The temperature dropped the second I stepped into the old packhouse. Fear slid down my back as my ears quickly noticed the silence of the witches. Usually, they want to talk or I hear whispering in another room, but I could only hear the wood under my feet.
I didn't see or hear anything, but I felt a presence coming toward me. Right before it reached me, I threw my hand forward, sending everything in the room flying. A hole burst through the wall as if someone went through it. After a few seconds, flames erupted, forming a demon with a smug look. "I was planning to serve the first punch, but I'll gladly deliver the last."
My eyes widened as a crossbow appeared in his hands with red dragon-scale arrows. The first arrow exploded on one of the walls, barely missing me. And I thought I'd get away with renovating this place for cheap. . .
I threw an energy ball but it only danced over his skin for a few seconds. It didn't phase him at all? Not even a pinch? A glow ran up his skin, similar to how a life link would look. No matter what I do, it won't have any effect until I find the source of the link. Holding him back it is. I threw an orb trap around him and bolted. I purposely opened every door at once while I ran upstairs. I waited until I found a good hiding place before slamming and locking them all. That should entertain him for a minute.
What am I supposed to do? If I shimmer anywhere, he will follow me. The only place I wouldn't mind him following me is Draven's plane, but that's exactly what Silas wants. He wouldn't have sent him otherwise. Back to the topic of links, where is mine? Familiars are the strongest link. Morpheus is supposed to sense me at all times, he should be here by now.
I listened as he frustratedly burst into rooms while quickly thinking. You know the witches could help, but they're quiet for a show. Loud arguing and explosions caught my ears from the floors above. I focused on it long enough to make out Kya's voice before shimmering beside her. "Kya?" Her eyes widened and she immediately pulled me to her. Fire warmed my back as a demon growled in annoyance. "How did you get here?"
"I don't know, I'm just here."
I slowly pushed myself off, looking at her suspiciously. "You're just here?"
"I don't know how I got here. I literally just showed up, luckily. This idiot is relentless."
"Sure you don't."
"Seriously? Look, you can question me later, but right now I need you to turn around and White Witch his ass."
After glaring at her, I turned to see a demon being scorched. A thick cord of electricity stretched from my palm and wrapped around his neck. I tapped into telekinesis to levitate us off the floor and gravitate him to me. I held his red-filled eyes with compulsion to take his attention from everything else. "Did Silas send you?"
His dreamy act dropped and a bored sigh left his lips. "As much time as you spend reading a day, you haven't learned that demons of my rank can't be compelled? Such a waste of potential." I tightened the cord as anger filled me but all it did was make his smile grow. He wanted to push me. Is Silas testing me? Is that what this is? He can't hurt me, he'd never get my powers.
Despite his smile, this demon felt the pain of my powers. He wasn't linked. I filled with guilt and dropped him. "Why did you do that?" Nakya complained.
"I can't kill him."
"He's trying to kill us."
"Last time I killed someone I didn't have emotions if you remember."
"Yeah you got the rush of it out the way, now get it over with."
"I just told you I can't," I snapped, turning back to face her. Just as I did, something flew into me. My back went through a wall and landed hard in the next room, the object landing on me being the icing. Oww. The demon from downstairs appeared above me with a crazed smile. I threw him off quickly and flipped back to my feet. My back, shoulders, and neck popped as I readjusted. Kya being Kya, went off on them. She would be an amazing guardian with her outbursts.

The Mate He Couldn't Control (complete)
FantasyShe thought Jaylon was the source of all her problems. . . until she met the puppeteer. THREE PARTS (in this story) First of the White Witch's Bloodline 29/1000+ in Witch 50/1000+ in Hybrid 6/1000+ in Tribrid 67 in mated