'Top Leaders'
Kim Namjoon, Jihyo, JiU, and (5) OthersJihyo added Bang-Chan, Yeji, and Haewon to the group
Bang-Chan: oh! Hi guys
Yeji: hi Channie! Hi Haewon!
Haewon: hello Unnie and Chan!
Haewon: why we here?
Jihyo: leaders group chat! Tho everyone else is busy atm.
Bang-Chan: aren't you busy too??
Jihyo: yup! But nobody else has to know that. 😉😉 Long as we keep this to ourselves
Yeji: okay?
Haewon: keep what?
Bang-Chan: I'm not here and never was
Jihyo: sweet! Anyways, Make yourselves at home!
Jihyo logged off
Haewon: So
Bang-Chan: ummm how have you two been?
Yeji: oh the usual. Performances, variety shows, sleep, record, eat..... Repeat
Haewon: got a day off so I'm just chilling
Haewon: actually I was planning on doing a live with Lily but she might be reading another book or something
Yeji: Oooo I love her book club show she's started!
Bang-Chan: it's a fun show and I hope she starts inviting some guest to join her. Would be interesting to see how others views the books she has
Haewon: yeah, it's exciting to see where it'll go
Soobin logged in
Soobin: oh! Hello!
Bang-Chan: Soobin! Hi!
Yeji: Soobinnie!
Haewon: hello Soobin-sunbaenim!
Soobin: when did you guys get here?
Bang-Chan: just a few minutes ago. Jihyo invited us
Soobin: ah I see. Well welcome! It's not usually this quiet but we all just happened to be busy today.
Soobin: I'm on a break right now so I got a bit of time
Bang-Chan: yeah I feel ya. We just done a show and are resting in our hotel rooms
Yeji: oh right, stray kids is on tour too!
Haewon: how's yours going, Unnie?
Yeji: very fun! It's exciting to be touring again and seeing Midzys
Soobin: we're actually just about to go on our world tour. Just doing some last minute practices and whatnot
Haewon: you three are really making me jelaous over here. Smh
Yeji: hey, don't worry too much. Nmixx will get their first tour eventually. Afterall, you six just made a comeback
Bang-Chan: great album btw! I loved it a lot!
Yeji: you love everything, Channie lol
Soobin: you'll be surprised how quickly a first tour comes
Haewon: does it really?
Soobin: yup!
Bang-Chan: don't fret on it too much, Haewon. You guys are already doing a great job.
Haewon: thanks sunbaenims. It really means a lot from you three!

K-Pop Leaders Group Chat: A 'Maknaes on Top' Spin-Off
FanfictionMuch like how 'Maknae's on Top' group chat featured many of K-Pop's maknaes, another chat was initially made by some of the third gen leaders! Similarly, fourth gen and even other third gen leaders will join in for some chaos, advice, or other lead...