Part 6:"NAVA!"NAVA!"LOA!"LOA!"

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We moved swiftly through the trees, our big hands propelling us forward with ease. I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as we approached the Fihas second stomping ground, located beyond the reef.

As we jumped from branch to branch, I spoke to my clan, my heart heavy but my determination strong. "This is it, my fellow Navaloa warriors. This is our chance to defend our land and our people. We may have lost many in the battle earlier today, but we will not let their sacrifices be for nothing."

The Navaloa warriors nodded in unison, determination shining in their eyes. I knew that they were ready to fight, ready to give everything they had to protect what was rightfully theirs.

As we approached the Fihas second stomping ground, we went over the plan once more. We would attack from the west, using the element of surprise to catch them off guard jage and his Group will jump down from this Cliff onto the Fihas queen nest which is fire proof but somehow not Water proof . Then We will divide into two groups, with one taking on the Fihas warriors head-on while the other went around the back to take out their cecutas supplies.

I could see the nerves and uncertainty in some of my warriors' eyes, but I knew that they had the strength and courage to see this through.

"We are the Navaloa tribe. We have fought for generations to protect this land. We will not let the Fihas tribe take it from us. Fight with all your heart and soul, my fellow warriors. Fight for those who have fallen before us, and for those who will come after us."

With those words, we charged forward, our battle cries ringing through the trees. We caught the Fihas tribe off guard, and before they could mount a defense, we had taken out their cecutas supplies and started our attack.

As the battle raged on, I, Vana, a Nava warrior, found myself face to face with five Fihas warriors. We circled each other warily, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I prepared to unleash my full power. The Fihas tribe may have been defeated, but these warriors were still dangerous, and I knew that I had to be careful.

Finally, one of them lunged forward, and I dodged his attack jumping up word then propelling myself forward into the legs of one of the Fihas with ease. Moving quickly, I struck out with a right upper cut punch that knocked him into the clouds . The other four warriors closed in on me, but I was ready already Aiming my Spear gifted to me from my Loa Friend striking each one of them precisely.

A fighting loa Then yells at me From a Distant "tap Into your into NAVALOA" being Hard rock As My Father use to say I ignored him but that only lasted 4 seconds. I ended up letting go and awakend my inner NAVA-LOA,  my body glowed with a blue aura as I unleashed my full power. I felt the energy coursing through every fiber of my being, "YOU ARE LOA TO VANI, DO NOT BLOCK THAT LIGHT .NAVA AND LOA WILL ALWAYS BE ONE NOW THE PAST WAS FILLED WITH UNNAVI AND UNLOA THINGS. " after hearing that Mighty voice during battle I knew that I was invincible.

With lightning-fast reflexes, I took down 300 More of the Evil warriors, and the other NAVALOA advanced Forward . Some NAVALOA'S stood no chance since our enemies feed on fear. But for that reason alone I stood even taller, my eyes blazing with the fire of a NAVALOA warrior. I started to see the respect and awe in the eyes of the defeated Fihas warriors. They recognized my strength,it was similar to The great Kayin I heard some cry. I have a good sense they know they had been defeated by a worthy opponent.

As Mika and Mikeh continue to chant their NAVALOA prayers, their combined healing power spreads throughout the battlefield, filling their allies with strength and courage. The sounds of battle fade into the background as the healing power takes over, and Mika feels a sense of peace settle over her.

Meanwhile, Kina's Mekayina friends join the fray from the water, slicing through enemies with their incredible speed and agility. Kina greets them with excitement and gratitude, then quickly gets back to business, explaining the plan and coordinating attacks with his friends.

As the battle rages on, a new warrior named Beatific arrives on the scene, ready to join the fight. She surveys the situation, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each side, before jumping into the fray with a fierce determination. As her sword slices through the air, she knows that victory is within reach.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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