☆☆Cha Eunwoo Twins ff☆☆
Twins brothers,both look exactly same but opposite personalities. A confusion about who to love .Sweet and flirty or cold and rude? They both have their unique charms. Very exciting!
Entering into the chaotic new school, fill...
Bo ah was very close to Dongwook, touching his suit.
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In na stormed in and shouted: GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY HUSBAND!!!
Bo ah gave a smile while Dongwook looked at In na with shock.
Dongwook: In na?
In na with an angry tone: Didn't I tell you to get your hands off him?!
In na moved Bo ah's hand from Dongwook's suit.
Dongwook: In na are you ok?
In na: How am I gonna be ok with the things you're doing?!!
Dongwook: What do you mean?
Bo ah: You guys talk. I should go now.
Bo ah left from there and texted Dongmin about what happened.
In na gave Dongwook a glare.
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Dongwook: Why do you keep glaring at me like that?
In na: What were you doing with her?! Why was she so close to you?!!
Dongwook: Bo ah is my fr-
In na: You don't need to lie to me! You're trying to give another girl a place in your heart.
Dongwook scoffed: Look who's talking. Even if we aren't divorced you already found a partner and wanting to get married.
In na with a bewildered expression: What do you mean?
Dongwook: What's meaning of this expression? I know very well about Kim Jongin.
In na: Kim Jongin? I don't know that..wait, I do know a person with that name.
Dongwook: Yeah, I know you're dating him!
In na: Are you insane?!! Dating?!!
Dongwook: Yeah. I saw him giving you flowers and going to the restaurant together. I saw you with him at the Petal Flower shop. And I saw you with him at Sweet and Sour feast.
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In na: I went there but that wasn't with anyone named Kim Jongin. It was with my secretary Park Haejin. I got flowers for my mother's birthday and put them on her grave. And I treated him to that restaurant the other day for his good work.
Dongwook: Oh..
In na: You know, you're still an idiot! Do you even know who Kim Jongin is? He is Kai! I'm his fan.
Dongwook: Does that mean, Dongmin and Eunwoo tricked me?! They said you were going to marry him.
In na: They told me you and Bo ah are in a relationship and you were gonna marry her!
Dongwook: No! Bo ah is just a good friend. And you know she was my best friend since university. There's nothing else between us. I just can'-
In na: So my sons fooled me. But I think you don't have something more to say. You are so mean Dongwook.I hate you...
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In na was about to leave with tears in her eyes.
When Dongwook saw her tearful eyes he felt very bad and started going after her.
Dongwook was about to leave when Bo ah came.
Bo ah: Wookie your meeting?
Dongwook: Leave it. I don't have time.
He started running after In na.
Dongmin and Eunwoo saw their mom run to a bridge while crying and Dongwook came after her.
Eunwoo and Dongmin were sitting inside the car.
Eunwoo: Mom is crying? And she's running to the bridge. Should we go after them?
Dongmin: No, dad is going after her. We should just let them solve their problem. Just wait here.
In na stood on the bridge and Dongwook came after her.
Dongwook: In na!
In na while facing towards the water: No matter what happens, Dongwook, please don't ask for a divorce. I know I made a big mistake. I shouldn't have done those things then. I left the most important person of my life.
Dongwook turned her face towards his.
Dongwook: I'm sorry In na. I didn't try to bring you back. I was so stupid. You were the sunshine of my life. You don't know how hard it was to live without you. Because of my ridiculous ego I couldn't fix anything. Life is hell without you. Will you forgive me?
In na placed her hand on Dongwook's face.
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