❦︎ He'll Call You ❦︎

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I noticed Lory rubbing her stomach worried like in the car. I then noticed how Ares was wrapping her pinky around his. Lory wouldn't let him unless she was worried or needed the affection. I noticed a lot of changes in Lorelai and just brushed them off until I couldn't. I didn't want to ask her if she was because it could turn out that she wasn't. That she was just anxious for the ball but it doesn't explain the stomach rubbing.

I fiddled with the rubby on my ball gown as I watched Lory and Dom have a conversation. My hand got lifted and kissed by the dashing prince next to me. I smiled at him in appreciation and he kissed my forehead. We were way past caring about showing everyone else. We weren't in a relationship yet but we had been kissing and going out.

Lory knew. She made fun of me for it. Then she told me to prank him. She wanted to see him suffer before accepting him but I told her no. I wanted this relationship to flourish.

Upon entering, I get a wave of heat from the hall. It was decorated nicely, I have to give him that but I still don't like him. Stefano kept his hand on my back, showing everyone I was with him. I removed a piece of dust off his suit, while fanning my face with my hand. Lory and the rest come inside after us and we all stand in a tight circle. Anticipating the rest of the evening.

"It's quite hot in here " I fan myself. Lorelai's eyes dart over to my breasts.

"I love your breasts in that dress." She complimented. I looked down at them in awe and mumbled a thank you. I've never been told I have nice boobs.

"Why are you looking at them like that?" Stefano asked before he looks at them himself. I laugh at his quizzical look before he darts his eyes away from them.

"Those were mine before you started sucking on them." She looks around. "And good God do you do some sucking."

I gasped so loudly, I might have even swallowed a fly. I swatted Lorelais arm and scolded her for saying that. Poor Stefano, I thought.

"From what I hear, it's better sucking than you did."

Oh dear Lord have mercy on me. I was about to smack the both of them. He was enjoying this and I was one more comment away from being tomato red.

As I grabbed Lorelais arm, she laughed his comment off and laughed at me. He laughed too. Atleast he wasn't scared of her. It didn't have to come at my expense though.

"That was not funny." I roll my eyes, looking around the hall.

"He's funny. Atleast." She chuckled lightly.

"So, do you like him?" I asked, folding my arms in my lap.

"You like him. That's all that matters. Fuck me."

Famously said by Lorelai Campbell. Or Russo, I don't know. We noticed a tall man standing by Ares and the others and by the looks of it, it was heated. Lorelai immediately recognized him and cursed under her breath, charging towards them.


"I thought I killed you." She sneered at him. I stood by Stefano, sinking my nails into his arm. He wrapped that arm around my waist in comfort.

"Untouchable as you can see."

"You're not fooling anyone with the fifty thousand dollars worth of plastic surgery and fake Armani suit." I scoffed with irritation. The tag was still hanging outside his pants.

"Do you dare speak, little wife?" Luigi taunted. I suddenly felt so small, I sort of retreated back in Stefanos arms. The confidence I had shrank along with him.

"Say it again." Stefano growled deeply. His hand itching by his gun.

"Little-" Luigi began to speak but Stefano cut him off with a gun to his head and the click of the weapon. Lorelai pulled one out and shot at his foot, warning no one.

He immediately cowered forward and we all jumped back. Giana, worried out of her mind, comforted him. He looked up and glared at Lorelai.

"My finger must have slipped." She taunted and slipped her gun back in her holster.

I looked up and no one was paying attention to us. No one wanted to be apart of the argument. I noticed a batch of cleaners ready to move into the spot. That's when it dawned upon me how no one cares about anyone.

You either kill or be killed. No one cared for anyone. Besides us. We are a family, we are together no matter what.

"Fucking bitch." Luigi cursed at Lorelai but she didn't seem fazed.

"You don't call his wife a bitch or any of these ladies, do you understand?" Doms teeth bared. He protected us no matter what. He was always going to protect us.

Giana, with a frightful look on her face, helped Luigi up and they both left running with their tail between their legs.

"Remember I called dibs on Luigi." Dom quipped. Lorelai frowned immediately and I smiled.


"Dibs." Dom nods his head and she shakes hers. Stefano gaped.

"You don't know what dibs are?" Stefano gasped. Ares and I both looked at each other and laughed at their shocked expressions.

I knew she didn't know. Ares knew she didn't know. I would've been shocked if she did know.

"He wants to be the first person to kill Luigi." I said calmly.

"Just say that."

Lorelai and I moved towards the drink station, my eyes fleeting over to her stomach every once in a while. Is she pregnant?

I'm proved correct when she snatches a flute from the table and brings it to her lips. Slowly, like antagonizing me into giving up what I know. I don't care if I'm right or wrong but my gut is never wrong. I snatched the drink away from her and gulped it down. I hated wine, or whatever this drink was. It burned.

"I'm really thirsty, this is so good." I said in a panicked voice before looking around the room.

"I wasn't going to drink it." She whispered to me. "Alcohol is harmful to kids."

That's all she said and I held my excitement down. I couldn't believe it. My best friend ever was pregnant. She was going to have a baby! I was practically bouncing with excitement.

We talk about other things when a dark presence looms before us. It's wearing a normal black tuxedo and has all its hair gel back. He looks between us and then around the whole room. His arms brought up and he smiles. It gives me a chill, an eery chill. I knew I wasn't safe.

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