tweedle dum and tweedle dumber

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Alice enters a forest. "Mister rabbit! Oh, Mister rabbit! Oh dear, I'm sure he came this way, do you suppose he could be hiding? Hmmm... not here, I wonder... no, he must have... Oh!, 'she finds tweedle dee and tweedle dum standing like statues in the forest' why, what peculiar little figures! Tweedle dee... and tweedle dum!" Alice says.

"Or tweedle dum and tweedle dumber" y/n says appearing above her again. "Tweedle dumber...?" alice asks whispering. "just wait these two are hilarious!" y/n says. "If you think we're wax works you ought to pay you know!" Tweedle dee says. "Countariwise, if you think we're alive you ought to speak to us!" Tweedle dum says.

they do a dance, and y/n chuckles. "That's logic!" They say. "Well it's been nice meeting you, goodbye!" Alice says, going to walk off. "you're beginning backwards!" tweedle dee says, both tweedle dee and tweedle dum block her way. "aye, the first thing in a visit is to say:" tweedle dum says.

"how do you do, and shake hands, shake hands, shake hands, how do you do and shake hand, and state your name and business, that's manners" both tweedle dum and dee say, bringing alice into an intricate hand shake, and y/n laughs at this. "hahahah aren't they hilarious?! i sure think they're funny!" y/n says, laughing so hard that shes spinning in the air. 

"this isn't funny!" alice says, looking up to y/n from the ground. "hm. okay then" y/n says sarcastically, smirking afterwards. "well, my names alice and i'm following a white rabbit, so.." alice says to tweedle dum and dee, getting up and going to walk away. "you can't go yet!" tweedle dee says, both tweedle dee and dum block her again.

"no the visit has just started!" tweedle dum says. "i'm very sorry.." alice says, trying to get past them. "do you like to play hide and seek?" tweedle dee asks. "or button button, whos got the button?" tweedle dum says, both or them conjoining. "no thank you" alice says, continuing walking away. y/n follows behind her, curious.

"if you stay long enough we might have a battle!" tweedle dee says, both getting into fighting stances, and pounding each other on heads and y/n giggles at this. "that's very kind of you, but i must be going" alice says. "why?" both say, leaning against some trees. "because i'm following a white rabbit" alice answers.

"why?" both say again. "yeah, why?" y/n asks. "well, i-i'm curious to know where he's going" alice says walking off. "ohhhh, she's curious! tsk! tsk! tsk! tsk!" tweedle dum says. "the oysters were curious too, weren't they?" tweedle dee says. "aye, and you remember what happened to them..." tweedle dum says. "poor things!" both say, taking off their hats and putting them to their chests, fake crying. y/n realises what they are doing and fake cries with them, even though only alice can see her right now.

"poor oysters!" y/n says, pretending to cry too. "why? what did happen to the oysters?" alice asks walking back over, tweedle dum and tweedle dee give each other mischievous smirks. y/n smirks as well. "oh, you wouldn't be interested" tweedle dee says, both tweedle dum and dee twirling their hats on their fingers. "yeah! you were looking for that white rabbit?" y/n says.

"but i am!" alice shouts. "oh no your in much to much of a hurry" tweedle dum says, continuing spinning their hats. "well, perhaps, i could spare a little time.." alice says. "you could?" all three say, tweedle dum and dee push alice onto a tree trunk to sit on, and y/n sits beside her. "their stories are great too!" y/n says.

"the walrus and the carpenter!" tweedle dee says, he elbows tweedle dum. "or the story of the curious oysters!" tweedle dum says. y/n claps excitedly, and alice gives her a confused look. tweedle dum and tweedle dee start dancing. 

~the walrus and the carpenter, or the curious oysters~

"The sun was shinning on the sea, shinning with all his might, he did his very best to make the billows smooth and bright, and this was odd because it was the middle of the night. The walrus and the carpenter were walking close at hand, the beach was white from side to side but much to full of sand. 'Mr walrus', said the carpenter: 'my brain begins to perk, we'll sweep this clear in half a year, if you don't mind the work" tweedle dum and dee say.

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