School life (MHO)

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(Content warning for mentions of abuse, panic attacks, PTSD, hallucinations and flashbacks.)

May 26th, 2022.
2 days after the incident.
It was rough, on a lot of people actually. Stress floated around the 8 students as they all pondered about a possible villain attack, lots of them were strained with guilt, feeling terrible for their friends.

Shino, RikKu and Artemis had it hard, Artemis taking it worse then expected. It was up to Shino and RikKu to support Artemis.

The first day was hard, Artemis was a wreck. He cried for hours and ended up locking himself away from Shino because he convinced himself Shino would get sick of his crying and leave him. Artemis was so grateful for RikKu and Shino, they supported him so much, they were never annoyed or drained by his struggles.

Artemis came back to school on the 26th, he had the day off because he just couldn't bring himself in. He felt better today, Shino saw the difference to, the spark he lost for the last 2 days was faintly coming back. It was a relief to Shino, who was practically being strangled with worry.

Artemis and Shino loved each other, so much, neither of them could bare the thought the other was hurt. Shino promised Artemis to keep him safe, and in return Artemis promised to himself he would never let anything happen to shino. They were close, a tight knot, inseparable. Whenever shit came they'd get over it. Their relationship had been the best 88 days of their life. They both adored the 2112 hours they've spent dating each other. Shino knew Artemis could get through this.

-Artemis's POV-

We walked into school, i had only missed a day however it felt like in the past two days it felt like years of events. Me, Shino and RikKu entered Monarch as other unrecognisable students flooded in from around us. "Are you gonna be ok?" RikKu asked me tenderly, i nodded at her with a genuine smile.

This was the best i've felt since we visited the orphanage, i was excited to finally see everyone and I felt like i was finally doing something instead of pitying myself in my room practically dependent on my friends. I was slowly feeling alive again. And RikKu could tell i meant it when i said i was ok.

We continued walking into school, in-front of a few people in a walking crowd i noticed a familiar brunette ruffle with braids while blue and red twisted into the tips of their hair "Shizu!!" I yelled, RikKu perking her head up quickly and also noticing Shizu. Shizu turned around and waved at me before then noticing RikKu as she ran over to her partner. Shino chuckled from next to me, his hand locked with mine, "aren't they cute." He sighed as Shizu collided with RikKu's hug and they spun her around, she laughed while holding her skirt down with one hand and the other was holding onto Shizu's neck.

Shino turned his attention to me, "I'm proud of you for coming in today." He squeezed my hand comfortingly. I flushed, my heart melted. I love him so so much, he's just perfect. "I think you're the only person i know i can trust with anything." I whispered to him. Kissing his forehead lightly as i gazed softly into his eyes.

Shino flushed, he smiled gently in return and we walked over to Shizu "ARTIIII!" They giggled, jumping and hugging me tightly "good morning Shizuuuu!" I replied with a giggle "are you feeling better?" Shizu said gently and i replied with a sweet nod. I love my friends so much.

"Goodmorning class!" Avian stretched his arms over his head, he scanned the class, his gaze lingered on me for a second and he smiled. He must have noticed i wasn't in yesterday, i smiled back. Avian began informing us through our day, we'd be in the dome again practising with our quirks. I think it was one of the first times we were in the dome for another reason other then an exam or exam prep, i was excited for a less stressful lesson, and the dome was super cool!!

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