CHAPTER ////////

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The next morning came and I woke up early to make breakfast for me and nathan.
Morning , I kissed and handed in breakfast in bed.
Morning. You up early?
I wanted to make good impression on my first day at the head office. More over I don't have any car yet. Wish I have to get today.
Thank you for the breakfast.
You look beautiful .
I twirls around. What do you think?
You look stunning?
You don't need to get a car, drive any of mine.
I can't drive the royce rolls we drove last night to work mr black. Anyway I got to go.

I pushed through the revolving door of de klerk  firm into the lobby five minutes before nine. Wanting to make best impression and also to let malik know am not going to sit around and cried for what he and june did to me.
You can do this Amara, I thought me and him was getting married and we will walked this door together, as I was made a senior associate.
I wore a three pieces pant suit with a colorful tie, had my hair in a messy bun .
I flashed my ID card to the security guard . Hold the elevator I yelled out.
Just my luck, it was malik inside with some other two ladies.
Thank you I told the ladies, he could not looked at me; as the ladies was talking about nathan.
Did you see the news , playboy billionaire nathan got married over the weekend.
Really , who is the lucky girl.
Her face was covered , they will find out soon.
I smile as the elevator stopped and the ladies stepped out.
Amara , are you okay? please move on with your life.
I laughed , didn't turned around. Am over you Malik. Just be good to her.
Over me just like that, you were crying at court house.
My tears was not for you but for her. Who I thought was a friend and family.
Really, he tried to touch me but the elevator stopped.
Don't talk to me or do as if you know me I said as I stepped out.
Hi, am Amara smith ,
Hi , am lara .  A beautiful mixed race lady , a little bit of asian  sure.
Hi, am malik harrison.
Welcome , follow me.
She showed us the whole de klerk office.
Malik specialized in family law , his office was at the third floor . After she showed me my office. She went with malik.
The day went by so fast,
Knock knock Amara, you are needed on the twentieth floor.
Okay, thank you.
I went there, there was everyone in the conference room.
Hello everyone, am tony de klerk junior as you may know.
Sorry this is happening now. Just wanted to welcome our newest associates in  major department.Ola williams , malik harrison and our star attorney Amara smith.
Everyone clapped and welcome us.
Malik do you know miss smith .
Yes, we went to the same college.
Also congratulations to both of you . I heard you both got married.
Thank you sir.
Tony check his phone, that all for today . I have a very important meeting .
As everyone left , malik followed me  to my office and closed the door.
What do want malik?
Why did you say thank you when you know you didn't get married?
You flattered your self, I am married for your information.
Please Amara, don't go rent just anyone to be your husband. Where is the ring? I know you're not over me yet.
Jesus. Just get out of my office.
What or who ever I married is not your business.
I jumped and spun around in my chair, startled to find nathan standing in my office. 
He kissed me softly . What are you doing here?
Came to take my wife for lunch.
Amara, you didn't tell me your husband is my good friend nathan black here is your husband.
You don't have to come down here .
I have to Amara.
I called you and no answer, call here and they said no mrs black works here.
I left my phone here for a quick meeting.
Am sorry.
Thank you Tony.
No problem nathan, congratulations by the way.
Thank you.
Shall we ?
I will be back soon I said to tony. Take all the time you need.
He totally ignored malik who mouth was opened wide.
Nathan places his hand at my back as we leave to the elevator.
All eyes was on us as we get into the elevator.
He pulled me closer and kisses me softly. I missed you so badly. He whispered between his breathe.
As the elevator open to the lobby, people were staring at us.
He opened the door for me.
Amara, you didn't tell me you worked with that guy.
We work in the same building not together.
What was he doing in your office; I almost punch him.
He is asking if I really got married .
Why does he cares?
I don't care about him; where are we going ?
To my favorite restaurant .
Do you really have to come down to my work. When the news of your wedding make the gossip sites.
I want to show you off Amara, let the world know you are mine. Mine alone.
Kissing my hands.
This is for you. It arrives this morning.
I opened it , it was a massive wedding ring
See , already had mine on.
No , take it off.
He frowned, trust me.
Now, will you nathan black date me Amara smith black.
Yes I do. I love the sound of your name.
Will you amara smith be mine and mine only, promise to stay by my side even when I mess up.
I do.
Ed flashes us some smiles.
Do you like it?
I do, it was a five carat emerald cut engagement ring and all diamond wedding band.

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