Im welcome ?

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Date walked calmly to his friends house with his hands on his pocket thinking to himself . He then looked up seeing the full moon shining and sigh "dad...what would you had me do ...."

_(n)_ calmly brushed her long silky hair smiling sadly " don't get your hopes up so fast...remember your just helping him out." She told her self and looked at a photo" I need to to talk to mitsunari about this.....that's if he even wants to see me..."

_(n)_ parents could hear her talking and they both looked at each other worried .

Date stood in front of the door nervously just when he was about to knock the it the door opened showing a tall handsome man (hehe anime parents ( ' ▽ ' ) ) looking at him his face was just like _(n)_ which was kinda awkward for him to admit he was good looking "...g-good evening.." "It's night." The man said while blinking "r-right..." Date stated scratching the back of his head nervously " dad! Let Masamune in!" A familiar voice said her father or seiji as he was known moved out the way even though he knew Masamune since a child he still got trust issues with him 1.his a boy and 2. He stayed last night with his daughter alone in her room with out any notice . Date smiled a bit bowing while taking his shoes off and stepped in inside " Masamune it's been long since you came !" _(m/n)_ said ,or as he usually calls her Mrs.amaya , happily while hugging him tightly kissing both His cheeks , this took him off guard making him freeze like a statue along with his skin color fading in to white he was still getting use to the foreign ways as he likes to call them "mom! " _(n)_ said sweat dropping getting a bit jealous ... I haven't even done that!! She thought to herself " so..what's with the sudden visit Masamune ?" Seiji ask looking at him while sitting on the table . Date swallow slowly while sitting along with everyone else "I well...I was wondering ..." " if you could date my daughter !?" _(m/n)_ said happily making _(n)_ blushing darkly along with date and seiji spitting his tea " what ! No no no!!" Date said quickly blushing darkly with a nervous expression seeing the dark aura around _(n)_ 's father " then what is it?" Seiji said smiling while the corner of his mouth twitch "....I was wondering if I could mother is here...." They could see how uncomfortable he was getting but both parents knew how he had been treated kojuro told them long ago when they got surprised by how much their daughter talked about a certain boy so they ended up meeting unlike other people who would make their kids stop playing with date they welcomed him happily " say no more ." Both stated while getting up " EH!!!??" Both date and _(n)_ said at the same time surprised . Seiji and _(m/n)_ smiled at one an other and looked at him . " as long as our daughter is happy being around you , your welcome at this house Masamune " seiji said smiling while sparkles flowed around him like a model making date see him like a god " KAMI-SAMA!!" He said while hugging his legs anime crying seiji on the other hand smirked with sparkles around him and began to laugh " HOHOHOHOHO!!" Mean while both mom and daughter looked at them thinking .

"I'm in love with an idiot"

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