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"In a world where the strength of an individual can decide the fate of his surroundings, only God will know what is about to happen."

"Also please vote the story because i wnna be famus ok you can read now bye"

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War, famine, plagues, and calamities are some of the most significant challenges that humanity has faced in the most desperate of times. Millions of lives have been lost, and entire cities have been razed to the ground. The threat of total annihilation always looms over us, as we continue to battle against these adversities.

Despite facing these challenges for hundreds, if not thousands of years, humanity still seems incapable of learning from past experiences. The status quo has remained the same since the dawn of civilization, and it seems unlikely that it will change anytime soon.

"It's time for humanity to acknowledge the failures of the past and strive towards a more harmonious and equitable future. We must learn to work together and find common ground, regardless of our differences. Only by doing so can we hope to overcome the obstacles that we face and create a better world for ourselves and future generations,"

-is what they said over and over again, yet nothing changed.

We need something that will unite humanity under one banner. An ideology, or a threat to their existence. It's worked before during the "Demonic Invasion," so we can learn from that event. 

Unfortunately, the Demon King has been killed, so there won't be any invasions by the demon race anytime soon. We're going to need something, or someone that similarly shows equals to the king that united humanity under a common cause.

So, how do you get someone so powerful?

You get them from another world.


It was a cold, stormy night, and Yuri was currently sat on his couch, watching a comedy skit on his television. It had been a while since he got outside his house due to the constant barrage of rain for a few days now. To him, it was a blessing, since it has been scorching hot for a few weeks in his hometown.

He stood up from his couch and walked towards the window beside his front door, watching powerful winds blow at the trees, thrashing them back and forth. Suddenly, a trash bin came flying down into his front yard, almost hitting his mailbox. The trash inside had scattered all over, and with the wind blowing all over the place, it didn't take long for the trash to spread all over his yard.

"Looks like I'm going to clean that up after," Yuri said while opening the window. The powerful cold wind blew at his face, and as he took a deep breath, a strange sound suddenly caught his attention outside. It was a sound similar to that of a bird, but not quite. Curious, he leaned outside and saw a crow standing on a chair he placed hours ago on the porch. 

"Huh, I guess you're stranded eh?" He said to the crow before heading back inside towards the kitchen. From there, he took a few pieces of peanuts from a bowl and went to the kitchen counter. He peeled off the skin of the peanuts and placed it on the palm of his left hand. He then went back to the window.

"Here you go buddy, eat up," he said to the bird. He placed the nuts on the window and backed away. The crow hesitantly looked at the offering, but after a while, the bird flew over to the window and began to eat the peanuts.

'Fascinating,' Yuri thought to himself. 'How intelligent these birds are.'

He then went back to the couch and grabbed the remote on the glass table in front of him. He then changed the channels so he could watch the weather forecast about the storm that's in his area.

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