chapter 36

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"Honey ! Be quick we are already so late"

"Not my fault junghoon.. Your daughter is making me go crazy.. Just five minutes more let me change her diaper really quick and I will be there" Soomin shouted back as she continued her work..

"Let's go "

Junghoon saw his wife with little yuna giggling in her arms.. Both mother-daughter had worn matching outfits which made Mr. Jeon awestruck.. He was lost in the beauty of his two adorable princesses..

"Come on jungii.. We are late "

Mr. Jeon heard the clinking voice of his wife's heels as she walked elegantly out of the house carefully holding the daughter in her arms ..

Soon after half hour of driving in monsoon evening.. The jeon family reached the party venue...
It was anniversary party of joey-nara ( junghoon's business partners)

Junghoon is very close to them.. However soomin is going to meet them for the first time... She is not into business field so she never attended any meetings along with her husband.. But this time nara herself invited her as she really wanted to meet junghoon's family ..

"Hey buddy " Joey yelled in enthusiasm..

Jeoy and junghoon hugged each other happily.. As junghoon congratulated him on this joyful occasion..

"Where is your wife and daughter jungii " Jeoy asked when he didn't found any trace of junghoon's family..

"Oh she met a friend outside.. She will be right here any second -

"Mark? "

"Sorry? " Jeoy was confused.. Why would someone who is invited in his 'anniversary' can misspell his name..

"Soomin.. This is my business partner
Jeoy watson.. How can you forget his name" Junghoon fake laughed as the atmosphere tensed..

"Junghoon can we talk " Junghoon can guess soomin is tensed about something by her voice.. So he excused himself from jeoy for a while..

"Junghoon .. He is not jeoy.. He is mark .. JEON MARK "

Junghoon was shocked obviously but what made him more confuse was how can he never catch his fake identity.. Jeon Mark??  The one who eloped his sister in law... How can he be so clueless?? How that man was so good at faking his identity from the whole world and what about suyon? Where is she? How is she? Where did he hide her??

There were alot of questions revolving in his head and only his beloved friend can answer them...

"Are you sure soomin?? "
Soomin can only see nervousness dancing over her husband's face.. Excited eyes were glossy with the sudden surprise of his friend's real identity..

"I'm 101% sure he is Jeon Mark... My noona's boyfriend.. I think we should try to find noona ourself.. My heart says she is in big danger and that man doesn't seem like he is even a bit genuine.. He is hiding my sister from everyone.. I'm sure there are more secrets and we can't ask him directly.. He will either lie or more worse do something horrible and -

Junghoon hugged his wife whose breath was coming in gasps as she was talking nonstop... the pain and anxiety in her voice made junghoon agree with her advice and also the given advice was relevant..

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