check in

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nothing is more exhausting than family meetings, especially when you are rich. My Mother just had her 35th birthday. The celebration in New York, her home. Yes, she became a mother young, 16 years ago, but we can work with that, we are close. Although most of her live is centered around work, she still takes time for me. I am an only child and I don't know my father, just us two. Well, the 3 day celebrations are finally over and I am on my way back to Indonesia, this is were we always spend our easter holiday, on a little island, with forest and beach. I like it, I can walk, I can drink smoothies all day, and every view days my mom pops by and we play games or go surfing. Of course I am not completely alone, I am close to my moms brother, my uncle, he also always comes. But the next day and today I will be alone. Both my mom and him have to stay in New York, for 1 more day. This means that I will be alone. Plus a view security guards but I don't spend time with them.

At first it was planned that they would come back with me, but then we had to get something on our private jet fixed and now I have to file commercial, they take the private jet one day later, but I definitely can not stay any longer with my family.

It is 7 in the morning, my day started 3 hours ago. I am tired. My mom booked all the seats in the plain, so that I could have at least some privacy, the flight takes 21 hours. Pain. Power-bank is loaded. I didn't forget my books. Snacks and decent meals are in my tote bag. phone plus laptop are charged. The Check-in went smooth. I have my water bottle with me cous' they let me keep it. Wallet is in my left pocket. Do I have everything, forgot nothing in the Villa? I hope so, and if yes, my mom would bring it tomorrow night, when she arrives.

A nice stewardess waves, time to board. Take off is in 15 minutes. I exhale, first thing I will do is definitely sleep. She leads me to the plane, the pilot greeds me, he seems nice. "free choice of seat BigBoy" he greeds me with a smile, I give him the best fake smile that I could possible make after 5 hours of sleep back and head then to first class, were I take a seat that is as far away from both the place were the stewardess chill and the pilot is. I lean back, put my seatbelt on, so that they don't disrupt me and put earplugs in. I take A pillow from the seat next to me, lean to the site and close my eyes, soooo tired.

My earplugs are good, I sleep a solid 3 hours, its 20 past 10, 18 hours to go. I slowly start stretching and open my eyes.


There is a guy, He looks at me. "did you sleep well, my little Snow White?" he asks, with an even bigger smile. I stare at him, this can not be true. No Fucking Way. "what are you doing here" I ask with a little shaky voice, this was supposed to be some private time, this guy is not supposed to be here. "my flight got canceled, and the pilot said that you are his only passenger, so they let me in here." He smiles at me again. I look at him in shock. He looks tall, has brown curly hair, probably in his 20s. He has a tan. This is why I usually flight private. "why don't you talk, did your mummy tell you not to talk to strangers?" he smiles again, looks at me up and down, almost as if he was checking me out. My chance. "yes" I answer take my stuff and get up. I quickly walk through the ails, this can't be happening. No, no no no no no. "you didn't even let me introdu-"  lalalalala, I can't hear you. I exit first class and sit down in a random seat in business class. The sun is shining. I need to calm down. If he stays in first, and I stay here, I should have my privacy. This will be fine. I take out my bible and start reading. 18 hours until I arrive.

21 hoursTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang