robot arrived and killed the kaiju in an intense battle.
The students were shocked. They thought the kaiju were gone for good, but they were wrong.
Afterwards, class was dismissed and the students went back to the dorm rooms. Everyone was discussing about how the kaiju had returned, but Izuku was silently sitting in his room.
He heard a knock on his door.
"It's me" Ochako's voice said.
"Come in" Izuku said.
Ochako entered and she saw Izuku sitting on the edge of his bed. Completely silent.
"I noticed you weren't downstairs with us and talking about the jaeger/kaiju fight. I wanted to know what's wrong" she said.
Izuku sighed.
"I just needed to be alone" he answered.
"You seem really upset about this, though. More upset than any other threat before" Ochako said.
"Uraraka, a number of jaeger pilots gave their lives to stop the kaiju and close the Breach. Now their sacrifice means nothing?!" he said.
"I'm sorry. Is... is this personal to you for some reason?" Ochako asked.
Just then, a large noise was heard outside the building and Iida burst into Izuku's dorm.
"Midoriya! There are some people from the government here to see you!" he said.
Izuku sighed. He knew they were gonna show up eventually.
Izuku and his classmates went outside in the rain to see a helicopter landed in front of the dorm room building. Nezu was talking to the government officials who arrived via the helicopter.
"Izuku Midoriya is a student of my school. I'm not going to allow him to be taken in for some governmental nonsense" Nezu told the officials.
Izuku recognized the two people Nezu was talking to. One was an American man with blonde hair, the other was a Japanese woman with black hair that had blue highlights. They saw Izuku, turned to him, and smiled.
"Hey, kiddo. It's been a while" the blonde man said.
"Hello, Izuku" the Asian woman said.
Izuku sighed.
"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad" Izuku said to them.
The students and teachers realized who Izuku's parents were and gasped. They were Raleigh Becket and Mako Mori - the pilots of Gipsy Danger who closed the Breach 20 years ago.
"Midoriya, your parents are the pilots of Gipsy Danger?! Why didn't you tell us?!" Kirishima said.
Izuku shrugged.
"How about we all head inside and I'll explain my story to you all?" he said.
They all sat in the lounge area of the dorms.
"Not long after the Breach closed, my parents started dating; three years after that, they got married; and two years after that, I was born. Even though they were certain the world was rid of kaiju, I still trained to be a jaeger pilot" Izuku explained.
"So why did you leave?" asked Toru.
"Because I failed the neural drift tests. I felt like such a failure that I told them I needed some time away from them and that I was moving in with Kacchan and his family" Izuku answered.
"We weren't gonna force our son to be a jaeger pilot if he didn't want to be. So we gave him his space" Raleigh said.
"I didn't want people knowing who my parents were, so I used the last name 'Midoriya' as an alias when I got One For All and enrolled in UA. My real name is Izuku Becket. The only people who knew were Kacchan, All Might, and Nezu" Izuku said before turning his attention to his parents, "But why are you here now?"
"We want you to rejoin the Jaeger Program, Izuku. Your father and I can't do it because our connection with the neural drift was damaged during our last fight with the kaiju 20 years ago. We know you failed your neural drift tests, but you still have the potential to pass them" Mako said.
Izuku was unsure.
"I- I don't know, Mom" he said, uncertain of himself.
"Izuku. Listen to me. We taught you how to fight ever since you were little. You passed all the other jaeger tests, and we know you can do the neural drift. We wouldn't be asking you, our own son, to endanger your life like this if there were other people who could do it" Raleigh said, "It's what your Uncle Yancy and Grandpa Stacker would've wanted."
Izuku was stunned by this, then he got out of his seat and took a deep breath.
"I'll do it" he said.
Raleigh and Maki smiled.
"That's great!" said Raleigh.
"Can my friends join the Jaeger Program, too?" Izuku asked.
"If they have what it takes and if they're up for it" said Mako.
Izuku looked at his classmates and they all nodded.
"Welcome to the Jaeger Program, cadets" said Raleigh.
Todoroki then realized something.
"Wait, Izuku, how is your hair green if neither of your parents have green hair?" he asked.
"Simple. I used hair dye" Izuku answered.
Thx for reading. I've started watching some mecha stuff and I've had this book idea in my head for a few months, so here you are. Also in case it wasn't obvious, in this universe Inko and Hisashi don't exist and the cast and story of Pacific Rim coexist with the cast and story of MHA. All the Pacific Rim characters don't have quirks.