Ch 20: Ugly Truth

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Peyton pov:

I'd been distant with Fallon and Ella, I didn't know how to bring up what happened with either of them. There is no excuse for what happened, I shouldn't have kissed her.

But I'm a bad person. I hoped that if Fallon didn't freak out, Ella wouldn't know and break up with me. I liked her, I liked spending time with her, I don't know what came over me.

Classes were boring and going as usual, projects in Theater required us to help set up and build stage sets for the next play. Improv was chaotic as usual, especially since Matt and Sevin were like the same person.

The only good thing was the gig we had on Sunday. The show sold out and went well. We met some people that came and fans that had been listening for awhile. We even sold some merch, it was a gladiator with an arrow going into his back as he fell over.

We made good money from it, not to mention the money we got from signing with John. I had more than I knew what to do with. I gave a lot to my mom to help with expenses around the house or things she or my sister needed.

She was through the roof when I told her about the contract deal. My sister, mom, and I went out to eat to celebrate the deal. Things were just complicated in my life. I didn't know what to do or how to feel about most things. I just wanted to curl up and lay in a hole for a few days.

Halloween was soon and people were excited for the party. Some more than others when they found out my band was playing. Word about my band got around school from Fallon's party. More people were nicer and cooler to us.

I didn't really care for it, most just wanted to try and integrate me into their friend circles and I wasn't interested.

Seeing Fallon for the first time in a while I noticed she looked pretty bad. She wore a big hoodie and some jeans, she even had dark circles under her eyes. Her already dark and sour demeanor worse than previous.

She wouldn't talk to me or anyone. When someone tried talking to her they ended up crying and running away. I noticed that Derek tried talking to her a few times but It didn't get very far. They'd end up in a screaming match or just pissing each other off.

It was a pretty shitty few days, I was glad to have the weekend again. I'd be studying for some tests coming up as well and doing some improv projects. I took a ride from Kenji, going home and starting on my things.

My mom was at work, so was my dad, and Liv is probably at her friend's house or something. Going to the fridge I grab a few beers and some leftovers from the previous night. Going to my room I set my shit down and start to eat while watching something.

I was a couple beers in when I smoked a joint, letting myself chill out. Outside cracked with thunder as it began to rain. The rain pelted the window, I always liked the sound of it. The fresh smell of rain, the darkness it usually carried, it was all soothing to me.

Putting on some music I start to work on my homework. It wasn't too bad or hard, but Science wasn't my best subject, I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

I feel close to giving up on studying for the test when a loud knock on my door sounds out. Putting my joint aside I go to answer it, seeing a soaking wet Fallon at my door. Her eyes were cold and shedding tears, she hugged herself to keep warm.

"What the fuck? Why are you in the rain?" I don't see a car or anyone else with her, did she walk here?

"Can I come in?" Her voice was quiet as the rain continued to pelt her, soaking her further.

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