Chapter 12

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When they arrived at the animal clinic, Fionnuala helped Derek inside while Stiles locked the jeep.

"Here, I'm gonna need a better look at the wound."

Derek nodded, pulling his shirt off with difficulty. Fionnuala bit her lip at the sight of the injury as Stiles entered the room.

"Stiles, we need to make a tourniquet for his arm."

"What? Why?"

"So the poison doesn't reach his heart too fast. Find me something!"

"Alright! Here." Stiles tossed her a piece of blue silicon fabric which she used to tie tightly around Derek's bicep.

"You remembered."

She smiled lightly at him as she finished tying it around his arm. "Course I did."

"Alright. Now that we've - slowed the poison, explain yourself," Stiles demanded, looking at his sister.

"Alright. What do you want to know?"

"What do I wa- Everything!" Stiles threw his hands up. "How'd you guys meet? When did this become a thing? And remembered? Remembered what?"

"At the beginning of summer. First day, actually. I was trespassing," Fionnuala recalled with a small smile. "He approached me and told me that I was trespassing. I apologized and went to leave. Then he seemed to take back what he said and offered to show me around the property. Then after school every day, I'd go by his house and we'd hang out. After a few days of hanging together, we became an item and he showed me that he was a werewolf. After that, he taught me Werewolf 101."

"She named it that."

"It's true. I did."

"So he literally trained you to take care of him when he gets injured."

"Stiles, when you say trained it makes it sound like I'm a dog. No, he taught me."

"You moved really fast after knowing each other for only a few days."

"We clicked, okay?"

"Does Dad know? No, of course he doesn't. You're dating a werewolf!"

"You're best friends with one!"

"Yeah, except that my best friend was bitten less than a week ago."

"Speaking of your best friend, call Scott and see where he's at with the antidote," Fionnuala said, turning back to her boyfriend.

"Don't tell me what to-"


"Alright, alright!" He dialed Scott's number and waited for him to pick up. "Hey, Scott."


"How are we coming with the antidote?"

"You gotta be patient. Not there yet. I got sucked into family dinner with the Argents."

"He got sucked into family dinner," Stiles told his sister.

"Well, tell him to get out of family dinner and get over here with the antidote!"

"Wait, Stiles. Is Fi there with you too?"

"Yeah. But seriously, please get out of family dinner and bring the antidote."

"I'll do my best."

"Thanks. See you."

"Derek? Hold on. Stay with me." Fionnuala ran her fingers through his hair and cupped his cheek in her hand.

Derek leaned against the table, trying to keep his eyes open.

"I'm trying," he said, quietly before suddenly leaning over the floor and throwing up a black liquid.

"What is that?" Stiles asked.

"His body is trying to heal itself by getting rid of the poison. It means it's getting closer to his heart."

"And that means?"

"If Scott doesn't get here soon, we're gonna have to chop off my arm," Derek stated.

"How soon is soon?"

"Within 10 minutes, maybe less." Derek looked up at Fionnuala. "This wasn't exactly how I was planning my evening to go."

"Me neither." She gave him a smile. "But look where we are."

"In an animal clinic about to get my arm chopped off."

"Stiles, grab that saw over there."

Stiles, who looked a little queasy, grabbed the indicated saw and walked over to the table. Derek placed his arm on the table and nodded.

"Do it."

"You know, I'm not really comfortable with-"

"Stiles!" Fionnuala yelled. "Chew me out all you want on the way home about how I shouldn't have kept my boyfriend a secret. But right now, Derek's dying. He needs your help."

"Fine." Stiles placed the blade on Derek's arm above the tourniquet and was about to turn it on when Scott burst into the room.

"What are you guys doing?!?!" he asked.

"Oh, thank goodness you're here, Scott. You just prevented a lifetime of nightmares."

"Yeah, no problem."

"Did you get it?" Fionnuala asked, urgently.

"I did. Here." Scott pulled it out and tossed it to her. "What are you doing here, by the way?"

"Questions later, unless you want to fill him in, Stiles. Scott, do you know where a lighter is?"

"Yeah. Right here." Scott grabbed a lighter and tossed it to her as well. "What are you doing?"

"Helping Derek."

Right as she said his name, Derek collapsed onto the floor. Fionnuala cursed and quickly dumped the gunpowder on the table, before using the lighter to set it on fire.

"Do you need me to wake him up?" Stiles asked.

"There's no time." She waited for the fire to burn out before scooping some up and kneeling next to Derek on the floor. Then she stuffed the gunpowder into the bullet wound, making Derek wake up with a yell. "Ssh, it's okay." She picked up his left hand and held it, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Look. It's healing."

He gave a quiet laugh. "It's all thanks to you being my star pupil in Werewolf 101. You kept a cool head even when I was about to get my arm chopped off."

"Well, panicking isn't gonna get you anywhere. Does anything hurt?"

"Just my head from hitting it on the floor."

"Well, I know the perfect remedy for that." She leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

He smiled as she pulled away. "That was the perfect remedy."

"I'm sorry - WHAT?!?!?!"

Forbidden Hidden Love (Teen Wolf)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now