Chapter 1

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Yuri felt cold, as he was traversing a space filled with glitch-like effects around him. He couldn't open his eyes, but he could feel a warm feeling in his chest.

Then, everything snapped from a void into a beautiful forest in a fraction of a second. He slowly opened his eyes to a squirrel sitting on top of his face, curious about the being that suddenly appeared in the forest.

"Hello there, Mr. Squirrel," Yuri said as he stood up from the ground, dusting off the dirt from his clothes. "Now, where the hell am I?"

He looked around the area. 

"A forest?!" He exclaimed. "Did I get transported to Canada or something?!"

He looked towards his left and saw a bush with colorful leaves resembling that of a rainbow.

"Woah, gay leaves?" Yuri jokingly said as he inspected the plant without touching it, since he thought that if there was something colorful in nature, it's going to be deadly.

"Now what the fuck just happened a moment ago?!" He exclaimed as he stood up and thought about the events that had just unfolded. "Did the storm cause this?! No wonder people were going missing left and right."

"Shit, what will my family think about my disappearance?" he exclaimed, feeling concerned. "I'm sorry guys, but I might not be able to get back there in one piece."

He now realized the importance of getting out of the dense forest as soon as possible. He looked around, picked a random direction, and headed straight ahead before nightfall.


It had now been an hour since he landed in this forest, and there was still no civilization in sight.

"How long have I been walking in this goddamn jungle?!" he exclaimed as he kicked a rock into a ditch.

After a few more minutes of walking, he spotted an area with no trees, similar to where he was previously.

"Finally, something!" he shouted in relief as he approached the area cautiously.

There was a path with tracks that looked like they were made by vehicles on the road. Yuri emerged from the forest and took in his surroundings.

"Where the hell am I?" he questioned while following the tracks that he hoped would lead him somewhere.

After walking for a couple of minutes, he found something that shook him down to his core.

There, on the side of the path, he found a skeleton. Looking at the remains, it was clear that the person had been dead for a long time.

"Seriously?! A skeleton?!" he exclaimed. "Where am I?!"

He went to the skeleton and looted its remains. It had a rusty sword, an identification card, and what seemed to be coins covered in silver and gold.

"Please don't tell me," Yuri said with concern on his mind.

Yuri's heart sank as he inspected the coins and saw the words "The Country of Stardust" in english. He dropped the coin on the ground and let out a deep sigh.

"Fucking seriously?!" He exclaimed with disbelief. "I got isekai'd?!" 

"That's just great," Yuri said with a disappointed expression. "I guess the gods out there have been watching too many garbage isekai anime bullshit."

"I suppose I could call them cockroach-infested, shit-stained, brain-rotting, garbage isekai anime shows," he muttered, his frown deepening.

"Now, let's get to the real questions," he muttered to himself. "Do I have overpowered stats and abilities like those dense, generic-ass dickheads who don't have any personality?"

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