The Signs when its Raining Outside

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Aries: waits it out or gets a ride home.
Taurus: wait it out, no matter if they have somewhere to go.
Gemini: watches what everyone else does.
Cancer: walks through it even though they are cussing with every step they take.
Leo: pretends it's not raining and walks through it.
Virgo: is wearing flip-flops.
Libra: stays inside and doesn't go outside unless it's not humid or they have an umbrella.
Scorpio:walks in it, giving death glares if anyone judges them.
Sagittarius: struts out into the open with their new umbrella and matching rain boots.
Capricorn: walks in the rain, it's beautiful to them.
Aquarius: starts bolting down the street, running into the storm for really no reason.
Pisces: hopes that someone would come around and kiss them in the rain.

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