JYP Nation

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'Top Leaders'
Kim Namjoon, Jihyo, JiU, and (5) Others

Jihyo added Bang-Chan, Yeji, and Haewon to the group

Bang-Chan: oh! Hi guys

Yeji: hi Channie! Hi Haewon!

Haewon: hello Unnie and Chan!

Haewon: why we here?

Jihyo: leaders group chat! Tho everyone else is busy atm.

Bang-Chan: aren't you busy too??

Jihyo: yup! But nobody else has to know that. 😉😉 Long as we keep this to ourselves

Yeji: okay?

Haewon: keep what?

Bang-Chan: I'm not here and never was

Jihyo: sweet! Anyways, Make yourselves at home!

Jihyo logged off

Haewon: So

Bang-Chan: ummm how have you two been?

Yeji: oh the usual. Performances, variety shows, sleep, record, eat..... Repeat

Haewon: got a day off so I'm just chilling

Haewon: actually I was planning on doing a live with Lily but she might be reading another book or something

Yeji: Oooo I love her book club show she's started!

Bang-Chan: it's a fun show and I hope she starts inviting some guest to join her. Would be interesting to see how others views the books she has

Haewon: yeah, it's exciting to see where it'll go

Soobin logged in

Soobin: oh! Hello!

Bang-Chan: Soobin! Hi!

Yeji: Soobinnie!

Haewon: hello Soobin-sunbaenim!

Soobin: when did you guys get here?

Bang-Chan: just a few minutes ago. Jihyo invited us

Soobin: ah I see. Well welcome! It's not usually this quiet but we all just happened to be busy today.

Soobin: I'm on a break right now so I got a bit of time

Bang-Chan: yeah I feel ya. We just done a show and are resting in our hotel rooms

Yeji: oh right, stray kids is on tour too!

Haewon: how's yours going, Unnie?

Yeji: very fun! It's exciting to be touring again and seeing Midzys

Soobin: we're actually just about to go on our world tour. Just doing some last minute practices and whatnot

Haewon: you three are really making me jelaous over here. Smh

Yeji: hey, don't worry too much. Nmixx will get their first tour eventually. Afterall, you six just made a comeback

Bang-Chan: great album btw! I loved it a lot!

Yeji: you love everything, Channie lol

Soobin: you'll be surprised how quickly a first tour comes

Haewon: does it really?

Soobin: yup!

Bang-Chan: don't fret on it too much, Haewon. You guys are already doing a great job.

Haewon: thanks sunbaenims. It really means a lot from you three!

K-Pop Leaders Group Chat: A 'Maknaes on Top' Spin-OffWhere stories live. Discover now