Chapter Sixteen-Nate's POV

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 Cleo's backstory made me sad.

She didn't deserve to be ostracized like she was. She didn't deserve to grow up thinking she was some kind of monster. It annoyed the living fuck out of me that she had to go through that.

It made a lot of things about her make a little more sense. Why she was so awkward around her pack members, like she was an outsider. Why she rarely used her panther form. I mean, she didn't even use it in the challenge ceremony. Sure, she didn't really need to use it, but still. Most people would try and be at their strongest in a situation like that.

She had literally been stabbed in the back.

We were driving down the road to try and get a room for the night now. Cleo said she wanted a shower and I wouldn't mind laying down in a bed. I hate driving. I hate cars. So cramped.

"How about that one?" She points towards a pretty normal looking motel with only a few cars in the parking lot. I nod and turn in, picking a spot and climbing out quickly to get her bag out of the back.

"Geez, wait for me." Cleo huffs as she slams the car door behind her and jogs to walk beside me.

"Sorry. I'm eager to not be in the car." I shrug, glancing down at her. Her cheeks were flushed and her clothes were rumpled. Her hair looked like she had been running her hand through it every other minute. Why was this all turning me on? I was being fucking ridiculous. Mate bond, bitch.

"I'll go get us a room." I nod to Cleo as I head towards the front desk. A chubby lady with crazy frizzy hair is standing there watching me approach. I can tell she thinks I'm attractive. Most women do, but I have only ever had eyes for my mate.

"One room, one night please." I say, digging in my pocket for my wallet.

"Two beds or one?" I freeze halfway into pulling my card out. Shit. One or two beds? What if she didn't want to sleep next to me? Worse, what if I assume that and get two beds and it turns out she did want to sleep next to me but doesn't because she thinks I don't want to because I got two beds? Something is actually wrong with you.

"One bed is fine." I jump a little as Cleo suddenly appears next to me.

One bed.

Even if we didn't do anything tonight, I would at least get to sleep next to her.

"I could see you overthinking over here." She whispers as we walk away from the desk with our card keys in hand a moment later.

"I'm sorry. I panicked." I rub my eyes.

"We are mates." I grin at her words. She's so sweet sometimes.

"You're gonna give me a toothache." She furrows her brows at me and I shake my head in dismissal as we come to our room.

I stick the card in and sigh in relief as we enter the already freezing hotel room. It looked like every other hotel I've ever been in: one big bed with ugly dark red and brown coverings. A bedside table with a clock and lamp. A dresser in front of the bed with a TV sitting on top, a desk next to it with a chair. And a ledge to sit on and look out the window with the required overpowerful ac unit attached.

Nothing to write home about.

My heart was pounding as Cleo collapsed onto the bed spread out like a starfish. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in. I place her bag on the floor by the door and awkwardly shuffle around.

This is the first time we've been alone like this and I'm not really sure how to act. She makes me fucking nervous. She's so pretty and smells like sunshine and honey.

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