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daisy stirred and kicked her legs next to el, shuffling on the bed and waking xander and el as she did so.

ever since they had came home, both xander and daisy have been sleeping in el's bed and vada continues to sleep in her crib placed in el's room.

making everyone more at ease.

"daisy," xander tried to stop her from moving as she huffed loudly and crawled on top of el and laid there silently, her arms and legs spread on top of her.

"hm, daisy dais," el rubbed her back as daisy sniffled quietly and hugged her insanely tight. "mommy..."

"yeah, baby? let's go back to sleep, my little heart. sleep, sleep," el kissed her forehead and daisy shook her head. "sad, mommy, sad,"

el sat up, leaning against the headboard as she gently cupped daisy's cheeks and caressed her skin with her thumbs. "why, my heart? wanna tell mama?"

daisy exhaled quietly. "remember... make me sad... just want you hug and kiss,"

el nodded, kissing all over her cheek as she hugged her tightly to her chest. "all better?"

"little..." her voice shook and el went to cradle her like a baby, rocking her back and forth. "how's this, my baby heart?"

"i love..." her voice trailed off and el smiled and went to kiss her nose. "how about we start the day? i'll make us some pancakes,"

xander perked up, turning to them with messy hair. "pancakes? mommy pancakes?"

el let out a soft laugh, leaning over to press her nose to his. "yes, baby love. mommy will make us yummy pancakes,"

he smiled from ear to ear, his teeth showing. "thank you, mommy!"

el let out a small giggle and gave him one last kiss before straightening up. "okay, my two lovelies, up we go," el set daisy aside and stood up from the bed.

daisy let out a whine and el scrunched her nose at her and held both hands out to the both of them. "up, up, bathroom trip,"

they held onto her hand, jumping off the bed and walking to the connected bathroom.

el peeked at vada, noticing she was still fast asleep and she happily made her way into the bathroom.

it wasn't unlikely that vada slept through the night now, which made el more at ease.

she was probably pass the fussy stage.

"who needs to pee?" el asked and they both raised their hands.

she let out a small giggle and then nodded. "xan first then," she placed daisy on the countertops and then pointed a finger with a playful look. "stay very still, no jumping,"

she nodded, biting down on her finger nail and el pulled her finger out. "and no finger biting."

daisy let out a small whimper, followed by a whine.

"sorry, baby," el kissed her cheek and went to assist xander who patiently waited for her.

looking over, el frowned at how quiet daisy was.

before, daisy would be so cheery, so talkative.

she just wished everything would be back to normal.


"c'mere," el grabbed xander from behind with a laugh, holding him on her side. "i love you so much,"

he let out a laugh, wrapping his arms around her neck. "mama!"

she tickled his waist and he let out a loud squeal, hiding his face into her arm.

MAROON ; MILEVEN AU Where stories live. Discover now