Chap 12: Sneaking out

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   Bakugou's Pov

   Yesterday night was really fun but when I went up to my room I couldn't sleep. I was thinking and rethinking. Am I doing the right thing? Should I tell them? Should I say goodbye? I woke up at 5 but I went back to sleep cause one: when I finally got to sleep it was like four in the fucking morning so.. Yeah, and two: I wasn't going to class anyways. I woke up again at 6:30 with a knock on my door.
      "Hey Bakubabe! Aren't you coming?" I heard raccoon eyes, I didn't answer so she entered the room
      "Bakubabe? We're going to be late, get up!"
      "Ugh.. Shut up.. I think I got a cold, my head hurts like hell" I lie
      "Oh.. I'll tell Aizawa then. Get better soon!" She says walking out the door. When it was 7am I got up and got dressed to start packing my things then I started making the letter. It is more like a note but anyways.

Kirishima's Pov (6:25am to 7am)

    "Hey guys! Have you seen Bakugou today?" I ask as I see Mina and Denki coming down the stairs
    "Uhm... No, I haven't." The blonde says and the girl agrees, twenty minutes later she gets up and says
    "I'll call him."
    "Kay, we'll wait for you then."

    "He's not coming today." I hear Mina's voice from the stairs
    "Did he tell you why?" Denki asks
    "He's sick, he said it's a cold but I don't know, it was too dark to see anything." She answers
     "Being sick fucking sucks man.. Let's talk to him after school." I say
      "Kay, but we gotta go now otherwise we're going to be late." Mina agrees

Bakugou's Pov

     Right now I'm talking to the hag, I was telling her that I'm probably gonna be home today, but in the middle of the night. She questioned why, well, I can't leave while they have classes and as soon as it ends they come to the dorms so I would have to sneak out what wouldn't work out to I should just spend the day here and sneak out in the middle of the night. But she made a point, she remembered of the security of U.A. so I would have to talk to Aizawa. As soon as classes ended I texted him

     ProblemChild2: Hey Mister Aizawa, I have to talk to you about something.
     LetMeSleep: Okay, say it then.
     ProblemChild2: Actually, could we meet in the evening?
     LetMeSleep: Sure, do you want anyone else to come along?
     ProblemChild2: Yes, could we meet at 6pm in recovery girl's office?
      LetMeSleep: Okay. Do you need anything else?
      ProblemChild2: No, thanks.

      I was gonna put my phone down when I heard a knock on my door
      "Hey Bakubabe, can we come in?" Raccoon eyes said by the other side of the door, wait. We?
      "Wait a second!" I said getting up and hiding the letter and boxes that were in my room, once I was done I opened the door
      "What do you want?"
      "Woah, you don't look sick at all!" Dunce face says
      "Wha-- Are you talking about this morning?"
      "Yeah, you said it was a cold, is it really?" Raccoon eyes says
       "No, it isn't. It was just a headache, I normally only have them when I'm sick so I thought I was. But I'm better now."
       "Okay then, do you want to play something?" Dunce face asks
       "Uhm.. If it is downstairs, sure."
       "Come on then!" He said walking off with me and raccoon eyes following him to the common room, when we got there shitty hair was there already.
       "Hey man! You okay?" He asks smiling as soon as he saw me enter the room
       "Yeah, it was just a headache.. What are you doing?"
       "Me? I'm making snacks for us, by the way, what do you guys want to eat?" Shitty hair says
     "I don't care, you can pick." I said sitting on the couch             
      "Dunno man, you choose." Dunce face says
      "You sure? What about you Mina?" He asks
      "Yeah, you can pick whatever." She answers
      "I was thinking about popcorn but I don't really know how to make it.." he said rubbing the back of his neck
      "I'll do it then." I said getting out the couch
      "Seriously? Thanks man!!"
      "Yeah yeah, but you'll be watching to learn to make it!"
      "... I mean, okay. I've always wanted to know how to cook something besides toast." He said making the rest of the group laugh
      "So, all you need is a bit of butter, oil, salt and obviously raw popcorn. You put the oil, butter and the popcorn inside, cover it and it starts to pop, when the sound stops you open it put it in a bowl or whatever and then put salt or anything you want in it." I said narrating every step of what I was doing
      "It's that easy? I really thought it was a hell to make these!" He said once he saw the bowl full of popcorn
      "Yes it is, take this to the living room, I'll take the drinks." I said, he nodded and soon we were all in the living room playing, eating, laughing and other shit. We were having so much fun that I didn't see the time fly by, I just realized what hour it was when I heard my alarm go off.
      "What's that?" Shitty hair asks
      "My alarm, I need to go." I said getting up and putting my shoes on
      "Where are you going?" He asks
      "Out." I said as I opened the door and going out

No one's Pov
      "That was weird.." Kirishima said
      "Where do you guys think he's going?" Denki asks
      "Maybe he's hiding something.." Sero said coming out of nowhere making the three on the couch jump
      "From upstairs..? I finished the homework finally."
      "What took you so long?" Denki asks
      "Uhm... Well..."
      "You were with Todoroki weren't you?" Mina asked making Sero blush
      "No. I was doing my homework." He denied
      "Yeah, I know what you were doing. Or should I say.. Who you were doing." She says smirking
      "MINA!" Sero screams while the other three laugh

Bakugou's Pov

      "Hello Katsuki." Chiyo says as I entered the room
      "Hey Chiyo, how are you?" We started talking and we only stopped when we saw the door open
      "Hey.." caterpillar says closing the door
      "Hello Shota." Chiyo says
      "Chiyo can you get those exams please?" I asked her, she nodded and got the papers handing them to me
      "Thanks. So, I need to talk to you about something really important."
      "Okay, tell me then.." he says
      "I'm dropping out." I said making his monotonous expression change to a confused but concerned one
      "What? From where? U.A.?" He asks
      "From U.A. I didn't have the courage to tell anyone so I kept it a secret but I've been going deaf and in this last class.. I went completely deaf." I finished turning my head to the side and pointing to the hearing aid making him shocked
      "I know I still can be a hero being deaf, but.. I don't think I could do it, it's too much stress. So I want to sneak out without anyone knowing, probably in the middle of the night, but I would need help because of the security. So I came to talk to you."
       "God. I'm sorry this is happening to you... I'll have to talk to Nezu about the sneak out, but I'll tell you how it went." The older said opening his arms offering a hug. I took the offer.
      "Thanks for being here for me Chiyo, and please you two, don't tell anyone except Nezu." I said walking out the room

      LetMeSleep: I talked to Nezu, he said your parents need to sign a paper for you to drop out and that I can help you. But only this time.
     ProblemChild2: Okay, Thank you. Do you think It could be at midnight?
    LetMeSleep: Sure. I'll wait for you at the gates then.
   ProblemChild2: Thanks again.
   LetMeSleep: No problem kid.

Bakugou's Pov(11:40pm - 00:30am)

   Everyone went to sleep already, I've got my things ready and got the letter in hands. I went down silently to not wake anyone. I left the letter in the kitchen counter and left. God, I'm gonna miss this shit. I walked to the gates, Aizawa was already there.
      "Hey kid. You sure about this right?" He asks as the gates opened
      "I think so." I answered
      "Okay then.. I hope the best for you."
      "The same for you.." I was walking away when I stopped and came back to give him a hug
       "Thanks for everything. See you..!" I said walking away

      "I'm gonna miss that kid.."


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