• supportive. •

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I wake up with Jack still on me, him slightly snoring. 

My mind slowly goes over everything that has happened. Was Leo telling the truth? Did they fuck? Jack wouldn't do that to me, I trust him more than I trust that fuckface Leo. I take a deep breath, looking at Jack's ceiling, he wouldn't lie to me, right?

I slowly put my hand through his hair, attempting to wake him up. He takes a deep breath in and stretches his arms, sitting up and yawning.
"Good morning, how did you sleep?" I ask him with a smile.
"Mmm... good... I'm still tired.." he says, resting his head back on my chest.
"I can make you more tired," I say sarcastically, smirking. He quickly looked back up at me, seeing if I was serious.
"You should make me more tired." He says with a smirk, putting his hands on my pants. 

"I was joking, you horny boy." I laugh and sit against the wall as he crawls over to me, connecting our lips and sitting on my lap as a soft smile grows on his face I put my knees up behind him to keep him from falling. He moans as he starts moving his hips. He wraps his arms around my neck and rests his head on my shoulder.
"You're so pretty." I whisper in his ear.
"S-Shut up..." He groans as he continues to move his hips. I hear a door close and he looks at me to make sure I heard it as well.
"Which door was that?" I said with a nervous tone.
"I think the front door?" He says as he looks at the door and back at me.
We hear shoes creak on the floor near the stairs.
"Are they coming up here?" I whisper in a panicked tone.
"Possibly...?" He whispers back.
Suddenly, we start hearing footsteps going up the stairs.
"Did you lock the door?" I ask quickly.
"I don't think so!" He whisper-screams. We both realize that they could walk in as he's grinding on top of me and he quickly gets off, us both pretending to sleep. His dad walked into the room and shook the bottom of the bed, causing us to 'wake up'. 
"I'm glad to see you both have clothes on... Anyway, me and mom brought some breakfast for everyone." His dad says as he looks at the both of us before closing the door, but opening it again.
"You guys aren't allowed to have sex in here, or in the house." He glares at us.
"We weren't planning to, sir. This is a sex-free relationship." I say with a serious tone.
His dad smiles and nods as he closes the door, his footsteps going down the stairs.
"Luke, you are so good at lying." He says in a sarcastic tone.
"Lying? That was not a lie. We've never had sex." I smile, trying not to laugh. We both sit up,
"Oh? So school bathroom, my bedroom, your bedroom, your shower, your bathtub, your living room, and your car don't ring a bell?" Jack says with a fake-shocked look.
"There has to be more." I grin as I pull him into a kiss. The kiss gets steamy as he puts his hands into my boxers, but I grab his hands and nearly push him off the bed, holding him by only his hands.
"I want to drop you." I laugh.
"Don't you dare!" He yells. I fake-drop him multiple times, making him yelp. I pull him back up onto the bed and he crawls behind me.
"This is my revenge." He laughs as he attempts to shove me off the bed, I grab him before I fall which causes both of us to drop to the floor.
"I hate you." Jack says with a death stare.
"I love you too." I say as I lift my head and put my hand on the back of Jack's head, pulling him in for a kiss. I put the other hand on his ass, squeezing it. He breaks the kiss and gives me a soft slap on my face. As I lean in to kiss him again, I notice someone standing in the doorway and it's Sarah.
"Dammit. I had to hear you had a three-way last night and now this? Can't you go a day without being with each other?" She groans as she covers her eyes as if anything that bad was happening.
"Get out!" He yells as he gets up and pushes her out of the room, slamming the door.
I get up and brush myself, "Didn't your parents get you guys breakfast? Let's just go down there. It's better if I leave anyway. Gotta go home and shower .. stuff like that." I say as walk up beside him near the door. He rolled his eyes as he opened the door and walked down the stairs, me following him. I walked with him towards the kitchen and began walking to the door when suddenly his mom called my name.
"Luke! Did you spend the night? Come in here! I got some extra pancakes if you'd like them!" She yelled from the kitchen. I was fighting the urge to stay and it finally won me over as I walked into the kitchen, being greeted by his family and his mom hugged me. Then looked at my face,
"Goodness, does this happen in football?" She asked concerned, moving my hair to see the cuts.
"No, I just got into a fi-" I attempt to say before Jack elbows me and cuts me off.
"Yes, football mom." Jack side-eyes me as he sits down at the table with food on his plate. I sit beside him as his family sits elsewhere.
"I didn't know you spent the night! Well, it's probably because I was out.. but anyway, did you two have fun last night?" His mom asks happily, almost glad that I'm here.
Sarah laughed as she chewed her food.
"Uh, what do you mean?" Jack asked nervously as he looked down at his food, cutting off a piece of waffle and quickly chewing it.
"I mean when I was younger, and I know it might be different since I was a girl and you are a boy, but when I hung out with one friend so many times, it got boring. I was just wondering if you guys had fun." She smiled as she ate some food.
"Yeah, we did, just watched a movie and fell asleep.. nothing else." He mumbled the last part.
A few seconds go by before his mom talks again,
"You know what Luke, I think you're officially my favorite friend of his now."
"Mom! What about Isla?" He complains to his mom, sitting across from him.
She laughed as she took another bite. I'm already nearly done with my plays but I slow down so it doesn't look like I'm starving.
"Speaking of Luke.." Jack says out of nowhere, causing everyone to look at him.
Jack suddenly stops and looks up, looking at his mom.
"He's not just my friend, he's my boyfriend." He says, looking back down at his food.
"If you didn't already know.."
The room is full of silence.
"Wait mom didn't know? How the fuck did she not know? It was so obvious!"  Sarah jokingly laughs.
"Language! Sarah." His dad says as he drinks some of his water.  His mom stares at the both of them, then stares at his father.

