------------Conn was enjoying his family's tradition of singing Carol's in the living room when his phone let out a dial ring. He flashed his dad an apologetic smile before answering it. "Johny?"
The other end was silent for a moment before Johny's rushed voice came through. "Yknow I really dont like you and all. And Elin finds you annoying. But," he took in a deep breath before continuing, "I need your help".
"You need my help?" He repeated. A smirk pulling at his lips. "Is that so?"
"I swear if your smiling right now I'm gonna come down there and-"
"Woah! Woah!" Conn made calming motions with his hands, "Chill Johny".
There was a grunt, or a growl, on the other end before Johny said. "I want to know more about Elin".
Conn threw a glance at Willow who was in a deep conversation with Shiela. (Conn's soon to be step mom).
"Why are you asking me for help?" He asked, returning his attention to the phone.
"Because he lived with you".
"For like three weeks!"
"Why don't you just ask him?" Conn sighed, "He's there with you, isnt he?"
Johny said something too quiet for Conn to here, then. "He ran off".
"Some guys came by. Denvis and Mitch, I think. Dropped a bomb on Elin. He freaked and ran".
"Mitch. Like in Mitch Ventis?" Conn had only ever met the man at charity events or on company business. But his dad knew the guy pretty well.
"I think. I dont know".
"What did they tell Elin?"
There was a slight pause. "Jae Ventis was shot".
A surge of shock hit Conn. For a moment he was frozen; unsure of how to react. Then the reality settled in.
Jae Ventis shot.
"I-is he dead?" He was both eager and terrified to know the answer.
His shoulder's deflated and he allowed air back into his lungs.
"But that's not why Elin ran".
"After he was told the news he went upstairs to talk with Mitch...he left right after that".
"Is he okey? Do you know where he is?"
"He's with Mandy".
He felt relief at that. If anyone could look out for Elin it'd be angry bar girl.
Conn took a seat on the couch and switched the phone to his other ear. "So...What do you wanna know?"
It's not like he knew much about Elin. The kid was keeping everyone in the dark. He was good at it too.
"He never talks about his past. He mentioned something about his mum, but that's all".
Conn thought back to the dinner Jae had invited them too a month or so ago. "I met his mother".
"What was she like?"
Conn felt sort of bad for telling Johny all this. Elin would probably be pissed if he ever found out. "Let's just say Elin wasn't all that happy to see her".

Teen FictionI'm a b*tch at writing descriptions 😂 srry. Unedited btw srry in advance Elin grew up in a hotspot for drugs. He knew more about meth and overdose then he did about sports or hanging out with friends. He also...