It was night when you died.

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also I'm out my ADHD and my migraine pills so today was a wreck of emotions.😭
And I'm so sick it sucks ass😢
also, notice the chapter name. Haha❤️

mentions/hinting survivors guilt, mentions of suicide, suicide, mentions of ghosts, +moree

Finney Blake

I was exhausted, so very exhausted.
I don't understand why the world hates me.
Whatever God is out there, I'm so, so sorry for whatever I did wrong.
My head started to pound a lot as the world around me started to spin.
I started to tear up and grabbed my head, I looked around to find somewhere to sit. I saw a good enough tree and say next to it resting my body on it.
I let out a few noises of pain when I heard voices. I froze completely, I was terrified on who it could be but they couldn't be good.
I covered my mouth to try and hear what the voices could be saying.
"Where the actual fuck could Blake have gone?"
"If one if us knew, we would already be with him, dumbass."
"The fuck did you say to me?"
"What know you're deaf?"
"Guy's, quit it.
We're looking for Finn, so whatever beef you guys got settle it later. *sigh*"
"Esa pequeña mierda. ¿Cómo podría alguien hacerle eso a su propio hermano? ¿Alguien podría hacerle eso a Finn."
It went quiet. They sounded fimiliar but I couldn't exactly print out who they were, my mind was very fuzzy, everything was a blur.
I wanted to avoidwho the people talking were
so I slowly got up and looked around. . .
No one was there? Doesn't matter they probably went another way.
I started to walk and find a way out, I walked and walked then I found the way out.
I left and started to walk, taking every shortcut, especially the ones that weren't really known.
I had no idea where I could go or where I should go, I didn't really have anyone.
Griffin Stagg's mom committed a week after she found out her only thing in life had been murdered.
Billy Showalter's parents and little brother left town after the funeral for Billy.
Vance Hopper's parents acted as if I was some hero for murdering a man, "Vance now may rest in piece because of you." They would always say, but I feel like there was something I could've done to help the boys.
Bruce Yamada's father HATED me, meanwhile his mother loved me, "If only you and Bruce could've switched places." I couldn't agree more.
Robin Arellano's dad died while trying to save a friend, but his mother and uncle Ricky loved me, but I felt to guilty to ever go there when Robin isn't there.
I'd always felt bad for them, they had such strong, important kids. Yet me, Finney the f4G Blake, the most weak kid in school, survived. I didn't deserve to survive, if only it was the other boys who survived and not me.
The more I walked the darker it got, the sun started to down and so did my energy.
I came across a bridge that no one really went to anyone as it used to be a place where wild animals came to.
I sat down and just let everything come to mind. I didn't even notice myself crying until. went to rub my eyes from how tired I was.
Mentally and pshically.
There was a river under the bridge, and it got pretty rough at nights. I watched as the river got rough and start to hit against the rocks. I suddenly got an idea, is it dumb? yes. Would anyone care? no. I had noone left, it doesn't matter.
I watched the sun go down then it was dark out. It was really dark out, the only light being from the moon. I looked at water, it was gorgeous.
The moon shining off of it, rough waves hitting against the rocks but still managed to look pretty.
I slowly got up and stepped onto the edge of the bridge, I took a deep breath as all my memories came flooding back.
Memories of me and my mom, Gwen, Robin, my bullies.. my dad.
The memories slowly got worse which gave me more of as reason to jump off.
I took a deep breath and stepped off the bridge.
I would no longer be in pain.

AHH. OMG. 😨. I'm scared LMAOO
anyways boom uhm yeah.
How is everyone😄?

You drew stars, around my scars.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat