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"Jungkook will you be with us for lunch,dear"

"No mother.I would have loved to but I made plans with my friends beforehand"

"What kind of plans?"Taehyung asked

"Why should he tell you that.Are you his mother"

"Great .Have fun"Taehyung said flatly

"Grow up will you.He is just hanging out with his friends.What's there to be bitter about"

Taehyung finished his breakfast first and left the table without a word and didn't even spare a glance to Jungkook who was left feeling like he had done something wrong.

"For this kind of man you are going to marry I'm gonna ask you to be strong and patient"Mr Kim said

"He is just scaring you.Taehyung used to be bipolar but he has improved greatly.With time you will understand him"

"Still i wish you good luck Jungkook.You will need it"

"He isn't so bad"

"You sound confident that you can tame him"

"I'm not confident but I can try.He isn't a total animal"Jungkook said

"I guess we don't have to worry much about you"

"Trust me.I got this .Excuse me"Jungkook left the table and went up to Taehyung's room.When he got there the alpha was laying on the bed with his eyes shut and arms crossed over his chest.Is this how people sleep nowadays.

Jungkook shrugged and went to take a shower.His clothes were already in the bathroom so his work was made easier.After twenty minutes he was done.From the moment he stepped out of the bathroom he could feel Taehyung's gaze on him but he ignored it and went to the alpha's dressing table and helped himself to some of the cologne there.He fixed his hair and was good to go.

"Im done.Won't you see me out"

"I'm busy"


Jungkook was almost at the door when Taehyung beat him to it.He watched in horror as the alpha locked the door and retrieved the keys.

"What are you doing"

"While i was laying there i have been thinking"

"About what?'

"I can't let you leave so easily can i?"

"Are you out of your mind Taehyung"


"What do you want.Just spit it out"

"Nothing much.I just want you to call up your friends and cancel whatever plans you had made"

"Why would i do that"

"Because your fiance wants to take you to the amusement park"

"And if i refuse?"

"You won't be getting out of this room.Trust me there is nothing my parents or anyone can do about it"

"Don't you know how to make plans in advance?"the omega asked

"I could if you were answering my phone the last few days"

"You want me to ditch my friends for you?"

"If you want to get out of here then you will do as i asked.It's not so hard right"


"Do you think i will just take your word for it.Let them know"

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