01. A Traitor

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"Now, isn't this familiar?" Joohyuk said, as he played around with his blood stained sword.

Prince Taehyung tightened his hold on his sword. Eyes burning with rage and tears of regret pouring at the same time.

"Twenty years ago." He sighed, "has it been twenty years already? Man! Time flies!"

Taehyung stood severely wounded, as he faced the traitor and his minions. He had no chances of making it out of the deserted forest alive. And he knew it.

"What did the people of Sylva Nation do to you? I was the one you had to fight." Taehyung spoke slowly while his hands struggled with the weight of his sword.

Joohyuk breathed out a heavy sigh and pierced through Taehyung's stomach within a blink of an eye. His mouth was close to Taehyung's ear as he whispered," don't worry Taehyung. You had nothing to do with that either." He pulled the sword with such force that the Crown Prince of Moon Kingdom was inches away from death.
"She brought that upon herself, that brat."

Taehyung could not bring himself to whisper the 'sorry' he wanted to. He knew he was twenty years too late to apologize and wouldn't be forgiven. He gave up and died as a helpless and naive Prince, who had no name among his people.


When our mother was dead, drenched in her own pool of blood, my brother was nowhere to be found. I cried frantically, yelling my brother's name and begging my dead mother to wake up. But no. Neither did she wake up nor did my brother show up.

It was a little over bedtime. It was Taehyung that I wanted to catch, having his rendezvous with his girlfriend and fire that maid once and for all with solid evidence. But who I caught was my mother- her dead body. I found her lying lifelesly on the Great Dinning Hall. I couldn't believe my eyes at first. But the more closer I got, the more faster I approached her, realization sinking second after second.

I'd passed out without realizing it. I was woken up by heat. When I looked around, all I could see was hungry flames. And out of the giant broken window, I saw my brother stalking a severely wounded Taehyung.
I couldn't understand what was going on. The look that my brother wore, what I saw only for a split second, sent shivers down my spine. Forgetting the fact that the palace was being crumbled by fire and my dead mother, I tailed them. Jumping out through the broken window took a great toll on my body, I almost lost them.

I lagged far behind. By the time I caught up, Taehyung was dead. I saw my brother pull out his sword from Taehyung's abdomen. It brought bad memories with clear truths back into my head. Was this the guy I looked up to my whole life? Was he the same guy Yuna looked up to? Has he only been a sugarcoated lie all these years?
I couldn't find my voice. I couldn't yell at my brother, I couldn't stop him from kicking the lifeless Taehyung into the Winged Cobra.

I also couldn't stop myself from jumping into the Winged Cobra itself, thinking I could save my long dead best friend.

I jumped to my death. As a coward who couldn't save his mother's body for a proper burial, as a failed friend who couldn't stop his best friend's death and the weak younger brother of a traitor, I fell to my death.


The lifeless bodies of the two princes sunk under the swift waves of the Winged Cobra and disappeared from sight of the living.

The river guided them to a place where a new beginning awaited the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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