"Did you know already?" she asked quietly to him. Jack's father looked at her, then at the two of them, then back to her. 

"Yeah, I've known." his father softly says. His mom nods slowly as she looks at Jack with a soft smile on her face. Jack looked unsure as he looked at his mother.

"I support you fully, Jack. I'm sorry if I made you feel like you couldn't tell me that.  Luke, you are an amazing kid and I'm glad you two are happy." his mother said with a soft tone and a big smile on her face, which caused Jack to instantly burst out in tears. His mother got out of her chair and walked over to Jack, placing a kiss on his forehead and hugging him tightly. 

I look at the two of them and I don't know whether to cry or smile. I take a glance at his father and he's also a bit teary-eyed, he's trying to hide it though, not doing the best job. The hug between the two of them ends and she goes to sit back down, wiping tears from her eyes.

"Didn't expect today to be so emotional.." His mom lets out a little laugh. 

Minutes pass and everyone finishes eating their food and throws away the rest, Jack hugs me goodbye and I leave the house, getting into my car. I sit there and think of what just happened. Jack came out to his mom, and his mom was supportive. I'm grateful for him. If I did that with my parents. God, I would be killed by them. Jack and I were raised extremely differently, he doesn't need to know that though, it would be better if he didn't anyway.


This was basically already written as a draft so HERE U GUYS GO! 

I already posted a note but thank you guys so much for making this story blow up, honestly, I only started writing for my friends but it's incredible to see how this has spread to so many people! Rereading these chapters I'm realizing how confusing everything is, so I'm gonna try to explain and be less confusing in upcoming chapters. Thank you, guys, for all the ideas, recommendations, and even little hate comments (I agree with half of the cause this story is a bit silly). I'm a different person now than I was when I first started writing this book, so I apologize if some things change or I mess up, just let me know of any mistakes! (also I apologize for the gaps in between a lot of these, I'm on my laptop to write these now instead of my phone.)

I want to give back something to you guys so if you guys have any ideas we can do as a community just let me know! Things such as a Possible discord server? Tiktok account, blah blah blah you guys understand.

also note- I saw some comments saying that Luke should break up with Jack since he cheated on him, but Luke doesn't know that / he doesn't believe it !!

also another note- I reread this story and in the chapter 'Dinner' it is suggested that they are dating but his mom wasn't sure if it was true or not, sorry ik its really confusing but ugh

word count: 1780

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